esprfid / esp-rfid

ESP8266 RFID (RC522, PN532, Wiegand, RDM6300) Access Control system featuring WebSocket, JSON, NTP Client, Javascript, SPIFFS
MIT License
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MQTT additional Command #629

Closed judick1962 closed 2 months ago

judick1962 commented 2 months ago

Version 2.0.0 What I found out so far is:

Publishing on TOPIC/cmd

To open a door {"doorip":"","door":"2","cmd":"open"} To close a door {"doorip":"","door":"1","cmd":"close"} To open all doors {"doorip":"","cmd":"dooropen"} To add a user {"doorip":"""user":"testman","uid":"22222","cmd":"adduser"} To delete a user {"doorip":"","uid":"22222","cmd":"deletuid"}

What I am looking for  {"doorip":"","uid":"22222","cmd":"change","uid":"22222","door":"1","access":"Admin","since":"1713360552","until":"1713360552"}

Adding a user without changing the access-rights per door is not helping me in order to remote manage temporarily user or did I overlook something?

Thanks for considering


matjack1 commented 2 months ago

Hey @judick1962 have you considered deleting and re-adding the user?

Another approach for temporary users is to add users already with both validsince and validuntil dates. Have you seen this page for the documentation:

It's about the dev branch though. You should be able to use it also with the v2.0.0.rc0 that you can find here: (soon I'll probably release a new rc1).

Hope this helps!