espresso3389 / pdfrx

pdfrx is yet another PDF viewer implementation that built on the top of pdfium. The plugin currently supports Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, and Web.
MIT License
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PdfViewer doesn't update the pdf after setState #113

Open cyberneid opened 1 month ago

cyberneid commented 1 month ago

With version 1.0.50 and later there is the following issue:

I added PdfViewr by using Uint8list data in this way:
      controller: _controller,

Then I change _pdfData in a function and call setState:

_pdfData = Uint8List.fromList(newDocumentData);                 
 setState(() {  });

After that, the PdfViewer doesn't show the new pdf. It still shows the old pdf.

With the previous version 0.4.5 it worked. The issue was not present.