esprfid / esp-rfid

ESP8266 RFID (RC522, PN532, Wiegand, RDM6300) Access Control system featuring WebSocket, JSON, NTP Client, Javascript, SPIFFS
MIT License
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Not an issue but an implementation #7

Closed rneurink closed 7 years ago

rneurink commented 7 years ago

Not an issue but I've been working on my own RFID system and i thought lets merge these projects. So heres some code to implement a timing system

The timing system makes it available so someone can select times for each day to allow someone to enter. capture

I'm still working on converting my logging system to this project. Feel free to ask questions

Code is in attached zip file

Edit: Also it might be handy to use Gitt to improve communication around your projects

omersiar commented 7 years ago

from @rneurink 's fork

What else for v0.2?

akeilox commented 7 years ago

This project is coming along very nicely since I last checked, loving the direction being taken!

Are they any plans to change the SS and RST pin selection (esp if rst is redundant now) in GUI to Enter and Exit pin selection so it can support 2 mfrc522 units connected to the same mcu? Perhaps the default is Enter and Exit being optional. So one can do logs like;

Name BOB Card A1235B Entered [Door-Name] at [Date and Time] ... Name BOB Card A1235B Exited [Door-Name] at [Date and Time]

omersiar commented 7 years ago

Hello @akeilox, what you are asking is already in my to do list, but it may take a long time to get there, maybe v0.4? because i do not have an another RC522 at the moment and there are other things that really really need to be done before this.

akeilox commented 7 years ago

Hi @omersiar understand, I been side tracked now catching up from stored email notifications and code updates, this is a great learning tool with very cool practical applications.

I saw the progress on SPIFF, and was wondering if you will consider adding support for paired-access. Say like for a store room or file room, where two cards (person) need to be tapped to gain access. When cardid stored in EPROM, perhaps it can have an optional pair field (name,cardid,pairid... ), and if this field is filled with another card id then mcu will await that card to be scanned too, to give access. Is it something that can be factored in to the design for future implementation. I am interested to hear your thoughts on this.

omersiar commented 7 years ago

Yeah totaly esp-rfid can work like this, you can divide users into two groups, one have direct access, one have to wait for another person to validate access, actually you can do it now, for second group, you do not even have to deal with eeprom or know them. Just give users rfid tags, and do not let them access, give security guy the valid tag, lets people to enter

omersiar commented 7 years ago

i assume there is a security guy, but if there are multiple parties for access, i do not know how to actually maintain this. design your work flow, perfect it, then coding will be easy.

rneurink commented 7 years ago


Are they any plans to change the SS and RST pin selection (esp if rst is redundant now) in GUI to Enter and Exit pin selection so it can support 2 mfrc522 units connected to the same mcu? Perhaps the default is Enter and Exit being optional. So one can do logs like;

I've got 2 readers so i will work on this after i get the SD card with logging working.

The idea of verification by 2 cards is quite easy to implement in the current state if i have the time i will give this a bit more thought and implement it

omersiar commented 7 years ago

This was done there nicely:

omersiar commented 7 years ago

@rneurink Also I am still trying to convince my self about timed entry.

I am thinking about global Open-Close hours in Settings Page

and also beside from that setting, every user can also be individually configured as you did it. I need somehow more easy approach for Timed Access, for example selecting boxes for hours of day and day of week like they are doing with torrent clients.

Also for future reference MomentJS is very promising:

omersiar commented 7 years ago

Timed Access (Entry) will likely be in V0.4