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Python3 linter #3194

Closed jngrad closed 4 years ago

jngrad commented 4 years ago

pylint was recently removed (b720b5c1) because it only checked for one warning that had become a false positive in Python3. We can re-enable it (and move it to the style check job) if there is a need for rules that cannot be enforced by autopep8. A few candidates: class-naming-style, const-naming-style. Feel free to propose more rules here. The full list can be found in Pylint features.

jngrad commented 4 years ago

pylint can't run on Cython files, therefore whenever a .py file loads a function from a .pyx file, a warning is generated, usually one of E0001/E0401/E0611/E1101. The solution is to whitelist rules using --disable=all --enable=.... Most of the pylint logic has already been written down in the script that runs in the style job, it's only a matter of reverting commit f2ea574 and optionally updating the python script that posts messages on GitHub to show the log. We should also pin the version of pylint in the dockerfile.

I think the following rules should always be enforced:

The following rules should be run manually and periodically by maintainers to detect candidates for cleanup or refactoring:

To enable all rules except those failing on Cython or making too much noise: pylint3 --enable=all --disable=E0001,E0401,E0611,E1101,C0103,C0301,C0111,R0903,W1401,R0801,C0411,C0412,C0413,C0330,E1136,I src/ maintainer/ testsuite/

Other rules could pick up on PEP8 issues that are not properly handled by autopep8:

jngrad commented 4 years ago

Rule C0411 detected 128 python files where import statements are incorrectly ordered. Cython and IPython files have the same issue. We could re-order them, just like we re-order C++ includes in the core to minimize merge conflicts. @KaiSzuttor found out fiximports might help automate this task.

KaiSzuttor commented 4 years ago

@KaiSzuttor found out fiximports might help automate this task.

isort looks more promising. see #3220

jngrad commented 4 years ago

With isort, the following constraint: becomes:

import espressomd  # isort:skip; pylint: disable=import-error, wrong-import-order
import h5py  # isort:skip; pylint: disable=wrong-import-order; h5py has to be imported *after* espressomd (MPI)
from espressomd.interactions import Virtual  # isort:skip; pylint: disable=wrong-import-order,ungrouped-imports
KaiSzuttor commented 4 years ago

I think the following rules should always be enforced:

  • W0102: mutable values in optional arguments: def foo(a=[]): to def foo(a=()):
  • W0401: wildcard imports, e.g. from a import * to from a import (b, c, d\n e, f, g\n)
  • W0611: unused imports
  • W0614: unused imports from a wildcard
  • W1505: deprecated assertRaisesRegexp()
  • R1701: merge type checks: isinstance(x, y) or isinstance(x, z) to isinstance(x, (y, z))
  • R1714: merge value checks: if x == 1 or x == 2: to if x in (1, 2):
  • R1707: trailing comma tuple: return a, to either return a or return (a,)
  • C0201: iterate dict keys directly
  • C0202: use cls instead of self in class methods
  • C0325: superfluous parentheses: if(a == 2): to if a == 2:

i fully agree with this list, plus I would add:

@RudolfWeeber please comment on this aswell.

RudolfWeeber commented 4 years ago

I think there are quite a few trivial style checks in that list. I'm fine with the ones actually preventing dangerous stuff.

I think the following rules should always be enforced:

  • W1505: deprecated assertRaisesRegexp() This is quite common in the test suite.
* `R1701`: merge type checks: `isinstance(x, y) or isinstance(x, z)` to `isinstance(x, (y, z))`

Not dangerous.

* `R1714`: merge value checks: `if x == 1 or x == 2:` to `if x in (1, 2):`

Not dangerous

* `C0201`: iterate dict keys directly

Not dangerous.

* `C0202`: use `cls` instead of `self` in class methods

Not dangerous

* `C0325`: superfluous parentheses: `if(a == 2):` to `if a == 2:`


i fully agree with this list, plus I would add:

  • W0612: unused variable

  • W0613: unused arguments I agree with those, since authors might expect changed behavior when changing a variable's value.

  • C1801: simplify empty list checks: if len(seq) > 0: to if seq: Not dangerous. In fact I find the 'if seq' more dangerous, because it will do something else if seq is not a sequence.

The others are fine with me.

KaiSzuttor commented 4 years ago

so to summarize, we agree on the following rules:

jngrad commented 4 years ago

Maybe one more: E0602 no undefined variable/function (excluding samples/ and testsuite/python/ where variables are loaded implicitly when unpickling).

Maybe one less: C0411 wrong ordering of import statements, I think Rudolf wasn't convinced having unsorted import statements was a good reason for causing a failure in CI.

The corresponding pylint command would be: pylint3 --score=no --reports=no --disable=all --enable=W0102,W0401,W0611,W0614,W1505,R1707,C0325,W0612,W0613,W1401,R0401 src testsuite samples maintainer doc; running this on the jngrad:fix-2089 branch – where the samples have been cleaned up – outputs a reasonable list of fixes. There are a couple false positives like unused arguments *args, **kwargs in or unused imports in tutorial 6 where students are expected to fill in blanks, but these can be disabled by pragmas.

@RudolfWeeber have you accidentally exchanged two items in your reply above? Specifically:

  • C0202: use cls instead of self in class methods Not dangerous
  • C0325: superfluous parentheses: if(a == 2): to if a == 2: Dangerous

I don't immediately see how if(a == 2): could be dangerous. However using self instead of cls is an anti-pattern:

class A():
    property = "before"
    def foo(self, new_value): = new_value  # this is not actually self!!

a = A()
b = A()
print(  # "before"
print(  # "before""after")
print(  # "after"
print(  # "after"
RudolfWeeber commented 4 years ago

@jngrad, the "not" in "not dangerous" went missing for if (a ==2) I indeed think, this is a not terribly important style thing. I'm fine with the rest.

jngrad commented 4 years ago

This issue needs merging #3267 first.

jngrad commented 4 years ago

removing W1401: use raw strings, it has too many false positives, e.g.

jngrad commented 4 years ago

versions of pylint found in the Ubuntu repositories have an outdated command line interface