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`Object.clone()` returning function #2502

Closed bobrippling closed 1 month ago

bobrippling commented 1 month ago

Could I be using it wrong? I'd like to have a deep copy of an object, which might contain further objects or arrays

>c = Object.clone({ a: 1 })
=function () { [native code] }
gfwilliams commented 1 month ago

Ahh - yes, sorry - it's meant to be called on the Object itself (although I admit your usage makes more sense!). I'll update the documentation with an example. However is it not a deep copy I'm afraid:

a = { d : [1,2,3] };
b = (a).clone()
={ d: [ 1, 2, 3 ] }

For that you're probably back to JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(x)) which is pretty nasty.

As far as I can tell the function is basically the same as Object.assign({}, obj) - I'm actually kind of tempted to remove it completely. I think in the very early days before we had Object.assign it was useful, but now it's really not.

bobrippling commented 1 month ago

Ahhh doh, yes that was rather silly of me. That's great, thank you