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Upload GitHub Build Artifacts #2256

Closed DanTheMan827 closed 2 years ago

DanTheMan827 commented 2 years ago

Since you already had an action, I modified it to also upload the build artifacts as well.

gfwilliams commented 2 years ago

Where does it upload them to/how do you get them?

Because they are already all uploaded to /

DanTheMan827 commented 2 years ago

@gfwilliams it attaches them to the github action run.

Example from my fork:

You don't have to if you don't want, but I figured it's just another source for them

gfwilliams commented 2 years ago

Great - thanks! Yes, that looks neat.

Maybe I'll have to re-evaluate if GitHub starts charging for storage somehow, but until then this seems like a neat thing to have. Also for anyone wanting to clone, make a change and have it built for them

DanTheMan827 commented 2 years ago

@gfwilliams you may want to change the action to run on all branches along with a check for to only run when on master if you want to filter to commits on that, there seem to be a number of environment variables you can check, or you could just check the if the commit is in master with the script itself using the git cli.

Ideally, someone forking to make changes would also make a branch for those changes rather than work on their master, and the action wouldn't run for them.