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Fork of LLVM with Xtensa specific patches. To be upstreamed.
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Sign extending an i8 to i32 gives an unexpected result (LLVM-403) #102

Open jothan opened 2 months ago

jothan commented 2 months ago


How often does this bug occurs?


Expected behavior

I'm doing some work with FFI using esp-idf-svc and related crates. I am calling dns_gethostbyname_addrtype (from the TCP-IP thread), the return value is an i8 for all intents and purposes. I am then matching this return code with constants such as esp-idf-sys::err_enum_t_ERR_INPROGRESS (-5) that are i32.

extern "C" {
    fn dns_gethostbyname_addrtype(
        hostname: *const c_char,
        addr: *mut sys::esp_ip_addr_t,
        found: Option<
            unsafe extern "C" fn(
                name: *const c_char,
                ipaddr: Option<NonNull<sys::esp_ip_addr_t>>,
                callback_arg: *mut c_void,
        callback_arg: *mut c_void,
        dns_addrtype: u8,
    ) -> sys::err_t;

Actual behavior (suspected bug)

let ret: i8 = unsafe { dns_gethostbyname_addrtype(...) };
let ret_i32 = ret as i32;

Using the latest esp-rs 1.81 toolchain, ret_i32 ends up with a value of 251, as if I did (ret as u8 as i32) instead of -5.

Converting an i8 to an i32 in a constant context gives the expected result. I have not yet managed to minify this problem into a smaller case.

Error logs or terminal output

No response

Steps to reproduce the behavior

(tentative, unknown if this affects all similar cases)

  1. Call a C function returning an i8 that cannot be optimized away or inlined.
  2. Convert the i8 to i32.

Project release version

esp-rs 1.81 toolchain

System architecture

Intel/AMD 64-bit (modern PC, older Mac)

Operating system


Operating system version

Debian Trixie



Additional context

No response

jothan commented 2 months ago

@ivmarkov FYI

gerekon commented 2 months ago

@jothan What target you build your program for? What CPU: Xtensa or RISCV?

jothan commented 2 months ago

@gerekon I should have mentioned, this is on Xtensa / xtensa-esp32-espidf.

jothan commented 2 months ago

Full related code dump.

mod netif {
    pub fn extract_ip(value: &sys::esp_ip_addr_t) -> Option<IpAddr> {
        match value.type_ as _ {
            sys::ESP_IPADDR_TYPE_V4 => Some(
                Ipv4Addr::from(u32::from_be(unsafe { value.u_addr.ip4.addr }).to_be_bytes()).into(),
            sys::ESP_IPADDR_TYPE_V6 => Some(extract_ipv6(unsafe { value.u_addr.ip6.addr }).into()),
            _ => None,

    fn extract_ipv6(value: [u32; 4]) -> Ipv6Addr {
        let mut out = [0; 16];
            .for_each(|(i, o)| {
                *o = i;


pub mod dns {
    use std::{ffi::CString, mem::ManuallyDrop, ops::DerefMut};

    use netif::extract_ip;

    use super::*;

    const LWIP_DNS_ADDRTYPE_IPV4: u8 = 0;
    const LWIP_DNS_ADDRTYPE_IPV6: u8 = 1;

    extern "C" {
        fn dns_gethostbyname_addrtype(
            hostname: *const c_char,
            addr: *mut sys::esp_ip_addr_t,
            found: Option<
                unsafe extern "C" fn(
                    name: *const c_char,
                    ipaddr: Option<NonNull<sys::esp_ip_addr_t>>,
                    callback_arg: *mut c_void,
            callback_arg: *mut c_void,
            dns_addrtype: u8,
        ) -> sys::err_t;

    type IpSender = async_oneshot::Sender<Result<sys::esp_ip_addr_t, Error>>;

    #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
    pub enum Error {
        #[error("Invalid name")]
        #[error("DNS lookup error")]

    pub struct Name(CString);

    impl TryFrom<&str> for Name {
        type Error = Error;

        fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {

    impl TryFrom<String> for Name {
        type Error = Error;

        fn try_from(mut value: String) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
            value.push(0 as char);
                CString::from_vec_with_nul(value.into()).map_err(|_| Error::InvalidName)?,

    pub async fn resolve_ipv4(name: &Name) -> Result<Ipv4Addr, Error> {
        let ip = resolve(&name.0, LWIP_DNS_ADDRTYPE_IPV4).await?;
        match ip {
            IpAddr::V4(ip) => Ok(ip),
            _ => Err(Error::LookupError),

    pub async fn resolve_ipv6(name: &Name) -> Result<Ipv6Addr, Error> {
        let ip = resolve(&name.0, LWIP_DNS_ADDRTYPE_IPV6).await?;
        match ip {
            IpAddr::V6(ip) => Ok(ip),
            _ => Err(Error::LookupError),

    /// Call resolve_raw from the TCP/IP thread
    async fn resolve(name: &CStr, addr_type: u8) -> Result<IpAddr, Error> {
        let (tx, rx) = async_oneshot::oneshot();

        struct Ctx(*const c_char, u8, IpSender);
        unsafe impl Send for Ctx {}
        let mut ctx = ManuallyDrop::new(Ctx(name.as_ptr(), addr_type, tx));

        unsafe { sys::esp_netif_tcpip_exec(Some(cb), ctx.deref_mut() as *mut _ as *mut c_void) };

        unsafe extern "C" fn cb(ctx: *mut c_void) -> sys::esp_err_t {
            let Ctx(name, addr_type, tx) = unsafe { std::ptr::read(ctx as *mut Ctx) };
            unsafe { resolve_raw(name, addr_type, tx) };

            .map_err(|_| Error::LookupError)?
            .and_then(|ip| extract_ip(&ip).ok_or(Error::LookupError))

    unsafe fn resolve_raw(name: *const c_char, addr_type: u8, tx: IpSender) {
        let mut ip: sys::esp_ip_addr_t = Default::default();
        let tx: *mut IpSender = Box::into_raw(Box::new(tx));
        let ret = unsafe {
            dns_gethostbyname_addrtype(name, &mut ip, Some(cb), tx as *mut c_void, addr_type)

        unsafe extern "C" fn cb(
            _name: *const c_char,
            ipaddr: Option<NonNull<sys::esp_ip_addr_t>>,
            callback_arg: *mut c_void,
        ) {
            let mut tx = unsafe { Box::from_raw(callback_arg as *mut IpSender) };
            let ipaddr = ipaddr
                .map(|ip| unsafe { })
            let _ = tx.send(ipaddr);

        // -5 gets "sign-extended" into 251 when doing i8 as i32
        // Codegen bug ?
        const OK: i8 = sys::err_enum_t_ERR_OK as i8;
        const INPROGRESS: i8 = sys::err_enum_t_ERR_INPROGRESS as i8;
        const ARG: i8 = sys::err_enum_t_ERR_ARG as i8;

        match ret {
            OK => {
                let mut tx = unsafe { Box::from_raw(tx) };
                let _ = tx.send(Ok(ip));
            INPROGRESS => (),
            ARG => {
                let mut tx = unsafe { Box::from_raw(tx) };
                let _ = tx.send(Err(Error::InvalidName));
            _ => {
                panic!("Unexpected result from DNS resolution system.");
gerekon commented 2 months ago

Can not reproduce this in C. @mabezDev any thoughts? Have you seen this?

gerekon commented 2 months ago

@jothan Is it possible to get disassembly for

let ret: i8 = unsafe { dns_gethostbyname_addrtype(...) };
let ret_i32 = ret as i32;


jothan commented 2 months ago

Problematic rust code with disassembly.

Making sign_extender never inline makes the issue go away.

Also, I'm having trouble getting xtensa-esp32-elf-objdump to show decoded instructions for this function for some reason. It shows disassembly for most other functions, it seems.

    unsafe fn resolve_raw(name: *const c_char, addr_type: u8, tx: IpSender) {
        let mut ip: sys::esp_ip_addr_t = Default::default();
        let tx: *mut IpSender = Box::into_raw(Box::new(tx));
        let ret = unsafe {
            dns_gethostbyname_addrtype(name, &mut ip, Some(cb), tx as *mut c_void, addr_type)

        unsafe extern "C" fn cb(
            _name: *const c_char,
            ipaddr: Option<NonNull<sys::esp_ip_addr_t>>,
            callback_arg: *mut c_void,
        ) {
            let mut tx = unsafe { Box::from_raw(callback_arg as *mut IpSender) };
            let ipaddr = ipaddr
                .map(|ip| unsafe { })
            let _ = tx.send(ipaddr);

        // -5 gets "sign-extended" into 251 when doing i8 as i32
        // Codegen bug ?
        match sign_extender(ret) {
            sys::err_enum_t_ERR_OK => {
                let mut tx = unsafe { Box::from_raw(tx) };
                let _ = tx.send(Ok(ip));
            sys::err_enum_t_ERR_INPROGRESS => (),
            sys::err_enum_t_ERR_ARG => {
                let mut tx = unsafe { Box::from_raw(tx) };
                let _ = tx.send(Err(Error::InvalidName));
            v => {
                log::error!("crash: {v}");
                panic!("Unexpected result from DNS resolution system.");

    fn sign_extender(v: i8) -> i32 {
        v as i32
40104158 <resolve_raw>:
            .map_err(|_| Error::LookupError)?
            .and_then(|ip| extract_ip(&ip).ok_or(Error::LookupError))

    unsafe fn resolve_raw(name: *const c_char, addr_type: u8, tx: IpSender) {
40104158:   62010136    
4010415c:   388100c1    
40104160:   e006ad31    
        let mut ip: sys::esp_ip_addr_t = Default::default();
40104164:   8a0c0008    
40104168:   28814b0c    
4010416c:   0008e030    
40104170:   47520a7d    
40104174:   82074904    
40104178:   e380ffa0    
        let tx: *mut IpSender = Box::into_raw(Box::new(tx));
        let ret = unsafe {
            dns_gethostbyname_addrtype(name, &mut ip, Some(cb), tx as *mut c_void, addr_type)
4010417c:   3942c110    
40104180:   ad394381    
40104184:   dd06bd02    
40104188:   0008e007    
4010418c:   1a87087c    
            let _ = tx.send(ipaddr);

        // -5 gets "sign-extended" into 251 when doing i8 as i32
        // Codegen bug ?
        match sign_extender(ret) {
40104190:   87b87c29    
40104194:   fa56401a    
40104198:   11617203    
            sys::err_enum_t_ERR_OK => {
                let mut tx = unsafe { Box::from_raw(tx) };
4010419c:   4b18c162    
                let _ = tx.send(Ok(ip));
401041a0:   00c1b2a6    
401041a4:   a3818c1c    
401041a8:   0008e02f    
401041ac:   4182080c    
401041b0:   39378118    
401041b4:   06bd07ad    
401041b8:   720003c6    
            sys::err_enum_t_ERR_INPROGRESS => (),
            sys::err_enum_t_ERR_ARG => {
                let mut tx = unsafe { Box::from_raw(tx) };
401041bc:   180c1161    
                let _ = tx.send(Err(Error::InvalidName));
401041c0:   b20c5182    
401041c4:   328118c1    
401041c8:   e007ad39    
401041cc:   c1a20008    
401041d0:   39308144    
401041d4:   1d0008e0    
            v => {
                log::error!("crash: {v}");
                panic!("Unexpected result from DNS resolution system.");
401041d8:   81d1a9f0    
            v => {
401041dc:   088830cd    
                log::error!("crash: {v}");
401041e0:   0c048816    
401041e4:   0ca18908    
401041e8:   81717917    
401041ec:   6189392b    
401041f0:   c1829179    
401041f4:   81818938    
401041f8:   f1893929    
401041fc:   8934c182    
40104200:   3927a1e1    
40104204:   e030c681    
40104208:   61a20008    
4010420c:   82082c15    
40104210:   24911461    
40104214:   13619239    
40104218:   92126182    
4010421c:   c1a21161    
40104220:   44c1c218    
40104224:   bd30c081    
40104228:   0008e007    
4010422c:   f0              .byte   0xf0
4010422d:   41              .byte   0x41
gerekon commented 2 months ago

Hmm. Looks stragne. Could you send me program binary? While I will try to reproduce this in Rust

MabezDev commented 2 months ago

@jothan I'm not able to repro this, a full repo (preferably minimized as much as possible) would be appreciated.

In the mean time, if you print ret before sign extending, is the value -5?

What is the size of sys::err_t and where is the type coming from, esp-idf-sys?

jothan commented 2 months ago

@MabezDev Chasing esp_idf_sys::err_t aliases down to i8, according to rust-analyzer.

Strangely, putting a print before the match statement outputs -5 and prevents the bug from occurring.

I'm going to minimize this as much as possible. @gerekon what is the best way to send you my binary ?

MabezDev commented 2 months ago

I'm going to minimize this as much as possible. @gerekon what is the best way to send you my binary ?

A separate repo with build instructions is best, as we can try out various things to narrow it down further.

jothan commented 2 months ago

@MabezDev here you go:

I got it down to 250 lines and it is still fully runnable and reproduces the bug.

jothan commented 2 months ago

Good news, objdump disassembly is now working.

ASM dump:

400d5904 <resolve_raw>:
        .map_err(|_| Error::LookupError)?
        .and_then(|ip| extract_ip(&ip).ok_or(Error::LookupError))

unsafe fn resolve_raw(name: *const c_char, addr_type: u8, tx: IpSender) {
400d5904:   010136          entry   a1, 128
400d5907:   00c162          addi    a6, a1, 0
400d590a:   eabe81          l32r    a8, 400d0404 <_stext+0x3e4> (400dadd8 <<esp_idf_sys::bindings::esp_mqtt_client_config_t_network_t as core::default::Default>::default>)
    let mut ip: sys::esp_ip_addr_t = Default::default();
400d590d:   06ad        mov.n   a10, a6
400d590f:   0008e0          callx8  a8
400d5912:   8a0c        movi.n  a10, 8
400d5914:   e9ca81          l32r    a8, 400d003c <_stext+0x1c> (400d52ac <alloc::alloc::exchange_malloc>)
400d5917:   0008e0          callx8  a8
400d591a:   0a7d        mov.n   a7, a10
400d591c:   044752          s8i a5, a7, 4
400d591f:   0749        s32i.n  a4, a7, 0
400d5921:   ffa082          movi    a8, 255
    let tx: *mut IpSender = Box::into_raw(Box::new(tx));
    let ret = unsafe {
        dns_gethostbyname_addrtype(name, &mut ip, Some(cb), tx as *mut c_void, addr_type)
400d5924:   10e380          and a14, a3, a8
400d5927:   eab8c1          l32r    a12, 400d0408 <_stext+0x3e8> (400d59dc <llvm_sign_extension::resolve_raw::cb>)
400d592a:   eab881          l32r    a8, 400d040c <_stext+0x3ec> (400f0998 <dns_gethostbyname_addrtype>)
400d592d:   02ad        mov.n   a10, a2
400d592f:   06bd        mov.n   a11, a6
400d5931:   07dd        mov.n   a13, a7
400d5933:   0008e0          callx8  a8
400d5936:   087c        movi.n  a8, -16

    //log::info!("ret: {ret}");

    // -5 gets "sign-extended" into 251 when doing i8 as i32
    // Codegen bug ?
    match sign_extender(ret) {
400d5938:   291a87          beq a10, a8, 400d5965 <resolve_raw+0x61>
400d593b:   b87c        movi.n  a8, -5
400d593d:   401a87          beq a10, a8, 400d5981 <resolve_raw+0x7d>
400d5940:   03fa56          bnez    a10, 400d5983 <resolve_raw+0x7f>
        sys::err_enum_t_ERR_OK => {
            let mut tx = unsafe { Box::from_raw(tx) };
400d5943:   116172          s32i    a7, a1, 68
400d5946:   18c162          addi    a6, a1, 24
            let _ = tx.send(Ok(ip));
400d5949:   a64b        addi.n  a10, a6, 4
400d594b:   00c1b2          addi    a11, a1, 0
400d594e:   8c1c        movi.n  a12, 24
400d5950:   e9ce81          l32r    a8, 400d0088 <_stext+0x68> (4000c2c8 <memcpy>)
400d5953:   0008e0          callx8  a8
400d5956:   080c        movi.n  a8, 0
400d5958:   184182          s8i a8, a1, 24
400d595b:   eaad81          l32r    a8, 400d0410 <_stext+0x3f0> (400d2cd4 <async_oneshot::sender::Sender<T>::send>)
400d595e:   07ad        mov.n   a10, a7
400d5960:   06bd        mov.n   a11, a6
400d5962:   0003c6          j   400d5975 <resolve_raw+0x71>
        sys::err_enum_t_ERR_INPROGRESS => (),
        sys::err_enum_t_ERR_ARG => {
            let mut tx = unsafe { Box::from_raw(tx) };
400d5965:   116172          s32i    a7, a1, 68
400d5968:   180c        movi.n  a8, 1
            let _ = tx.send(Err(Error::InvalidName));
400d596a:   0c5182          s16i    a8, a1, 24
400d596d:   18c1b2          addi    a11, a1, 24
400d5970:   eaa881          l32r    a8, 400d0410 <_stext+0x3f0> (400d2cd4 <async_oneshot::sender::Sender<T>::send>)
400d5973:   07ad        mov.n   a10, a7
400d5975:   0008e0          callx8  a8
400d5978:   44c1a2          addi    a10, a1, 68
400d597b:   eaa681          l32r    a8, 400d0414 <_stext+0x3f4> (400d4cb8 <core::ptr::drop_in_place<alloc::boxed::Box<async_oneshot::sender::Sender<core::result::Result<esp_idf_sys::bindings::_ip_addr,llvm_sign_extension::Error>>>>>)
400d597e:   0008e0          callx8  a8
        v => {
            log::error!("crash: {v}");
            panic!("Unexpected result from DNS resolution system.");
400d5981:   f01d        retw.n
        v => {
400d5983:   d1a9        s32i.n  a10, a1, 52
400d5985:   e9f481          l32r    a8, 400d0158 <_stext+0x138> (3ffb368c <log::MAX_LOG_LEVEL_FILTER>)
400d5988:   0888        l32i.n  a8, a8, 0
            log::error!("crash: {v}");
400d598a:   048816          beqz    a8, 400d59d6 <resolve_raw+0xd2>
400d598d:   080c        movi.n  a8, 0
400d598f:   a189        s32i.n  a8, a1, 40
400d5991:   170c        movi.n  a7, 1
400d5993:   7179        s32i.n  a7, a1, 28
400d5995:   eaa081          l32r    a8, 400d0418 <_stext+0x3f8> (3f4006a8 <_flash_rodata_start+0x588>)
400d5998:   6189        s32i.n  a8, a1, 24
400d599a:   9179        s32i.n  a7, a1, 36
400d599c:   38c182          addi    a8, a1, 56
400d599f:   8189        s32i.n  a8, a1, 32
400d59a1:   ea9e81          l32r    a8, 400d041c <_stext+0x3fc> (400e5534 <core::fmt::num::imp::<impl core::fmt::Display for i32>::fmt>)
400d59a4:   f189        s32i.n  a8, a1, 60
400d59a6:   34c182          addi    a8, a1, 52
400d59a9:   e189        s32i.n  a8, a1, 56
400d59ab:   ea9da1          l32r    a10, 400d0420 <_stext+0x400> (3f4006b0 <_flash_rodata_start+0x590>)
400d59ae:   e9ed81          l32r    a8, 400d0164 <_stext+0x144> (4014d494 <log::__private_api::loc>)
400d59b1:   0008e0          callx8  a8
400d59b4:   1561a2          s32i    a10, a1, 84
400d59b7:   381c        movi.n  a8, 19
400d59b9:   146182          s32i    a8, a1, 80
400d59bc:   e9eb91          l32r    a9, 400d0168 <_stext+0x148> (3f400614 <_flash_rodata_start+0x4f4>)
400d59bf:   136192          s32i    a9, a1, 76
400d59c2:   126182          s32i    a8, a1, 72
400d59c5:   116192          s32i    a9, a1, 68
400d59c8:   18c1a2          addi    a10, a1, 24
400d59cb:   44c1c2          addi    a12, a1, 68
400d59ce:   e9e781          l32r    a8, 400d016c <_stext+0x14c> (400dab54 <log::__private_api::log>)
400d59d1:   07bd        mov.n   a11, a7
400d59d3:   0008e0          callx8  a8
400d59d6:   0041f0          break   1, 15
jothan commented 2 months ago

I've updated my bug repo to use automatically generated bindings for the main FFI call, reducing the possibility of error on my previous manual function declaration of dns_gethostbyname_addrtype.

gerekon commented 2 months ago

Hmm, I do not see problem here. After call to dns_gethostbyname_addrtype result is returned in a2 which is compared with -5 in a8

400d592a:   eab881          l32r    a8, 400d040c <_stext+0x3ec> (400f0998 <dns_gethostbyname_addrtype>)
400d592d:   02ad        mov.n   a10, a2
400d592f:   06bd        mov.n   a11, a6
400d5931:   07dd        mov.n   a13, a7
400d5933:   0008e0          callx8  a8
400d5936:   087c        movi.n  a8, -16

    //log::info!("ret: {ret}");

    // -5 gets "sign-extended" into 251 when doing i8 as i32
    // Codegen bug ?
    match sign_extender(ret) {
400d5938:   291a87          beq a10, a8, 400d5965 <resolve_raw+0x61>
400d593b:   b87c        movi.n  a8, -5

Looks like the problem is in how that value is passed from dns_gethostbyname_addrtype to this code. I suppose that using automatically generated bindings instead of manual function declaration solved you problem. Right?

jothan commented 2 months ago

@gerekon Using the automatically generated binding made no change.

gerekon commented 2 months ago

@gerekon Using the automatically generated binding made no change.

Ahh, I see. Then need to look at dns_gethostbyname_addrtype disass.

jothan commented 2 months ago
400f0db7:       1198            l32i.n  a9, a1, 4
400f0db9:       084892          s8i     a9, a8, 8
          return ERR_INPROGRESS;
400f0dbc:       fba022          movi    a2, 251
400f0dbf:       ff6d46          j       400f0b78 <dns_gethostbyname_addrtype+0x68>
(this last jump is to a retw.n instruction)
jothan commented 2 months ago

It is my understanding that a2 gets loaded with 0x000000fb.

Later, since it is a call8, the return value ends up in a10 and gets compared:

400d593b:   b87c        movi.n  a8, -5
400d593d:   401a87          beq a10, a8, 400d5981 <resolve_raw+0x7d>

From my limited understanding of Xtensa assembly, it would seem that it gets compared against 0xfffffffb that gets loaded into a8.

The comparison then ends up non-matching and chaos ensues.

jothan commented 2 months ago

From section 8.1.4 of the Xtensa ISA manual:

All arguments consist of an integral number of 4-byte words. Thus, the minimum argument size is one word. Integer values smaller than a word (that is, char and short) are stored in the least significant portion of the argument word, with the upper bits set to zero for unsigned values or sign-extended for signed values.

So, according to this, the C code is returning the value as if it was a u8 (zero extended) and this would be the source of the problem.

jothan commented 2 months ago

I should have quoted 8.1.5 instead, but it's the same principle:

Return values smaller than a word are stored in the least-significant part of AR[2], with the upper bits set to zero for unsigned values or sign-extended for signed values.

ivmarkov commented 2 months ago

From section 8.1.4 of the Xtensa ISA manual:

All arguments consist of an integral number of 4-byte words. Thus, the minimum argument size is one word. Integer values smaller than a word (that is, char and short) are stored in the least significant portion of the argument word, with the upper bits set to zero for unsigned values or sign-extended for signed values.

So, according to this, the C code is returning the value as if it was a u8 (zero extended) and this would be the source of the problem.

Mr Obvious here. Just to mention that the ESP-IDF C code is (still) built with xtensa-GCC. Not sure where the ESP-IDF folks are with the effort to make ESP-IDF buildable and operable with clang.

So we have two backends in play here: xtensa-GCC for the ESP-IDF C code, and xtensa-llvm for Rust.

jothan commented 2 months ago

@ivmarkov Yes, so it seems that the xtensa-GCC folks should have a look at this. I'd venture a guess that both GCC and LLVM want to be sticking to the ISA manual calling convention with regards to signed byte value returns.

Meanwhile, I'm looking at the C code right now to see if it somehow ends up with an accidental u8 return type when compiled.

gerekon commented 2 months ago

@ivmarkov Yes, so it seems that the xtensa-GCC folks should have a look at this. I'd venture a guess that both GCC and LLVM should be sticking to the ISA manual calling convention with regards to signed byte value returns.

Meanwhile, I'm looking at the C code right now to see if it somehow ends up with an accidental u8 return type when compiled.

I checked that with Clang and it worked OK. But here we need to compile program calling C function from lib/obj compiled with GCC :-).

ivmarkov commented 2 months ago

@ivmarkov Yes, so it seems that the xtensa-GCC folks should have a look at this. I'd venture a guess that both GCC and LLVM should be sticking to the ISA manual calling convention with regards to signed byte value returns. Meanwhile, I'm looking at the C code right now to see if it somehow ends up with an accidental u8 return type when compiled.

I checked that with Clang and it worked OK. But here we need to compile program calling C function from lib/obj compiled with GCC :-).

Which should still work as both compilers need to agree on the calling convention.

This is not just a problem for Rust "esp-idf"-based crates calling into GCC-compiled ESP-IDF. Bare-metal uses the modem libs (Wifi/BT/IEEE802.15.4) as precompiled .a BLOBs. And these are - I assume - precompiled with xtensa-GCC as well.

igrr commented 2 months ago

I remember running into the same difference between calling conventions between GCC and xcc (Cadence proprietary compiler) some time in 2016 — whether i8 values get sign-extended on return or not. I seem to remember @jcmvbkbc commenting something about the issue at that time but I can't find the comment now...

jothan commented 2 months ago
#include <stdint.h>

int8_t secret_code(void)
    return -5;

Compiling it with GCC gives:

0040018c <secret_code>:
  40018c:   004136          entry   a1, 32
  40018f:   fba022          movi    a2, 251
  400192:   f01d        retw.n

If this gets patched out, would it be a flag day type thing ? You would essentially need to not mix code compiled with an older compiler.

jothan commented 2 months ago does not have issues enabled, does anybody know the proper place to report a bug on xtensa-gcc ?

igrr commented 2 months ago

@jothan No need to open the issue in espressif/gcc, (almost) all the relevant people from Espressif are already participating here.

jothan commented 2 months ago

@jothan No need to open the issue in espressif/gcc, all the relevant people from Espressif are already participating here.

I'm in good hands then, thanks !

gerekon commented 2 months ago

cc @Lapshin

jcmvbkbc commented 2 months ago
#include <stdint.h>

int8_t secret_code(void)
    return -5;

Compiling it with GCC gives:

0040018c <secret_code>:
  40018c: 004136          entry   a1, 32
  40018f: fba022          movi    a2, 251
  400192: f01d        retw.n

I agree, it looks like the code generated by the gcc does not match the ABI. It is working with the other code generated by the gcc because it does zero/sign extension every time it uses the values that are narrower than a register.

If this gets patched out, would it be a flag day type thing ? You would essentially need to not mix code compiled with an older compiler.

Unless that zero/sign extension on use is removed the code compiled in accordance with the ABI should still interoperate with the old code. This is somewhat related to the

jothan commented 2 months ago

I agree, it looks like the code generated by the gcc does not match the ABI. It is working with the other code generated by the gcc because it does zero/sign extension every time it uses the values that are narrower than a register.

If this gets patched out, would it be a flag day type thing ? You would essentially need to not mix code compiled with an older compiler.

Unless that zero/sign extension on use is removed the code compiled in accordance with the ABI should still interoperate with the old code. This is somewhat related to the

I'm relieved there is a way forward, and that the code generated by GCC extends values as needed and is therefore robust as to what it accepts.

Should LLVM match this behaviour (extend on demand) ? Adding an instruction or two to ignore the upper bits seems like a decent compromise to avoid undefined behaviour.

Is there a "normal" way to parametrize calling conventions for LLVM ? Should there be a separate calling convention to enable this behaviour ?