Colors differ largely from any RGB color picker if led_strip_set_pixel() is fed by RGB units ranging 0-255 like found in most color pickers. Turns out that led_strip_set_pixel() is expecting percentages of each color component. That way the LED has the color one was dialing in with the color picker. However there only few color pickers that also tell percentages of the color components in addition to RGB units. This picker does exactly that:
[ ] Component contains License
[ ] Component contains
[ ] Component contains idf_component.yml file with url field defined
Colors differ largely from any RGB color picker if led_strip_set_pixel() is fed by RGB units ranging 0-255 like found in most color pickers. Turns out that led_strip_set_pixel() is expecting percentages of each color component. That way the LED has the color one was dialing in with the color picker. However there only few color pickers that also tell percentages of the color components in addition to RGB units. This picker does exactly that:
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