espresso3389 / pdfrx

pdfrx is yet another PDF viewer implementation that built on the top of pdfium. The plugin currently supports Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, and Web.
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Drawing on pdf #106

Closed Cersin closed 1 month ago

Cersin commented 2 months ago

Hi, its drawing on pdf file possible? I need something like selecting text to make a bookmark but I need to select an area, maybe some rectangle to mark some area of the pdf.

Maybe there is a way to achieve that?

espresso3389 commented 2 months ago

There are two ways to do that:

The second one is not needed if you can do your jobs using widgets only. But if you want to place many widgets on a page, it may degrade the page rendering speed and you may want to switch to the second one.

espresso3389 commented 2 months ago

For the first one, there's no solid sample now but its parent is Stack and you can place Align or Positioned to place child widgets.

There's a sample for the second one that shows marker highlight. You should firstly check the pdfrx's example code.

Cersin commented 2 months ago

There are two ways to do that:

The second one is not needed if you can do your jobs using widgets only. But if you want to place many widgets on a page, it may degrade the page rendering speed and you may want to switch to the second one.

but how do i place a rectangle and get good coordinates from pdf to draw on it? i will appreciate any help, you are good guy :)

Cersin commented 2 months ago

@espresso3389 oooh i got it, thanks!

Cersin commented 2 months ago

@espresso3389 can you give me a hint how to get good pdf coordinates from overlay widget and draw it into pdf?

jaween commented 1 month ago


Here's what I have. The pageOverlaysBuilder has a page parameter with a width and height measured in physical points (1/72 of an inch). It also has a pageRect which represents the page's bounds relative to the PdfViewer in logical pixels. This is all we need to convert between points and pixels.

To convert a pixel to a point horizontally, you could use:

final pixelToPointX = page.width / pageRect.width;
final myPixel = 200.0; // From a gesture detector perhaps
final myPoint = myPixel * pixelToPointX;

Vertical is the same process. To convert a point to a pixel just divide by pixelToPoint.