espressomd / espresso

The ESPResSo package
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Support Sympy for tabulated interactions #4968

Open RudolfWeeber opened 1 month ago

RudolfWeeber commented 1 month ago

It would be very handy, if one cut set up tabulated interactions sympy expressions. Using Sympy, it is also possible to obtain the force automatically.

import sympy as sp

r = sp.Symbol('r)

h_energy = \
  epsilon *sp.Piecewise(((1-r/sigma)**(5/2),r<sig"),(0,True))
bond = espressomd.interactions.tabulated_from_sympy(
    type="distance", var=r, energy=h_energy,min=0,max=10,steps=1000)


Example implementation

d = sp.Symbol('d')

h_energy = \
  force_model["hertzian_eps"] *sp.Piecewise(((1-d/force_model["hertzian_sig"])**(5/2),d<force_model["hertzian_sig"]),(0,True))
h_force = -sp.diff(h_energy,d)
h_energy = sp.lambdify(d, h_energy,"numpy")
h_force = sp.lambdify(d,h_force,"numpy")
print(f"{h_energy=}, {h_force=}")
dists = np.linspace(0,system.box_l[0],5000)
hertz_bond = espressomd.interactions.TabulatedDistance(
   min=0, max=system.box_l[0], energy=h_energy(dists), force=h_force(dists))