esprfid / esp-rfid

ESP8266 RFID (RC522, PN532, Wiegand, RDM6300) Access Control system featuring WebSocket, JSON, NTP Client, Javascript, SPIFFS
MIT License
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Add support for generic serial input #616

Open timknowlden opened 7 months ago

timknowlden commented 7 months ago

Hi, looking for a way to implement gatw access using 868mhz fobs, will this system work with those if the fob receiver uses weigand?

Thanks, Tim

timknowlden commented 7 months ago

This is something im intersted to know if it would work with?


timknowlden commented 7 months ago

I've received the above mentioned rf receiver today, try all the different protocols listed, there is only one serial output, but when that is connected using weigand on gpio13 only I get this UID, it pops up asking to add user so serial data is being sent, but when using MFRC522, PN532 AND RDM6300 I do not get any data.

Sadly this UID is the same number for two different RF fobs.

The other reader types do not support GPIO13. Screenshot_20240215_151009_Brave Screenshot_20240215_154335_Amazon Shopping

plex3r commented 7 months ago


Wiegand uses 2 lines Data 0 and Data 1

You need to explain a bit further how you've wired things up as well

timknowlden commented 7 months ago


Wiegand uses 2 lines Data 0 and Data 1

You need to explain a bit further how you've wired things up as well


So I've used a zpt receiver from rf solutions, pin 6 is the serial output pin.

I've tried connecting pin 6 to every input pin that is available inside of esp-rfid, I've gone through all the reader types listed in esprfid hardware settings.

When type selected is wiegand and pin 6 is connected to IO13 on the pictured esp relay board. I get the UID picked up as 1677721. (both fobs yield same UID) This isn't the fob serial number sent by the rf remote.

You can see from the datasheet pictured that the first 3 bytes sent on the serial output are the rf rob serial number.

You can also see from a d1 mini I connected to to the receiver ZPT PIN 6 > ESP8266 PIN D2 using the uart component in esphome that the serial number is picked up in the log. I only need to capture the serial number, the rest of the data is irrelevant, battery status, rssi, etc.

Two fobs tested, one serial number = 02:85:82, other = 02:88:63

Going back to the ESPRFID, using all of the other reader types yields no results being captured.

I don't know enough about editing the code, but I'm sure someone with knowledge would be able to help implement serial input?

My other thoughts are, could I take the serial number by uart from esphome on the d1 and send out a serial number on wiegand protocol?

ZPT datahseet:

ESPhome sketch:

  name: rfreceiver
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini

    ssid: rf


  baud_rate: 19200
  rx_pin: D2
    direction: RX
    dummy_receiver: true

image-3 image-4

timknowlden commented 7 months ago

I've got the serial number now in a sensor inside esphome, so hoping I can send that serial number by uart to esprfid and that it will be recognised using the inbuilt reader types

timknowlden commented 7 months ago
  name: rf
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini

  ssid: "cnc"
  password: "&45t0W19"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "RFMini"

  port: 80
  version: 2


  level: warn
  id: uart_bus
  baud_rate: 19200
  rx_pin: D2
    direction: RX
    dummy_receiver: true
      delimiter: ":"
      - lambda: |-
          UARTDebug::log_int(UART_DIRECTION_RX, bytes, ':');

          int val1 = bytes[0];
          int val2 = bytes[1];
          int val3 = bytes[2];

          // publish individual values

  - platform: template
    name: "Combined Bytes"
    id: "combined_bytes"
    unit_of_measurement: ""
    # update_interval: 1s
    lambda: |-
      return int((id(byte1).state * 1000000) + (id(byte2).state * 1000) + id(byte3).state);
    internal: true
  - platform: template
    name: "Byte1"
    id: "byte1"
    internal: true
  - platform: template
    name: "Byte2"
    id: "byte2"
    internal: true
  - platform: template
    name: "Byte3"
    id: "byte3"
    unit_of_measurement: ""
    internal: true

  - platform: template
    name: "Keyfob Serial Number"
    id: serial
    icon: "mdi:eye"
    update_interval: 1s
    lambda: |-
      char result[10];
      sprintf(result, "%.0f%.0f%.0f", id(byte1).state, id(byte2).state, id(byte3).state);

      // Check if the result is "nannannan"
      if (strcmp(result, "nannannan") == 0) {
        return esphome::optional<std::string>("Press remote fob button");
      } else {
        return esphome::optional<std::string>(result);
timknowlden commented 7 months ago

image byte

timknowlden commented 7 months ago

I can't see how I'd know if data is being received by esprfid, I've tried changing reader type to rdm6300 and sending a uart packet from my esphome device, but the logs don't show anything received?

timknowlden commented 7 months ago

So running debug bin and monitoring using serial I get no data received when reader type is set to rdm6300 (which I believe uses uart serial?) I've set baud rate to 9600 and with a serial USB convertor in Windows machine I pick up data at 9600baud. See putty screenshot. Yet inside esprfid there is nothing in the monitor? image-6 image-7

timknowlden commented 7 months ago

image-8 image

timknowlden commented 7 months ago


plex3r commented 7 months ago

How many fobs are you wanting to add to the add to the system?

ESPRFID works well in a scenario where you're controlling access for multiple users but if you just want the system to recognise 1 or 2 rf fobs it would seem overkill, just use your HA code or other code running on your relay board with your example sketches to activate the relay when a valid fob serial number is transmitted?

timknowlden commented 7 months ago

How many fobs are you wanting to add to the add to the system?

ESPRFID works well in a scenario where you're controlling access for multiple users but if you just want the system to recognise 1 or 2 rf fobs it would seem overkill, just use your HA code or other code running on your relay board with your example sketches to activate the relay when a valid fob serial number is transmitted?

Around 100 fobs, each that can be removed or disabled. scenario being that somebody leaves the company but doesnt return their fob, they have access to remote depots.

I need to be able to Log who and when they enter site, so a unique serial number registered to their name seems logical and ESPRFID software is great for that. easy to add and remove users, especially for those who are managing the system and computer illiterate.

matjack1 commented 6 months ago

Hey @timknowlden actually it wouldn't be too complex to support a generic serial reading.

Currently though the serial read is then parsed specifically from a library for RDM6300 or RF125-PS or Gwiot 7941E.

I don't have time to add support for this before releasing v2, but if you (or anyone else) wants to work on this let me know and I can guide you towards implementing it, OK?

timknowlden commented 6 months ago

Hey @timknowlden actually it wouldn't be too complex to support a generic serial reading.

Currently though the serial read is then parsed specifically from a library for RDM6300 or RF125-PS or Gwiot 7941E.

I don't have time to add support for this before releasing v2, but if you (or anyone else) wants to work on this let me know and I can guide you towards implementing it, OK?

Hi, I have actually put a stop on this project for now... maybe i will come back to it in the future. I dont really have enough knowledge to implement myself