esprfid / esp-rfid

ESP8266 RFID (RC522, PN532, Wiegand, RDM6300) Access Control system featuring WebSocket, JSON, NTP Client, Javascript, SPIFFS
MIT License
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NTP unnecessarily blocking loop if connection is not present #615

Closed MatteoSalviTech closed 2 months ago

MatteoSalviTech commented 5 months ago

Hi! I've tried this solution on October 28 and I was so enthusiast since it worked perfectly. This new v2.0.0.rc0 doesn't work properly... can you please send me the generic.bin file before v2.0.0.rc0? Here are some of the problems I've discovered:

matjack1 commented 5 months ago

Hey @MatteoSalviTech ciao! :)

Please have a go with the binaries from here again: I've just reuploaded them with the latest bin file I have built and tested on my device. I cannot experience the problems you have, so if the problems persist, please send also a dump of the configuration to be sure I can reproduce your issue. Thank you for testing the new version!

MatteoSalviTech commented 5 months ago

Ciao @matjack1 ! So, what I've found out is that the ESP is so slow in AP fallback mode. If i connect it in client mode pages reload at an acceptable speed. I flashed my ESP8266MOD 12-F with the latest debug.bin file after I erased the flash memory with the blank4mb.bin file.

My actual configuration is the following:

{ "command": "configfile", "network": { "bssid": "E6:63:DA:15:BE:02", "ssid": "IoT @ SalviCalzolariNetwork", "wmode": 0, "hide": 0, "pswd": "iOtcasasalvi1312xm", "offtime": 0, "dhcp": 1, "ip": "", "subnet": "", "gateway": "", "dns": "", "apip": "", "apsubnet": "", "fallbackmode": "1" }, "hardware": { "readertype": 1, "wgd0pin": 12, "wgd1pin": 13, "sspin": 0, "rfidgain": 32, "wifipin": 2, "rtype": 1, "ltype": 0, "rpin": 14, "rtime": 2000, "doorname": "Door", "beeperpin": 255, "ledwaitingpin": 255, "openlockpin": 255, "doorbellpin": 255, "accessdeniedpin": 255, "useridstoragemode": "decimal", "requirepincodeafterrfid": false, "allowpincodeonly": true, "removeparitybits": true, "doorstatpin": 255, "maxOpenDoorTime": 0, "relay2": { "rtype": 1, "ltype": 0, "rpin": 4, "rtime": 400 }, "relay3": { "rtype": 1, "ltype": 0, "rpin": 4, "rtime": 400 }, "relay4": { "rtype": 1, "ltype": 0, "rpin": 4, "rtime": 400 }, "numrelays": 1 }, "general": { "hostnm": "esp-rfid", "restart": 0, "pswd": "admin", "openinghours": [ "111111111111111111111111", "111111111111111111111111", "111111111111111111111111", "111111111111111111111111", "111111111111111111111111", "111111111111111111111111", "111111111111111111111111" ] }, "mqtt": { "enabled": 0, "host": "", "port": 1883, "topic": "", "autotopic": 0, "user": "", "pswd": "", "syncrate": 180, "mqttlog": 0 }, "ntp": { "server": "", "interval": 30, "tzinfo": "" } }

My main problem is now adding a PIN to users. The PIN is recognized as scanned RFID tag and it stops reading when I press the 2 key on my keypad instead of the # key.

In the following log I've scanned an RFID tag (not associated to an authorized user) then I entered "135". When I press the 5 key it interprets it as escape key. Then I entered "132" and "134". When I press 2 or 4 it interprets them as enter key. It also seems that key 4 and key 2 are interpreted as the same wiegand code.

[ INFO ] ESP RFID v2.0.0 Flash real id: 00164054 Flash real size: 4194304

Flash ide size: 4194304 Flash ide speed: 40000000 Flash ide mode: DIO Flash Chip configuration ok.

[ INFO ] Config file found [ INFO ] Trying to setup RFID Hardware [ INFO ] Configuration done. [ INFO ] Trying to connect WiFi: IoT @ SalviCalzolariNetwork [ INFO ] WiFi BSSID: 230:99:218:21:190:2 [ INFO ] BSSID locked [ INFO ] WiFi STA Connected LED WiFi OFF [ INFO ] WiFi IP Connected LED WiFi ON [ INFO ] wifi | WiFi is connected | IoT @ SalviCalzolariNetwork [ INFO ] Trying to setup NTP Server [ INFO ] sys | System setup completed, running | [ INFO ] PICC's UID: 13318882 [ WARN ] rfid | Unknown rfid tag is scanned | 13318882 26 [ INFO ] Read timeout or clean after read Keycode captured. . . Keycode captured. . . Stop capture keycode . . . [ INFO ] PICC's pin code: 1412 [ WARN ] rfid | Unknown rfid tag is scanned | 1412 [ INFO ] Read timeout or clean after read Keycode captured. . . Keycode captured. . . Stop capture keycode . . . [ INFO ] PICC's pin code: 1412 [ WARN ] rfid | Unknown rfid tag is scanned | 1412 [ INFO ] Read timeout or clean after read

Another problem is that it interprets the entered PIN as a scanned RFID tag, so it never populates the PIN code field.

amirsholeh commented 5 months ago

hi, This new v2.0.0.rc0 doesn't work , Page loading very slow, no read tage (rc522) .....

croggero commented 4 months ago

I have had the same issue regarding AP mode or if Internet connection is not available. bool getNTPtime(int sec) will continue to delay the main loop for 10 seconds every time. Should this be adjusted to automatically fail and retry within 10 seconds but not block the main loop from executing? This change was implemented in #604

croggero commented 4 months ago

I have a fork with the changes I made to just poll the NTP time every 10 seconds, if it fails it will continue to add to the last successful sync. This works for AP mode (although the time will be incorrect). The commit on my fork is here.

matjack1 commented 3 months ago

@MatteoSalviTech from what you are saying about pressing 2 for confirming the PIN code instead of #, I think the problem is with your Wiegand configuration. Sometimes it might be because you swapped the D+ and D- or because you don't have a common ground between ESP and Wiegand reader. Let me know!

@croggero thank you for pointing that out, you are right! I have integrated the function straight from the Arduino library, but you are right about pausing for 10 seconds :( Would you be able to open a pull request in this project to fix this? Thanks!

matjack1 commented 2 months ago

I'm closing this as it's now fixed on dev, thanks to @croggero :)