espressif / idf-extra-components

Additional components for ESP-IDF, maintained by Espressif
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Eigen .gitignore is (was) misconfigured #129

Closed kutukvpavel closed 1 year ago

kutukvpavel commented 1 year ago

Gitignore file for Eigen includes entry *build*. It leads to scripts/ being ignored. In turn, this causes build failure if the component is cloned as a part (dependency) of a project repository, and Eigen dependency has to be removed and reinstalled using for every new local instance.

The issue has been fixed upstream, but there is no release yet. Is there any way to integrate this fix? I think a backport is required to do so. It's easy to create one, but where to host it?

igrr commented 1 year ago

In turn, this causes build failure if the component is cloned as a part (dependency) of a project repository, and Eigen dependency has to be removed and reinstalled using for every new local instance.

Could you please explain this part in a bit more detail? What steps did you perform to add Eigen to the project, and what is the build error that you observe?

kutukvpavel commented 1 year ago

@igrr Well, initially I used add-dependency commands as suggested in the component registry page, and observed only the issue described in my pull request #128. This issue required me to move Eigen from (I can't remember exact name of the directory idf-component-manager uses, but it sounded something like this) auto-managed components to local components to make necessary edits. To accomplish this I simply moved Eigen folder into components/ directory (as shown in the docs) and also, I believe, removed the component hash file.

After fixing #128 for my local copy of Eigen, I observed no build issues on the machine I initially created the project on, let's call it "the first machine" for short.

However, I use multiple machines for development of my project and, obviously, I use git to manage my sources. Therefore I initialized a git repo in my project directory (with .gitignore configured to ignore build directories only, so components/ is indexed), pushed into a remote (sorry, private repo on a private server, so I can't just show it to you) and and then cloned the project repository to all my other computers. My understanding is, that cloned working copies should build with no issues, however, I faced error configuring component Eigen CMAKE error message for all cloned repositories.

Upon further inspection I found that initial error that lead to bailing out was no such file or directory: scripts/ I was surprised to find that exists on the "first machine", but is not indexed by git, and therefore is indeed missing in all cloned repos. git-check-ignore lead me to .gitignore file for Eigen and *build* line, then some searching lead me to this merge request upstream, that got merged not long ago.

igrr commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the explanation, I think now I understand what happened there.

Since #128 is now merged and the new component version is released, can you go back to using the version of the component installed by the component manager? I am assuming you will keep the managed_components directory in .gitignore, so the components downloaded by the component manager won't be checked into git.

kutukvpavel commented 1 year ago

Frankly, I didn't even give component manager another thought ever since I switched to a local copy. Thanks for a reminder.

Indeed, thanks to timely merged #128, this seems to be the most sensible solution, until a new release of Eigen appears anyway. Closing.