espressomd / espresso

The ESPResSo package
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Configuring failed because of cmake version #4900

Closed sqwwww closed 2 months ago

sqwwww commented 2 months ago


I used “espresso-4.2.1.tar.gz” download from github. after I entered "cmake ..", it gave an error and exit. the error message is as following:

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:22 (cmake_minimum_required): CMake 3.16 or higher is required. You are running version

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

Is there a way that I can cross the error and finish the Configuration?

I saw a file called "espresso-4.2.1.tar.gz.sig" in the release page, Is it an singularity container of espresso? Singularity container would be very convenient to use in my cluster.


jngrad commented 2 months ago


Clusters typically provide more recent versions of CMake than the one installed in /usr/bin. Run module spider cmake to list them all. If none of them satisfy our requirements, you can install a newer version in your python environment with some variation of python3 -m pip install --user 'cmake>=3.24.2' (the quotes are important).

The .sig file is a GnuPG signature used to verify the authenticity of the tarball file.