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http server runs out of sockets #809

Closed tve closed 7 years ago

tve commented 8 years ago

Reported by Wilberforce:

When testing and debugging, after a while to http server code fails to start with an out of sockets error. This happens after a number of uploads from the web ide. I believe it is due to the old http server sessions not shutting down properly. I have my board set up so it auto joins my local wifi. At the moment I just hit the reset button on the board, and re upload, however it would be handy to shutdown the connections cleanly. Can this be down with an E.event on after a .reset? Wifi.disconnect and wifi.connect() does do the job, however it would be great if an event could trigger.

gfwilliams commented 8 years ago

Well, socketserver.c gets called from jswrap_network_kill, which is called whenever there is a call to reset(), and that should close all the sockets.

Could it be that something about the reset() causes the nonblocking ESP8266 API calls not to be made, or not to complete?

wilberforce commented 8 years ago

Thanks. Is there anything in esp8266.getstate() we could use to report the number of sockets open, or anything else that would be useful for determing the error? I.e show the number of open sockets? The next time this occurs is there something I can dump that would be of use?

tve commented 8 years ago

the debug log has messages about every socket open/close, should be easy to trace what happens there

wilberforce commented 8 years ago

@tve - do you mean the console log in the IDE?

I was doing some web socket code that involved quite a few sends to the ESP8266 from the ide:

 _____                 _

|   __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___
|   __|_ -| . |  _| | | |   | . |
|_____|___|  _|_| |___|_|_|_|___|
 1v84 Copyright 2016 G.Williams
WARNING: the esp8266 port is in beta!
Flash map 4MB:512/512, manuf 0xe0 chip 0x4016
ERROR: Unable to create socket
Sending block "rver.on(\"websoc", wait 50ms
Sending block "ket\", function(", wait 50ms
Sending block "ws) {\u001b\n   ws_ou", wait 50ms
Sending block "ter=ws;\u001b\n    ws", wait 50ms
Sending block ".on('message',f", wait 50ms
Sending block "unction(msg) { ", wait 50ms
Sending block "print(\"[WS] \"+J", wait 50ms
Sending block "SON.stringify(m", wait 50ms
Sending block "sg)); });\u001b\n    ", wait 50ms
Sending block "ws.send(\"Hello ", wait 50ms
Sending block "from Espruino, ", wait 50ms
Sending block "module!\");\u001b\n   ", wait 50ms
Sending block "ws.send(", wait 50ms
Sending block "ringify({data:5", wait 50ms
Sending block "55}));\u001b\n });\nec", wait 50ms
Sending block "ho(1);\n", wait 50ms
>>> Sent

This output doesn't look that helpful.

var server = require('ws').createServer(onPageRequest);
 server.on("websocket", function(ws) {
    ws.on('message',function(msg) { print("[WS] "+JSON.stringify(msg)); });
    ws.send("Hello from Espruino, module!");

the create server is failing on socket create...

tve commented 8 years ago

I meant the uart1 output. I will look into this issue, but I'm just slammed.

wilberforce commented 8 years ago

@tve I appreciate that you have taken the time to respond when you're busy!

Is there a way to connect the uart1 to the web ide console as I'm using a nodemcu board?

wilberforce commented 8 years ago

Notes for myself ! /*JSON{ "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "ESP8266", "name" : "setLog", "generate" : "jswrap_ESP8266_setLog", "params" : [ ["mode", "JsVar", "Debug log mode: 0=off, 1=in-memory only, 2=in-mem and uart0, 3=in-mem and uart1."]

/*JSON{ "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "ESP8266", "name" : "printLog", "generate" : "jswrap_ESP8266_printLog" }

/*JSON{ "type" : "staticmethod", "class" : "ESP8266", "name" : "dumpSocketInfo", "generate" : "jswrap_ESP8266_dumpSocketInfo" } Dumps info about all sockets to the log. This is for troubleshooting the socket implementation.

tve commented 8 years ago

mhh, net.kill() causes an exception:

  "reason": "exception",
  "exccause": 28, "epc1": 1076117927, "epc2": 0, "epc3": 0, "excvaddr": 256,
  "depc": 0 }

On the esp8266 a reset() does not close server sockets cleanly. A dumpSocketInfo shows that a server socket remains in a disconnecting state.

tve commented 8 years ago

Haha, from the code:

    // FIXME: do we get a disconnected callback or is this it? If we don't get a callback we can
    // go straight to SOCKET_STATE_CLOSED
    pSocketData->state = SOCKET_STATE_DISCONNECTING;

Looks like we don't get a disconnected callback... Probably my bad for not double-checking and fixing this.

davidmoshal commented 8 years ago

Problem still exists in 1.85
ERROR: Unable to create socket
Does not respond to reset()
Does respond to hardware reset
Board: NodeMCU V2

tve commented 8 years ago

Steps to reproduce?

davidmoshal commented 8 years ago

Nothing fancy, just working on a very simple server will trigger the problem after a couple of uploads.

var PORT = 8080;

    console.log("connected? err=", err, 
                "port:", PORT, 
                "info=", wifi.getIP());
    var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
       res.end("Hello World");
wilberforce commented 8 years ago

This version shows the debug output in the web ide:

var PORT = 8080;
var wifi=require("Wifi");
var http=require("http");
var ESP8266=require("ESP8266");

    console.log("connected? err=", err, 
                "port:", PORT, 
                "info=", wifi.getIP());
    var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
      res.write("<br>Hello World");



I think the issue is here:

//===== Wifi soft_init

// This function is called in soft_init to hook-up the network. This happens from user_main's
// init_done() and also from `reset()` in order to re-hook-up the network.
void jswrap_ESP8266_wifi_soft_init() {
  DBGV("> Wifi.soft_init\n");

  // initialize the network stack
  JsNetwork net;
  networkCreate(&net, JSNETWORKTYPE_ESP8266_BOARD);

  DBGV("< Wifi.soft_init\n");

which calls:

 * Initialize the entire socket array
void netInit_esp8266_board() {
  if (g_socketsInitialized) return;
  g_socketsInitialized = true;
  os_memset(socketArray, 0, sizeof(socketArray));

and since g_socketsInitialized is already true - the socket array is not re-initialised.

However, I would have thought the slots should be in the SOCKET_STATE_UNUSED and would be available?

wilberforce commented 8 years ago

Ahh - worked out how to reproduce....

It's when you get an inbound connection, while the script is being up loaded. So this naturally when you are using web sockets -as there is a regular heartbeat.

So start the ide upload and refresh the browser.... after a few iterations, the socketArray is full:

ERROR: Unable to create socket
179518> === socket 1 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=idle, espconn=0x3fff9158, err=0, rx:
179526> === socket 30 type=inbound, txBuf=0x00000000, state=closing, espconn=0x00000000, err=-5, rx: 416@0x3fffa9e8
179536> === socket 31 type=inbound, txBuf=0x00000000, state=closing, espconn=0x00000000, err=0, rx:
179545> === socket 46 type=inbound, txBuf=0x00000000, state=closing, espconn=0x00000000, err=0, rx: 416@0x3fffad48
179555> === socket 47 type=inbound, txBuf=0x00000000, state=closing, espconn=0x00000000, err=0, rx:
179563> === socket 50 type=inbound, txBuf=0x00000000, state=closing, espconn=0x00000000, err=0, rx: 416@0x3fffab98
179573> === socket 52 type=inbound, txBuf=0x00000000, state=closing, espconn=0x00000000, err=0, rx: 416@0x3fffaef8
179584> === socket 54 type=inbound, txBuf=0x00000000, state=closing, espconn=0x00000000, err=0, rx: 416@0x3fffb0a8
179594> === socket 55 type=inbound, txBuf=0x00000000, state=closing, espconn=0x00000000, err=0, rx: 416@0x3fffb258
179604> === socket 57 type=inbound, txBuf=0x00000000, state=closing, espconn=0x00000000, err=0, rx: 416@0x3fffb408
tve commented 8 years ago

and since g_socketsInitialized is already true - the socket array is not re-initialised.

IIRC that's because the telnet console is also one of the sockets, so you don't want to blow that away...

tve commented 8 years ago

@davidmoshal I cannot reproduce your problem. I'm running curl pulling the hello world page in a loop running as fast as it will go (several requests per second) and it's already been running for a few minutes without any issue.

tve commented 8 years ago

@wilberforce are you saying that if you upload code while a socket is open then the socket does not get closed? That's possible.

davidmoshal commented 8 years ago

@tve are you uploading code at the same time?

@wilberforce 's problem seemed exactly the same as mine, so I ran his code, and I get the same error he got - socket count increases until they are dropped:

243380> net_esp8266: listening socket 30 on port 8080
243445> === socket 1 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=idle, espconn=0x3fffa448, err=0, rx:
243445> === socket 2 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=disconnecting, espconn=0x3fffa5a0, err=0, rx:
243452> === socket 5 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=disconnecting, espconn=0x3fffa658, err=0, rx:
243461> === socket 10 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=disconnecting, espconn=0x3fffa960, err=0, rx:
243470> === socket 13 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=disconnecting, espconn=0x3fffa9b0, err=0, rx:
243479> === socket 16 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=disconnecting, espconn=0x3fffaa00, err=0, rx:
243488> === socket 21 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=disconnecting, espconn=0x3fffaa50, err=0, rx:
243497> === socket 24 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=disconnecting, espconn=0x3fffae80, err=0, rx:
243507> === socket 27 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=disconnecting, espconn=0x3fffaed0, err=0, rx:
243516> === socket 30 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=idle, espconn=0x3fffaf20, err=0, rx:
243524> net_esp8266: out of sockets, dropping inbound connection

Note: in my original case I noticed that even without uploading code, the browser seemed to still be waiting after res.end("Hello World") Shouldn't the socket close after `res.end()'?

wilberforce commented 8 years ago

@wilberforce are you saying that if you upload code while a socket is open then the socket does not get closed? That's possible.

@tve It seems so. It is quite hard to reproduce this, I've not managed to get it down to a simple case that is reproducible ;-(

I have been doing the tests, uploading with serial. If you upload over a wifi connection it does not seem to occur...

davidmoshal commented 8 years ago

@tve I was able to reproduce it easily - note: I had to upload the code and refresh the browser about 10 times. Separately: where are the instructions for uploading over a wifi connection?


MaBecker commented 8 years ago

This is a simple way howto hammer the ESPRUINO webserver using curl

How to quickly stress test a web server

curl "http://<esp_ip>:8080?[1-100]"

Next level is to use ab Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool

using this allows you to quickly reproduce out of sockets and prints some stats

ab -c 10 -n 10  ""
This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1663405 $>
Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,

Benchmarking (be patient).....done

Server Software:        Espruino
Server Hostname:
Server Port:            8080

Document Path:          /
Document Length:        86 bytes

Concurrency Level:      10
Time taken for tests:   1.431 seconds
Complete requests:      10
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      1480 bytes
HTML transferred:       860 bytes
Requests per second:    6.99 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       1430.944 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       143.094 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          1.01 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:        5    9   2.9      9      14
Processing:   304  862 365.1    945    1422
Waiting:      304  862 364.7    944    1419
Total:        309  871 367.3    956    1431

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%    956
  66%   1080
  75%   1203
  80%   1208
  90%   1431
  95%   1431
  98%   1431
  99%   1431
 100%   1431 (longest request)
MaBecker commented 8 years ago

@tve is the espressif SDK the root cause ?

MrTimcakes commented 8 years ago

Another easy way to reproduce this issue is to use the Ping Module and spam out ping requests, you soon slam into the error.

MaBecker commented 8 years ago

running a sensor, that sends every 5min data to ( chart )

Is there a context ?

MaBecker commented 8 years ago

new gap because sensor moved to a different location - restarted at 15:54 GMT+0200

MaBecker commented 8 years ago

Hi, can some one please explain this output line marke with <-- ?

84904> E:M 656
784905> E:M 656
784906> E:M 656
784908> E:M 656
784909> E:M 656
784911> E:M 656
784912> E:M 656
784914> net_esp8266: error -1->-2 on socket 805: out of memory   <-- ?
784920> net_esp8266: socket 805 to be closed
784924> net_esp8266: socket 805 disconnected
788705> === socket 1 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=idle, espconn=0x3fff9810, err=0, rx:
788705> === socket 450 type=server, txBuf=0x00000000, state=idle, espconn=0x3fff9f18, err=-5, rx:
788710> === socket 0 type=none, txBuf=0x00000000, state=unused, espconn=0x00000000, err=0, rx:

this is the used command to stress the sockets:

watch -n 5 ab -s 5 -c 5 -n 5 
tve commented 8 years ago

The problem starts way before the highlighted line. E:M 656 is printed by malloc and means that it failed to allocate 656 bytes, which must be a TCP buffer. By the looks of it the alloc was called by the SDK, e.g. lwip. The line you highlighted is when the espruino networking code gets the error. So the bottom line is that you're running out of heap...

msol2004 commented 7 years ago

Hello, is "ERROR: Unable to create socket" solved? We have Espruino on ESP8266 1v88 and got this error under net.connect()

MaBecker commented 7 years ago

no - not as far as I know

msol2004 commented 7 years ago

We have very periodic problem related to "ERROR: Unable to create socket". - Can it generate any on.error message onto JS level? - Could it be fixed in the next release? - I would like to help with this somehow... Please give advice

MaBecker commented 7 years ago

Hi @msol2004

- Can it generate any on.error message onto JS level?

- Could it be fixed in the next release?

- I would like to help with this somehow... Please give advice


@tve and @wilberforce would be nice if you can add your findings and suggestions

wilberforce commented 7 years ago


Sorry, I can really add much.

I've found the esp8266 do be a bit limiting when I try to do anything, so I'm focusing efforts on the esp32 port. There are much more resources available and these type of issues are far less likely to occur.

@jumjum123 and I have been working on the esp32 port, there is a esp32 branch and and room.

msol2004 commented 7 years ago

I am in dead end with "setup a the toolchain".

I am focused in Eclipse and, unfortunately, I still cannot find the right manual "how to compile Espruino project". Any guidance will be very appreciated!

MaBecker commented 7 years ago

check and let me know if you need more informations

msol2004 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your attention!

Before your answer, I have found recommendations for "UNOFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT KIT FOR ESPRESSIF ESP8266" and followed them.

Very likely, I have installed all things properly, because two sample projects (_helloworld and _lwip_open_demoapp) have been downloaded into ESP-12F and functioned as expected.

Now I am trying to find proper way according to instructions in and files. I met several questions after the reading under the line "for esp8266": - where can "STANDALONE=n" be found? - I connot find "esp_iot_sdkv1.5.0" file. Does it exist for Windows? _- should I somehow edit lines like "ESP_FLASHMAX ?= 479232", because "?=" in the middle?

Anyway, I have uncommented the line ESP8266_BOARD=1 and added FLASH_4MB=1 # if you have an esp-12 ESP8266_SDK_ROOT=c:/Espressif/esp_iot_sdk_v1.5.0 # ???? PATH=$PATH;c:/Espressif/xtensa-lx106-elf/bin/ COMPORT=COM14 include ../ MODULE = driver user LIBS = c gcc hal phy pp net80211 lwip wpa main crypto include ../

Log file of my first attempt to build firmware:

21:36:24 Build of configuration Default for project Espruino make all make: Nothing to be done for `all'. 21:37:05 Build Finished (took 41s.432ms)

Build report:

Description Resource Path Location Type make: *** No rule to make target `Espruino_GM'. Stop. Espruino C/C++ Problem

Could you guide me onto the next step?

MaBecker commented 7 years ago

please also check Dockerfile-esp8266

My Env setting:

export ESP8266_BOARD=1
export FLASH_4MB=1
export ESP8266_SDK_ROOT=/esptools/esp_iot_sdk/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:/esptools/esp-open-sdk/xtensa-lx106-elf/bin/
export COMPORT=/dev/cu.usbserial

clone and install flash tool esptool

git clone

clone Espruino

git clone

cd Espruino


check README_flash.txt to flash your new binaries

Please let me know if you need more support

msol2004 commented 7 years ago

Thank you, it works!

MaBecker commented 7 years ago

@msol2004 any news on this?

maze1980 commented 7 years ago

The ESP8266 supports only 15 sockets, that's a hardware limitation, and to make it worse the current build of Espruino supports only 10 sockets. I can't see any indication of any other error in the messages in this thread, it looks like you're simply hitting that limit to 10 sockets.

Just be clarify, maybe I didn't understand the error report correctly: As far as I understand the sockets get closed eventually, and new connections are possible again ('some gaps in the graphs'). Is this correct?

The only thing I don't understand: How could @tve possibly have curl running for minutes without getting any error - was the web server really running on the ESP8266?

gfwilliams commented 7 years ago

As far as I understand the sockets get closed eventually, and new connections are possible again ('some gaps in the graphs'). Is this correct?

Yes, absolutely! They should get closed pretty quickly.

The only thing I don't understand: How could @tve possibly have curl running for minutes without getting any error

Because sockets get closed after being used. If they're not getting closed you're doing something wrong, and with 50 sockets you'll probably just run out of RAM before anything else.

maze1980 commented 7 years ago

The only thing I don't understand: How could @tve possibly have curl running for minutes without getting any error

Because sockets get closed after being used. If they're not getting closed you're doing something wrong, and with 50 sockets you'll probably just run out of RAM before anything else.

Just checked curl: curl does actively close the connection on the client side, therefore the server can re-use the socket without any wait time, and this is most likely why it worked fine. But if the client doesn't actively close the session the server has to do close the session. This can take a while (4 minutes typically in TIMEWAIT state).

gfwilliams commented 7 years ago

Espruino doesn't support socket re-use, so I believe it closes the socket itself once it's served up the page.

What exact problems are you having with Espruino on ESP8266, and with what code?

maze1980 commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I used the wrong terminology. It's re-using one of the 10 available structures for sockets (as defined in MAX_SOCKETS) to create a new socket, not the socket itself. I don't have any problem with sockets, and I just wondered if there is really a bug. To me everything looks like it works as designed. (The limit to 10 sockets is just a limitation, not a bug).

gfwilliams commented 7 years ago

I don't have any problem with sockets, and I just wondered if there is really a bug.

Me too :) I think what happened was there was historically a bug where Espruino was 'leaking' open sockets in some cases, and then a bug in the ESP8266 SDK where it did the same when low on memory, but it sounds a lot like this has now been fixed in both cases.

I'll just close this now I think and will see if anyone reopens with with a legitimate report of leaking sockets, and not an 'Unable to create socket' that's just caused by trying to open too many sockets.