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Segmentation fault with Espresso 4.1.1 using p3m, Gay-Berne potential, Lennard-Jones potential and virtual sites #3713

Closed Kischy closed 4 years ago

Kischy commented 4 years ago

I have a very weird segmentation fault in one of my simulations. The curios thing is that I do multiple simulations in exactly the same manner and the only thing I change between different simulations is the position of a virtual particle, that carries a charge. For one particular charge position the simulation fails with a segmentation fault, all the others work just fine. The point at which it fails is different in every run, but it fails consistently. I also tested it on a different machine and using a different version of espresso, but the error persists. I can give more information if needed.

Here is an example of the error message:

[dhcp-184:16942] *** Process received signal ***
[dhcp-184:16942] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[dhcp-184:16942] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[dhcp-184:16942] Failing at address: 0xfffffffc0271d940
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8f7abf6f20]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 1] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/ p3m_do_assign_charge<7>(double, Utils::Vector<double, 3ul>&, int)+0x21c)[0x7f8f757211bc]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 2] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/ const&)+0x759)[0x7f8f75713ee9]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 3] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/ const&)+0x35)[0x7f8f75725745]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 4] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f8f75662248]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 5] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/, int)+0x163)[0x7f8f756786f3]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 6] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f8f7562d469]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 7] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/<std::plus<int>, int (*)(int, int), int, int>::operator()(boost::mpi::communicator const&, boost::mpi::packed_iarchive&) const+0x42)[0x7f8f75635822]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 8] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f8f7562e162]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 9] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/python/espressomd/[0x7f8f759dd24b]
[dhcp-184:16942] [10] /usr/bin/python3(_PyImport_LoadDynamicModuleWithSpec+0x16f)[0x5fb06f]
[dhcp-184:16942] [11] /usr/bin/python3[0x5fb2ed]
[dhcp-184:16942] [12] /usr/bin/python3(PyCFunction_Call+0x13e)[0x566d9e]
[dhcp-184:16942] [13] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x53e0)[0x510f50]
[dhcp-184:16942] [14] /usr/bin/python3[0x507d64]
[dhcp-184:16942] [15] /usr/bin/python3[0x509a90]
[dhcp-184:16942] [16] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:16942] [17] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:16942] [18] /usr/bin/python3[0x509758]
[dhcp-184:16942] [19] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:16942] [20] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:16942] [21] /usr/bin/python3[0x509758]
[dhcp-184:16942] [22] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:16942] [23] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:16942] [24] /usr/bin/python3[0x509758]
[dhcp-184:16942] [25] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:16942] [26] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:16942] [27] /usr/bin/python3[0x509758]
[dhcp-184:16942] [28] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:16942] [29] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:16942] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 8 with PID 0 on node dhcp-184 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
Kischy commented 4 years ago

Might be connected to issue #3663, but I am not sure. I do not remove any particles during the simulation.

jngrad commented 4 years ago

This looks like espresso 4.1.2, failing in function void p3m_do_assign_charge<7>(double, Utils::Vector<double, 3ul>&, int). This part of the code was refactored recently in the dev version. Is this bug reproducible without MPI? If not, is the failure reproducible on the same MPI rank by using the same particle position?

jngrad commented 4 years ago

In 4.1.1 there are additional checks available to generate meaningful error messages before a segfault: Could you please recompile your version of espresso with the extra feature ADDITIONAL_CHECKS in your myconfig.hpp and share with us if there is a runtime error instead of a segfault? This would spare us from running GDB in MPI-parallel code.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

Could you please recompile your version of espresso with the extra feature ADDITIONAL_CHECKS in your myconfig.hpp and share with us if there is a runtime error instead of a segfault? This would spare us from running GDB in MPI-parallel code.

I will try that tomorrow and come back with the output. Might take awile, the simulation does not fail on start.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

Is this bug reproducible without MPI?

I have never tried without MPI, because the tuning of the p3m algorithm never finishes. Or at least not in a reasonable time.

If not, is the failure reproducible on the same MPI rank by using the same particle position?

What exactly do you mean with this question?

jngrad commented 4 years ago

If not, is the failure reproducible on the same MPI rank by using the same particle position?

What exactly do you mean with this question?

You mentioned the system crashes depending on the charge and position of the virtual particle. The backtrace shows the failure happened on MPI rank 8. The MPI ranks are assigned to slices of the cellsystem. If you re-run the same script, the virtual particle will be in the same domain. If MPI rank 8 fails repeatedly, we can attach GDB to ranks 0 and 8 to get an opportunity to print the values of all local variables in every function shown in the backtrace. However it's quite tricky, and there is no need to do that if ADDITIONAL_CHECKS catches the error.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

It only depends on the position of the virtual particle, the value of the charge does not change between different simulation runs. I will try ADDITIONAL_CHECKS tomorrow and come back. Thank you.

This is another run:

[dhcp-184:18535] *** Process received signal ***
[dhcp-184:18535] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[dhcp-184:18535] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[dhcp-184:18535] Failing at address: 0xfffffffc03824450
[dhcp-184:18535] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f245fa0ef20]
[dhcp-184:18535] [ 1] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f245a5391bc]
[dhcp-184:18535] [ 2] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f245a52bee9]
[dhcp-184:18535] [ 3] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f245a53d745]
[dhcp-184:18535] [ 4] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f245a47a248]
[dhcp-184:18535] [ 5] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f245a4906f3]
[dhcp-184:18535] [ 6] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f245a446d67]
[dhcp-184:18535] [ 7] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f245a490ace]
[dhcp-184:18535] [ 8] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/python/espressomd/[0x7f24372240ac]
[dhcp-184:18535] [ 9] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/python/espressomd/[0x7f245825f59c]
[dhcp-184:18535] [10] /usr/bin/python3(_PyObject_FastCallKeywords+0x19c)[0x5a9cbc]
[dhcp-184:18535] [11] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a5c3]
[dhcp-184:18535] [12] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:18535] [13] /usr/bin/python3[0x507d64]
[dhcp-184:18535] [14] /usr/bin/python3(PyEval_EvalCode+0x23)[0x50ae13]
[dhcp-184:18535] [15] /usr/bin/python3[0x634c82]
[dhcp-184:18535] [16] /usr/bin/python3(PyRun_FileExFlags+0x97)[0x634d37]
[dhcp-184:18535] [17] /usr/bin/python3(PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags+0x17f)[0x6384ef]
[dhcp-184:18535] [18] /usr/bin/python3(Py_Main+0x591)[0x639091]
[dhcp-184:18535] [19] /usr/bin/python3(main+0xe0)[0x4b0d00]
[dhcp-184:18535] [20] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f245f9f1b97]
[dhcp-184:18535] [21] /usr/bin/python3(_start+0x2a)[0x5b250a]
[dhcp-184:18535] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 0 on node dhcp-184 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

and yet another run:

[dhcp-184:16942] *** Process received signal ***
[dhcp-184:16942] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[dhcp-184:16942] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[dhcp-184:16942] Failing at address: 0xfffffffc0271d940
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8f7abf6f20]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 1] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f8f757211bc]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 2] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f8f75713ee9]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 3] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f8f75725745]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 4] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f8f75662248]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 5] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f8f756786f3]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 6] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f8f7562d469]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 7] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f8f75635822]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 8] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7f8f7562e162]
[dhcp-184:16942] [ 9] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC/espresso/build/src/python/espressomd/[0x7f8f759dd24b]
[dhcp-184:16942] [10] /usr/bin/python3(_PyImport_LoadDynamicModuleWithSpec+0x16f)[0x5fb06f]
[dhcp-184:16942] [11] /usr/bin/python3[0x5fb2ed]
[dhcp-184:16942] [12] /usr/bin/python3(PyCFunction_Call+0x13e)[0x566d9e]
[dhcp-184:16942] [13] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x53e0)[0x510f50]
[dhcp-184:16942] [14] /usr/bin/python3[0x507d64]
[dhcp-184:16942] [15] /usr/bin/python3[0x509a90]
[dhcp-184:16942] [16] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:16942] [17] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:16942] [18] /usr/bin/python3[0x509758]
[dhcp-184:16942] [19] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:16942] [20] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:16942] [21] /usr/bin/python3[0x509758]
[dhcp-184:16942] [22] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:16942] [23] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:16942] [24] /usr/bin/python3[0x509758]
[dhcp-184:16942] [25] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:16942] [26] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:16942] [27] /usr/bin/python3[0x509758]
[dhcp-184:16942] [28] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:16942] [29] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:16942] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 8 with PID 0 on node dhcp-184 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
Kischy commented 4 years ago

So I compiled using ADDITIONAL_CHECKS and reran the simulation. Unfortunately the error looks much the same:

[dhcp-184:33068] *** Process received signal ***
[dhcp-184:33068] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[dhcp-184:33068] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[dhcp-184:33068] Failing at address: 0xfffffffc02e89630
[dhcp-184:33068] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fb2894eef20]
[dhcp-184:33068] [ 1] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_add_checks/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fb28401b174]
[dhcp-184:33068] [ 2] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_add_checks/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fb28400bf89]
[dhcp-184:33068] [ 3] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_add_checks/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fb28401f4f5]
[dhcp-184:33068] [ 4] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_add_checks/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fb283f5a278]
[dhcp-184:33068] [ 5] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_add_checks/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fb283f70eb3]
[dhcp-184:33068] [ 6] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_add_checks/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fb283f25469]
[dhcp-184:33068] [ 7] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_add_checks/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fb283f2d822]
[dhcp-184:33068] [ 8] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_add_checks/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fb283f26162]
[dhcp-184:33068] [ 9] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_add_checks/espresso/build/src/python/espressomd/[0x7fb2842d52bb]
[dhcp-184:33068] [10] /usr/bin/python3(_PyImport_LoadDynamicModuleWithSpec+0x16f)[0x5fb06f]
[dhcp-184:33068] [11] /usr/bin/python3[0x5fb2ed]
[dhcp-184:33068] [12] /usr/bin/python3(PyCFunction_Call+0x13e)[0x566d9e]
[dhcp-184:33068] [13] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x53e0)[0x510f50]
[dhcp-184:33068] [14] /usr/bin/python3[0x507d64]
[dhcp-184:33068] [15] /usr/bin/python3[0x509a90]
[dhcp-184:33068] [16] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:33068] [17] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:33068] [18] /usr/bin/python3[0x509758]
[dhcp-184:33068] [19] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:33068] [20] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:33068] [21] /usr/bin/python3[0x509758]
[dhcp-184:33068] [22] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:33068] [23] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:33068] [24] /usr/bin/python3[0x509758]
[dhcp-184:33068] [25] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:33068] [26] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:33068] [27] /usr/bin/python3[0x509758]
[dhcp-184:33068] [28] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a48d]
[dhcp-184:33068] [29] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:33068] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 9 with PID 0 on node dhcp-184 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
fweik commented 4 years ago

It's not obvious to me what is happening here from the traces. Can you please provide a (minimal) script that reproduces the issue?

KaiSzuttor commented 4 years ago

doesn't that look like a blow up of forces if the top of the stack is p3m_do_assign_charge?

Kischy commented 4 years ago

I can send you the whole script. I can't send it to you here, because its not puplished yet. It is not minimal, because this is hard to reproduce.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

I just send you the script. Thank you for looking into this. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

doesn't that look like a blow up of forces if the top of the stack is p3m_do_assign_charge?

Might be possible. In this simulation the charge is relatively exposed in comparision with the other simulations.

fweik commented 4 years ago

Did you set the min_global_cut to the maximal distance between virtual and reference particle?

Kischy commented 4 years ago

Almost, I would say. rel_virt_pos[2] holds the maximal distance. I had problems with the exact value, which I assumed to stem from floating point inaccuracies, so I added a tiny bit.

md_system.min_global_cut = rel_virt_pos[2] + 0.0000001 (line 53, file

fweik commented 4 years ago

This is an open source project, we can not provide private support to you. If you want our help, the discussion has to be public, so that it is also helpful to others.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

This is an open source project, we can not provide private support to you. If you want our help, the discussion has to be public, so that it is also helpful to others.

I think this must be some kind of misunderstanding: I did never ask you for private support. I simply wanted to report a bug, which I will definitly not do again in such a hostile environment. You asked me for a simulation script and I send it to you. I understand your need for a public discussion, but with a pending paper I simply cannot puplish the script here yet. I can provide the script here once the paper is puplished.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

By the way: This is the second time I feel like I am beeing attacked for trying to contribute. For me, that is unacceptable for any kind of open source project.

fweik commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry you feel that, that was not my intention. But referring to a private mail in public forum just isn't very helpful.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

But referring to a private mail in public forum just isn't very helpful.

That is right, but as I said, I can provide it later. And I did not refer to the private mail, I simply answered your question in a meaningful way. I could have simply stated "yes", which is not as helpful once the scripts are provided. The reference was a mere bonus.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

I just realized, that if this simulation does not work, it will not be included in the puplication anyway. So here you go:

You can start the simulation from "Temp_alle/" if you want.

fweik commented 4 years ago

Ok, I can see how my comment could be understood as harsh, as I was saying, this wasn't my intention. With regards to the problem, I've run out of ideas for now, I'll have a look again next week. @KaiSzuttor yes that is what we thought first, but with ADDITIONAL_CHECKS it is actually checked that the particles are withing the valid domain....

jngrad commented 4 years ago

@Kischy Thank you for reporting this issue to us. This lead us to re-introduce one of the 4.1 ADDITIONAL_CHECKS assertions in the P3M code of the 4.2 dev branch (#3715).

It's unfortunate ADDITIONAL_CHECKS didn't catch the issue. This means something else is wrong, but from our side we cannot tell whether the issue is a bug in espresso or an issue with your script, as the backtrace alone doesn't provide enough information. As explained in our contributing guidelines about bug reports (GitHub,, we kindly ask users to submit a minimal working example that reproduces the error. This is standard practice in open source projects, as large scripts are difficult to investigate and often contain confidential code that is not relevant to reproduce the bug. In my experience, debugging MPI parallel code usually takes several weeks of investigation and requires the expertise of multiple developers. Sometimes we also need the input of external developers when it comes to bugs from libraries used by espresso (e.g. OpenMPI and the ecosystem of libraries around it). This can only happen if everyone has access to a bisected version of the script. I hope this clarifies our policy.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

Ok, I can see how my comment could be understood as harsh, as I was saying, this wasn't my intention. With regards to the problem, I've run out of ideas for now, I'll have a look again next week. @KaiSzuttor yes that is what we thought first, but with ADDITIONAL_CHECKS it is actually checked that the particles are withing the valid domain....

Okay, no worries, the tone was quite aggressive to me, therefore my reaction. If we are back to a helpfull discussion, I want to mention again, that this is the second time this happend and kindly ask for an improvement on that front.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

@Kischy Thank you for reporting this issue to us. This lead us to re-introduce one of the 4.1 ADDITIONAL_CHECKS assertions in the P3M code of the 4.2 dev branch (#3715).

It's unfortunate ADDITIONAL_CHECKS didn't catch the issue. This means something else is wrong, but from our side we cannot tell whether the issue is a bug in espresso or an issue with your script, as the backtrace alone doesn't provide enough information. As explained in our contributing guidelines about bug reports (GitHub,, we kindly ask users to submit a minimal working example that reproduces the error. This is standard practice in open source projects, as large scripts are difficult to investigate and often contain confidential code that is not relevant to reproduce the bug. In my experience, debugging MPI parallel code usually takes several weeks of investigation and requires the expertise of multiple developers. Sometimes we also need the input of external developers when it comes to bugs from libraries used by espresso (e.g. OpenMPI and the ecosystem of libraries around it). This can only happen if everyone has access to a bisected version of the script. I hope this clarifies our policy.

I understand the policy, the files are provided above.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

If you change the value in line 29 from 1.5 to 1.2 in file "" and then run the simulation, there is no issue. The value changes the position of the virtual particle relative to the Gay-Berne particle. In fact all values from 0.0 to 1.2 seem to work fine. Only when the charge is almost or close to the tip of the GB particle the simulations break for some reason.

fweik commented 4 years ago

The working hypothesis is that the manual cutoff setting does not lead to the required reinit of the P3M. Will check.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

Here is a minimal exampe of this. I will be able to tell you in a few hours if it fails too. At this time I have no guarantee that it does.

fweik commented 4 years ago

So there was something wrong with regards to the P3M initialization and manual setting of the cutoff, which should be fixed with #3717. If this is ported back, I'll recheck your script.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

Thank you.

jngrad commented 4 years ago

Backported in the upcoming 4.1 bugfix release as 041c9c8a32

Kischy commented 4 years ago

Backported in the upcoming 4.1 bugfix release as 041c9c8

Are the two lines you added in 041c9c8 the only ones that need to be added? In that case I can test it myself and come back with the result.

jngrad commented 4 years ago

Yes, unless I missed a side-effect in the recent cellsystem refactoring.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

After I changed the two lines, compiled and reran the script the error still persists:

[dhcp-184:44067] *** Process received signal ***
[dhcp-184:44067] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[dhcp-184:44067] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[dhcp-184:44067] Failing at address: 0xfffffffc028eafa0
[dhcp-184:44067] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fd324df6f20]
[dhcp-184:44067] [ 1] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_bug_fixed/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fd31f920fdc]
[dhcp-184:44067] [ 2] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_bug_fixed/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fd31f913df9]
[dhcp-184:44067] [ 3] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_bug_fixed/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fd31f925565]
[dhcp-184:44067] [ 4] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_bug_fixed/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fd31f8621d8]
[dhcp-184:44067] [ 5] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_bug_fixed/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fd31f878693]
[dhcp-184:44067] [ 6] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_bug_fixed/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fd31f82ed37]
[dhcp-184:44067] [ 7] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_bug_fixed/espresso/build/src/core/[0x7fd31f878a6e]
[dhcp-184:44067] [ 8] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_bug_fixed/espresso/build/src/python/espressomd/[0x7fd2fc74410c]
[dhcp-184:44067] [ 9] /home/chaege/espresso-4_1_1_ILC_bug_fixed/espresso/build/src/python/espressomd/[0x7fd31d6475fc]
[dhcp-184:44067] [10] /usr/bin/python3(_PyObject_FastCallKeywords+0x19c)[0x5a9cbc]
[dhcp-184:44067] [11] /usr/bin/python3[0x50a5c3]
[dhcp-184:44067] [12] /usr/bin/python3(_PyEval_EvalFrameDefault+0x444)[0x50bfb4]
[dhcp-184:44067] [13] /usr/bin/python3[0x507d64]
[dhcp-184:44067] [14] /usr/bin/python3(PyEval_EvalCode+0x23)[0x50ae13]
[dhcp-184:44067] [15] /usr/bin/python3[0x634c82]
[dhcp-184:44067] [16] /usr/bin/python3(PyRun_FileExFlags+0x97)[0x634d37]
[dhcp-184:44067] [17] /usr/bin/python3(PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags+0x17f)[0x6384ef]
[dhcp-184:44067] [18] /usr/bin/python3(Py_Main+0x591)[0x639091]
[dhcp-184:44067] [19] /usr/bin/python3(main+0xe0)[0x4b0d00]
[dhcp-184:44067] [20] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fd324dd9b97]
[dhcp-184:44067] [21] /usr/bin/python3(_start+0x2a)[0x5b250a]
[dhcp-184:44067] *** End of error message ***
mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 0 on node dhcp-184 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

I am currious too know wheather this stems from an error in my script or a rare bug.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

Here is a minimal exampe of this. I will be able to tell you in a few hours if it fails too. At this time I have no guarantee that it does.

I checked the minimal example. It does throw the error!

I added a line, so it prints the cycle number every 1000 cycles.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

Okay, no worries, the tone was quite aggressive to me, therefore my reaction. If we are back to a helpfull discussion, I want to mention again, that this is the second time this happend and kindly ask for an improvement on that front.

@fweik I just wanted to say, that I read the conversation again and I see now that I have interpreted the comment about "private support" very negatively the first time. I can see how you probably didn't mean it as harsh as my interpretation was. I apologize for my hard interpretation and for labeling the comment "hostile". I hope we can leave this behind us. Thank you.

jngrad commented 4 years ago

Good news: the error is reproducible in a debug build with a numpy seed without MPI, code fails at:

The crash occurs when accessing an array with an index cast to int from a NaN, resulting in a negative value. @fweik is this GDB report enough for you to figure out the issue? All values except cp_cnt are identical between crashes. The corresponding MWE is attached (takes a long runtime to get to the segfault, unless you're using MPI, in which case attach GDB to rank 0).

(gdb) f 0
#0  0x000015552d4cdd53 in p3m_do_assign_charge<7> (q=2, real_pos=..., cp_cnt=794)
at /work/jgrad/espresso-fork-tag413/src/core/electrostatics_magnetostatics/p3m.cpp:599
(gdb) print arg
$1 = {-2147483648, -2147483648, -2147483648}
print real_pos
$2 = (Utils::Vector3d &) @0x28ceb50: {<Utils::Array<double, 3>> = {
    m_storage = {m_data = {-nan(0x8000000000000), -nan(0x8000000000000),
        -nan(0x8000000000000)}}}, <No data fields>}
(gdb) print q
$3 = 2
(gdb) print cp_cnt
$4 = 794
(gdb) up
#1  0x000015552d4c1a3b in p3m_do_charge_assign<7> (particles=...)
at /work/jgrad/espresso-fork-tag413/src/core/electrostatics_magnetostatics/p3m.cpp:485
(gdb) print p.p.identity
$5 = 3085
(gdb) print p.r.p
$6 = {<Utils::Array<double, 3>> = {m_storage = {m_data = {
        -nan(0x8000000000000), -nan(0x8000000000000), 
        -nan(0x8000000000000)}}}, <No data fields>}
(gdb) print p.p.vs_relative
$7 = {to_particle_id = 3084, distance = 1.5, rel_orientation = {
      <Utils::Array<double, 4>> = {m_storage = {m_data = {1, -0, 0, 0}}},
      <No data fields>}, quat = {<Utils::Array<double, 4>> = {m_storage =
      {m_data = {0, 0, 0, 0}}}, <No data fields>}}
(gdb) print particles.size()
$8 = 2074
fweik commented 4 years ago

That would suggest that something went wrong before? The most likely source for NaN positions is NaN forces from somewhere. You are running this with the patche 4.1 branch?

jngrad commented 4 years ago

without the patch, forgot to pull the branch...

jngrad commented 4 years ago

Tried again with the patch, still the same error... I've also added assertions in the non-bonded force function, but no NaN was caught.

@@ -200,13 +201,22 @@ inline Utils::Vector3d calc_non_bonded_pair_force_parts(
     force += std::get<0>(forces);
     if (torque1) {
       *torque1 += std::get<1>(forces);
+      assert(!isnan((*torque1)[0]));
+      assert(!isnan((*torque1)[1]));
+      assert(!isnan((*torque1)[2]));
     if (torque2) {
       *torque2 += std::get<2>(forces);
+      assert(!isnan((*torque2)[0]));
+      assert(!isnan((*torque2)[1]));
+      assert(!isnan((*torque2)[2]));
   force += force_factor * d;
+  assert(!isnan(force[0]));
+  assert(!isnan(force[1]));
+  assert(!isnan(force[2]));
   return force;
fweik commented 4 years ago

@Kischy no harm done. I think the communication was not optimal from both sides. Let's do better next time and move on.

jngrad commented 4 years ago

I tracked down the source of NaN to this expression:

We're taking the square root of a negative number, which propagates to the particle quaternion, to the particle director, and finally to the virtual site position via:

The lambda expression matches eq. 12 from the Omelyan paper, with S = {q'^2, q'.q'', q''^2}. This probably means we are feeding define_Qdd() with values outside the definition domain of the method in the paper, or the fourth-order approximation we're using is not precise enough. @Kischy I'm not familiar enough with this method to come up with reasonable range checks, do you have any suggestions? The input parameters for define_Qdd() that lead to lambda = NaN are as follows:

p.r.quat = {1, 0, 0, 0} = {0, 0, 0}
p.f.torque = {103486.05456599266, -1033296.3969197127, 65.09739381012956}
p.p.rinertia = {0.5, 0.5, 0.10000000000000001}

With regards to your script, I think the force cap you're applying during the warmup phase doesn't actually increase linearly. Furthermore the force cap doesn't cap torques, which is why the particle above has a torque of 1 million AU around the y axis while the linear force is less than 9 AU.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

@Kischy I'm not familiar enough with this method to come up with reasonable range checks, do you have any suggestions? The input parameters for define_Qdd() that lead to lambda = NaN are as follows:

I'll have a look at the paper again and come back if I find anything usefull.

p.r.quat = {1, 0, 0, 0} = {0, 0, 0}
p.f.torque = {103486.05456599266, -1033296.3969197127, 65.09739381012956}
p.p.rinertia = {0.5, 0.5, 0.10000000000000001}

One question about the parameters: From p.p.rinertia = {0.5, 0.5, 0.10000000000000001} I can see that it is a GB particle, but why does it have the starting values of p.r.quat = {1, 0, 0, 0} for the quaternion? The value of the quaternion should change after the first md step, shouldn't it? Or is p.r.quat not what I think it is?

With regards to your script, I think the force cap you're applying during the warmup phase doesn't actually increase linearly. Furthermore the force cap doesn't cap torques, which is why the particle above has a torque of 1 million AU around the y axis while the linear force is less than 9 AU.

I never thought it to be a problem, that the warmup cap does not increase linearly. I can change that and try again. About the torques: I naivly assumed, that a forcecap also applies to torques. Is there a possibility to cap the torques? Side note: I can see how the torques can get out of hand easily for this simulation. There is a charge right at the end of the anisotropic Gay-Berne particle, which makes it easy for the particle to rotate. For all my other simulations the charge is closer to the center of the Gay-Berne particle and therefore the torque is probably not as high.

jngrad commented 4 years ago

I never thought it to be a problem, that the warmup cap does not increase linearly. I can change that and try again.

It is not an issue in itself. The line md_system.force_cap = warmup_cap * warmup_integ_steps in the for loop made me think that you were increasing the force cap, as we typically do in the samples, but then I realized the two variables were constants.

why does it have the starting values of p.r.quat = {1, 0, 0, 0} for the quaternion? The value of the quaternion should change after the first md step, shouldn't it?

I got it to fail on the first integration step:

(gdb) print sim_time
$4 = 0

About the torques: I naivly assumed, that a forcecap also applies to torques.

I did too. In fact, the steepest descent algorithm does exactly that. Not sure why the force cap doesn't, though. You could update the code in forcecap_cap() at L46-L55 to also cap torques, although I didn't try it and make no guarantee about the result. Force capping in general should be used with care, especially when there's already a thermostat active (in your case langevin), because they will compete. In particular, langevin corrects the torques of virtual sites.

@fweik I can't really follow the old integrator code nor find where the temperature global is recalculated; could it be that force capping artificially decreases the linear velocities and thus the global temperature before langevin is applied, creating a negative feedback loop where langevin increases both the linear velocity of real particles and torques of real and virtual particles?

Kischy commented 4 years ago
p.r.quat = {1, 0, 0, 0} = {0, 0, 0}
p.f.torque = {103486.05456599266, -1033296.3969197127, 65.09739381012956}
p.p.rinertia = {0.5, 0.5, 0.10000000000000001}

I do not know why these leads to a negative value in the sqrt. It might be that the timestep is simply to high and I have to use a lower timestep for this simulation.

I got it to fail on the first integration step:

The torque values are immediately that high? Even with the particles so far appart?

I have a few questions about the code though. Is the quaternion in espresso defined differntly than it is in the papers "On the numerical integration of motion for rigid polyatomics: The modified quaternion approach", Omeylan, Igor (1998), Eq. 12." and "An improved algorithm for molecular dynamics simulation of * rigid molecules", Sonnenschein, Roland (1985)" ?

I ask, because I do not understand some equations in define_Qdd. Shoudn't these equations

  /* calculate the first derivative of the quaternion */
  /* Taken from "An improved algorithm for molecular dynamics simulation of
   * rigid molecules", Sonnenschein, Roland (1985), Eq. 4.*/
  Qd[0] = 0.5 * (-p.r.quat[1] *[0] - p.r.quat[2] *[1] -
                 p.r.quat[3] *[2]);

  Qd[1] = 0.5 * (p.r.quat[0] *[0] - p.r.quat[3] *[1] +
                 p.r.quat[2] *[2]);

  Qd[2] = 0.5 * (p.r.quat[3] *[0] + p.r.quat[0] *[1] -
                 p.r.quat[1] *[2]);

  Qd[3] = 0.5 * (-p.r.quat[2] *[0] + p.r.quat[1] *[1] +
                 p.r.quat[0] *[2]);


  /* calculate the first derivative of the quaternion */
  /* Taken from "An improved algorithm for molecular dynamics simulation of
   * rigid molecules", Sonnenschein, Roland (1985), Eq. 4.*/
  Qd[0] = 0.5 * (-p.r.quat[2] *[0] - p.r.quat[3] *[1] +
                 p.r.quat[1] *[3]);

  Qd[1] = 0.5 * (p.r.quat[3] *[0] - p.r.quat[2] *[1] -
                 p.r.quat[0] *[2]);

  Qd[2] = 0.5 * (p.r.quat[0] *[0] + p.r.quat[1] *[1] +
                 p.r.quat[3] *[2]);

  Qd[3] = 0.5 * (-p.r.quat[1] *[0] + p.r.quat[0] *[1] -
                 p.r.quat[2] *[2]);

? Maybe my math is inccorect. My Matrix multiplication skills are a bit rusty. See here: first_der_quaternion

If my math is correct I have other issues like this one as the code continues, but can someone first check my math in context of equation 4 in "An improved algorithm for molecular dynamics simulation of * rigid molecules", Sonnenschein, Roland (1985)"?

Here is the equation from the Paper: grafik


Kischy commented 4 years ago

I did too. In fact, the steepest descent algorithm does exactly that. Not sure why the force cap doesn't, though. You could update the code in forcecap_cap() at L46-L55 to also cap torques, although I didn't try it and make no guarantee about the result. Force capping in general should be used with care, especially when there's already a thermostat active (in your case langevin), because they will compete. In particular, langevin corrects the torques of virtual sites.

Are torques calculated for the virtual sites? I think I turned rotation off for the virtual sites. Only the GB and LJ particles need to rotate. Thank you, that is good to know. Maybe I turn off the thermostat during warmup.

jngrad commented 4 years ago

Are torques calculated for the virtual sites? I think I turned rotation off for the virtual sites.

I'm not exactly sure what happens with virtual site torques and thermostats, but after removing both the force cap and thermostat, the NaN issue persists, so the issue has a different origin.

I got it to fail on the first integration step:

The torque values are immediately that high? Even with the particles so far appart?

Yes, although I'm not sure why.

I have a few questions about the code though. Is the quaternion in espresso defined differntly than it is in the papers

Yes, the papers use a different formalism for quaternions. This already caused issues once (#2964). It's now clear to me we need to write down in rotation.cpp which formalism is used. The espresso quaternion uses scalar-first notation, while Sonnenschein 1985 and Omeylan 1998 use scalar-last notation. Looking at equation (4), I'd do the matrix multiplication as follows:

\mathbf{\dot{q}} = (1)/(2)\mathbf{A}\begin{pmatrix} \omega_x \\ \omega_y \\ \omega_z \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} = (1)/(2)\begin{pmatrix} -\zeta\omega_x -\chi\omega_y + \eta\omega_z \\ \chi\omega_x -\zeta\omega_y - \xi\omega_z \\ \xi\omega_x -\eta\omega_y - \chi\omega_z \\ -\eta\omega_x +\xi\omega_y - \zeta\omega_z \\ \end{pmatrix}
Qd[0] = 0.5 * (-p.r.quat[3] *[0] - p.r.quat[0] *[1] + p.r.quat[2] *[2]);
Qd[1] = 0.5 * (p.r.quat[0] *[0] - p.r.quat[3] *[1] - p.r.quat[1] *[2]);
Qd[2] = 0.5 * (p.r.quat[1] *[0] - p.r.quat[2] *[1] - p.r.quat[0] *[2]);
Qd[3] = 0.5 * (-p.r.quat[2] *[0] + p.r.quat[1] *[1] - p.r.quat[3] *[2]);

If my math is correct I have other issues like this one as the code continues, but can someone first check my math in context of equation 4

I think you have substituted the greek letters by the wrong quaternion indices in the expression of matrix A. The substitution should be \mathbf{q} = (\xi, \eta, \zeta, \chi) = (q_1, q_2, q_3, q_0) if I'm not mistaken.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

Yes, the papers use a different formalism for quaternions. This already caused issues once (#2964). It's now clear to me we need to write down in rotation.cpp which formalism is used. The espresso quaternion uses scalar-first notation, while Sonnenschein 1985 and Omeylan 1998 use scalar-last notation. Looking at equation (4), I'd do the matrix multiplication as follows: \mathbf{\dot{q}} = (1)/(2)\mathbf{A}\begin{pmatrix} \omega_x \\ \omega_y \\ \omega_z \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} = (1)/(2)\begin{pmatrix} -\zeta\omega_x -\chi\omega_y + \eta\omega_z \\ \chi\omega_x -\zeta\omega_y - \xi\omega_z \\ \xi\omega_x -\eta\omega_y - \chi\omega_z \\ -\eta\omega_x +\xi\omega_y - \zeta\omega_z \\ \end{pmatrix}

Qd[0] = 0.5 * (-p.r.quat[3] *[0] - p.r.quat[0] *[1] + p.r.quat[2] *[2]);
Qd[1] = 0.5 * (p.r.quat[0] *[0] - p.r.quat[3] *[1] - p.r.quat[1] *[2]);
Qd[2] = 0.5 * (p.r.quat[1] *[0] - p.r.quat[2] *[1] - p.r.quat[0] *[2]);
Qd[3] = 0.5 * (-p.r.quat[2] *[0] + p.r.quat[1] *[1] - p.r.quat[3] *[2]);

If my math is correct I have other issues like this one as the code continues, but can someone first check my math in context of equation 4

I think you have substituted the greek letters by the wrong quaternion indices in the expression of matrix A. The substitution should be \mathbf{q} = (\xi, \eta, \zeta, \chi) = (q_1, q_2, q_3, q_0) if I'm not mistaken.

That is confusing and not clear at all. The comment

  /* Taken from "On the numerical integration of motion for rigid polyatomics:
   * The modified quaternion approach", Omeylan, Igor (1998), Eq. 12.*/

suggests, that the formalism of the paper is used and I thought it was scalar first. Thank you for clearing that up. Please note this somewhere! I would suggest updating the comment.

Kischy commented 4 years ago

I think you have substituted the greek letters by the wrong quaternion indices in the expression of matrix A. The substitution should be \mathbf{q} = (\xi, \eta, \zeta, \chi) = (q_1, q_2, q_3, q_0) if I'm not mistaken.

@jngrad I think the signs in your matrix might be incorrect. The third row should be all positive signs. But even with this, the result does not match the code, does it?

jngrad commented 4 years ago

The third row should be all positive signs.

Nice catch, it was a copy-paste error. The third line of the code should also have only positive signs.

I would suggest updating the comment.

We definitively need to update the comment to reflect the formalism used in the function.

But even with this, the result does not match the code, does it?

Updating the code with my solution (with the correct signs) fails the test. To move forward, I think we need to come up with a simple case, e.g. a particle with angular velocity [1, 0, 0] and torque [5, 0, 0], for which we can work out an analytical solution of the quaternion first time-derivative. This would allow us to write a unit test for the function. This means first refactoring define_Qdd() to pass Vector3d/4d arguments instead of a Particle. This function doesn't need to know anything about the other properties of particles anyway.