espressif / zephyr-toolchain

Toolchain for Espressif chips for use in Zephyr
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Zephyr on ESP32-H2 support #1

Open mariobaldini opened 7 months ago

mariobaldini commented 7 months ago

Is Zephyr available for ESP32-H2, even if beta?

In some references it's mentioned under preview, but not in others (like this toolchain repo).


sylvioalves commented 7 months ago

@mariobaldini, not yet. We have been working on it. Possibly after ESP32-C6 support.

mariobaldini commented 7 months ago

Development is taking place on a public branch?

Can I try to contribute to it somehow?

sylvioalves commented 7 months ago

We will submit the new hal_espressifbranch based on esp-idf v5.1 (which contains support to C6, H2, ..) and then another PR enabling its usage on main zephyrrepository. Once that takes place, C6 support will proceed and it will allow H2 as well. I'll ping you when ready. Sounds good?

mariobaldini commented 7 months ago

Perfect. Let me know if I can help. Is there an expected timeline for it to be available?

One question though: what does the "In preview" means here?

Even though it's on the zephyr parent repo, that info is there just due import from IDF? (meaning it's in preview for IDF, not zephyr)

gevorgyana commented 1 month ago

I am also willing to help.