essandess / etv-comskip

Commercial Marking and Skipping for EyeTV and iTunes Exports
GNU General Public License v2.0
55 stars 7 forks source link

Comskip not marking #62

Closed mlcrow closed 8 years ago

mlcrow commented 8 years ago

I built and installed following the instructions given on github. Activity monitor shows comskip being started following the end of a recording but no markings are set when viewing the file in eyetv. OSX 10.11.1 EyeTV 3.6.8

I'm happy to provide log files to aid in troubleshooting but I need to know the location where they would be.

essandess commented 8 years ago

Thanks for reporting this. I have everything working on my box but there were a number of changes in the refactoring so it's nice to get some help to make sure it works for others.

Let's start with basics and make sure that comskip runs and marks commercials. I'll assume you know your way around the command line. Would you please do the following and post the results?

Obviously cd to the location of your own EyeTV Archive and the specific recording that doesn't show marked commercials.

Show the directory contents:

cd /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD2/Documents/EyeTV\ Archive/Archer\ -\ Pocket\ Listing.eyetv/
ls -l

total 8993232 -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 3708 Oct 17 01:00 000000001bc3ccc8.eyetvp -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 50 Oct 23 09:45 000000001bd20649.edl -rw-r--r--@ 1 user staff 9 Nov 7 19:24 000000001bd20649.exported_inodes.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 153840 Oct 17 01:00 000000001bd20649.eyetvi -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 2490 Nov 4 06:27 000000001bd20649.eyetvr -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 191 Oct 27 17:05 000000001bd20649.iPad.chapters.txt -rw-r--r--@ 1 user staff 1098137098 Oct 27 17:05 000000001bd20649.iPad.m4v -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 276311 Oct 23 09:45 000000001bd20649.log -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 8290 Oct 17 01:22 000000001bd20649.logo.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 3499743328 Oct 17 01:00 000000001bd20649.mpg -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 159802 Nov 3 21:11 000000001bd20649.thumbnail.tiff -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 6015714 Nov 3 21:11 000000001bd20649.tiff -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 115 Oct 23 09:45 000000001bd20649.txt

If you see a .edl file there, please post the output of cat 000000001bd20649.edl (but with your filename).

If not, run comskip on the .mpg file in the .eyetv directory by hand and say what happens:

/Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/bin/comskip --ini=/Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini 000000001bd20649.mpg

Comskip 0.81.089, made using ffmpeg Donator build The commandline used was: "/Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/bin/comskip" "--ini=/Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini" 000000001bd20649.mpg

Setting ini file to /Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini as per commandline Using /Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini for initiation values. Mpeg: 000000001bd20649.mpg Exe comskip.exe Logo: 000000001bd20649.logo.txt Ini: /Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini

Detection Methods to be used: 1) Black Frame 2) Logo - Give up after 2000 seconds 3) Scene Change 4) Resolution Change 5) Closed Captions 6) Aspect Ratio 7) Silence

ComSkip throttles back from -0001 to -0001. The time is now 2033 so it's full speed ahead! ...... 42:++ 3 3 0 43585 53827 1454.25s 1795.96s 341.71s 0.00 0.05 0 1.78 EL a b 325- 0.59 4327- 91- 0.000 32 NONE

53827 Frames Processed Commercials were found.

mlcrow commented 8 years ago

I did not have a .edl file listed. After running com skip on the .mpg file in the .eyetv directory by hand, the results are as follows:

Comskip 0.81.089, made using ffmpeg Donator build The commandline used was: "/Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/bin/comskip" "--ini=/Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini" 000000001bf968a0.mpg

Setting ini file to /Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini as per commandline Using /Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini for initiation values. Mpeg: 000000001bf968a0.mpg Exe comskip.exe Logo: 000000001bf968a0.logo.txt Ini: /Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini

Detection Methods to be used: 1) Black Frame 2) Logo - Give up after 2000 seconds 3) Scene Change 4) Resolution Change 5) Closed Captions 6) Aspect Ratio 7) Silence

ComSkip throttles back from -0001 to -0001. The time is now 1957 so it's full speed ahead! ........
31:++ 3 3 0 68854 82793 1148.70s 1381.23s 232.53s 0.01 0.02 0 1.78 L a b 200- 0.75 322- 24- 0.000 20 POPON

82793 Frames Processed Commercials were found. Close window when done

essandess commented 8 years ago

(Please edit your post to remove the long comskip info and just leave the beginning and end. Also, please Comment without closing the issue.)

Would you please run ls -l in the directory? If there's a .edl After running comskip, please cat it and post the results.

mlcrow commented 8 years ago

running ls -l and cat on the .edl gives:

0.00 22.61 0 78.14 126.43 0 505.99 646.81 0 971.37 1148.68 0

essandess commented 8 years ago

Okay this is the first weirdness: you say the Activity Monitor showed comskip running, but it did not create a .edl file. But it works when we run it by hand.

Before we go on, would you please confirm that this is the very same .eyetv recording directory that you saw comskip kick in for on Activity Monitor?

essandess commented 8 years ago

One difference I see is at the end of your comskip log:

Close window when done

I don't have that. Did you run comskip or comskip-gui by hand? I'm just looking for differences between our systems to try to nail down the problem.

mlcrow commented 8 years ago

Yes same .eyetv recording. I'm doing another quick recording as a sanity check on myself and I'll post the results of the cat from the .edl if there is one.

Another quick question. After running comskip by hand, should my .eyetv I ran it on flag the commercials in EyeTV? It hasn't done that. Still just the full file.

Also I just ran comskip, not comskip-gui

essandess commented 8 years ago


No, EyeTV will not use the .edl file directly to skip commercials. There's a command in the MarkCommercials Python script that adds these marks to one of the .eyetvr plist files in the .eyetv directory, and that's how EyeTV knows about them.

For now I'm puzzled because if comskip runs, it sure should create a .edl file. Please test again. It would also be very helpful to post your ls -l output because we also have to look for simple permissions issues. Replace your account name with "user" if you like.

I'll check in tomorrow when I'm able.

mlcrow commented 8 years ago

So my sanity check proved to be worthwhile...kind of. ComSkipper is the process name that I caught in activity monitor but but I just happened to catch it and it only is an active process for a few seconds before being terminated. Also non of the sanity check recordings had a .edl in the .eyetv recording directory. So I don't think I'm properly getting comskip to trigger following a recording.

As suggested, here is the ls -l from the .eyetv recording.

ls -l total 836344 -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 3446 Nov 15 21:13 000000001bf9800e.eyetvp -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 26600 Nov 15 21:13 000000001bf9800f.eyetvi -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 2404 Nov 15 21:14 000000001bf9800f.eyetvr -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 425375568 Nov 15 21:13 000000001bf9800f.mpg -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 159802 Nov 15 21:10 000000001bf9800f.thumbnail.tiff -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 2628626 Nov 15 21:10 000000001bf9800f.tiff

essandess commented 8 years ago

Okay great. We've established that the comskip binary works, but that it isn't being triggered by one (or both) of the EyeTV triggered scripts or the MarkCommercials pyinstaller binary. I strongly suspect the former, but let's explore the options. Fingers crossed that this is some silly Installer issue.

Would you please replicate these commands and compare the precise output with me? We're looking for major or subtle differences between our two installations.

EyeTV triggered scripts:

ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/EyeTV/Scripts/TriggeredScripts/

total 192 -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 60546 Nov 4 06:28 ExportDone.scpt -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 26398 Nov 4 06:28 RecordingDone.scpt -rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 5930 Nov 4 06:28 RecordingStarted.scpt drwxr-xr-x+ 4 root wheel 136 Dec 7 2011 orig


I want you to run MarkCommercials by hand on the very same test recording you just created. Please do this and report the same output I do. (You can start output blocks with a single Markdown > for formatting.)

First, determine the EyeTV recording ID. Use grep to filter the output using the name of your show:

/Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/bin/MarkCommercials | grep Pocket

466749001 = [Archer - Pocket Listing], [924], [FXX HDTV (East)]

The number at the line beginning is EyeTV's recording ID for that show, and we must use it in the MarkCommercials command and in the same of the resulting log file. Please run:

/Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/bin/MarkCommercials --log 466749001
  MarkCommercials 1.1

Recording previously marked

My shows were already marked, so MarkCommercials will pass over calling comskip. I want to see what happens for you. Please report all output.

Finally, please report the full contents of the log file:

cat ~/Library/Logs/ETVComskip/466749001.log

Mon Nov 16 05:13:36 2015 - /Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/bin/MarkCommercials, 1.1 starting Mon Nov 16 05:13:36 2015 - Command line: ['/Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/bin/MarkCommercials', '--log', '466749001'] Mon Nov 16 05:13:36 2015 - Application name: EyeTV Mon Nov 16 05:13:36 2015 - Cfg files read: [] Mon Nov 16 05:13:36 2015 - Checking communications to EyeTV with 3 retries Mon Nov 16 05:13:36 2015 - Attempt 1 worked Mon Nov 16 05:13:36 2015 - Getting recordings Mon Nov 16 05:13:36 2015 - Recordings: [app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469326480), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468721680), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(466237801), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469175460), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(465024600), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(466749001), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(466747080), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468329319), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468156480), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469204080), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469020480), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468242880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468415680), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468502080), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469106880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468761280), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(422153880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(423363480), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(423968280), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(459241080), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(458636280), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(460450691), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(467081880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(467690280), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(465875880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(465955080), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(466844400), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463715880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468196456), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(449276280), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(453801624), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(453196680), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(437972280), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(450172680), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(448963080), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(443519880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(445942680), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(464446980), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(467570400), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463706280), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463945860), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463539601), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463534201), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463561620), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463537801), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463550461), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463532401), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463541401), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463543201), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463536001), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(467598480), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(463554060), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(460180686), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(460511900), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(465032640), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(465020040), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(464429400), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(461052519), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(461657700), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(460447891), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(459844644), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(467773080), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(464749080), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(435718680), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(436931880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(458701080), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(437536680), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(461840280), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(465382680), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(453257880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468986280), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468381480), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(452653080), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(446003880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(465958800), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(467168280), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(450838680), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468504001), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468244800), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468417601), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468331201), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468969272), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469108801), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469022401), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468158400), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469317480), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468975480), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469061880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469148280), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(456488880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(467553480), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(459568730), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468739920), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468990001), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(458265480), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468946381), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468993481), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469079880), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468995581), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469081981), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469168380), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469004820), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(468944280), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469091220), app(u'/Applications/').recordings.ID(469155480)] Mon Nov 16 05:13:36 2015 - Found recording 466749001 Mon Nov 16 05:13:36 2015 - Marker count: 3 Mon Nov 16 05:13:36 2015 - Recording previously marked Mon Nov 16 05:13:36 2015 - Exiting

essandess commented 8 years ago

P.S. Regarding:

ComSkipper is the process name that I caught in activity monitor but but I just happened to catch it and it only is an active process for a few seconds before being terminated

ComSkipper is the helper process that skips commercials during EyeTV playback. It is set up to run silently in the background, and is independent of the commercial marking process. When you say that it was "terminated", would you please confirm by searching Activity Monitor for this process and tell me if it's still there or not? It should be running at tiny percentages of CPU cycles. I want to make sure that the new pyinstaller binaries work properly. If ComSkipper isn't running, this is a problem, but the last problem to investigate.

essandess commented 8 years ago

Doh! I believe that I found the problem: I have not completely eliminated Macports-specific dependencies in the MarkCommercials script. Thanks to previous help from @tmm1, this can be quickly fixed.

Nevertheless, would you please complete the steps above to confirm this hypothesis, and to ferret out other possible issues?

I'll implement a fix and cut a new release after I see your output.

mlcrow commented 8 years ago
ls -l /Library/Application\ Support/EyeTV/Scripts/TriggeredScripts/


total 192 -rw-r--r-- 1 root admin 60702 Nov 15 22:58 ExportDone.scpt -rw-r--r-- 1 root admin 26422 Nov 15 22:58 RecordingDone.scpt -rw-r--r-- 1 root admin 5930 Nov 15 22:58 RecordingStarted.scpt

When I try to determine the ID of the recording using

/Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/bin/MarkCommercials | grep Bewitched

I get

Error: importing appscript No module named aem

Regarding Comskipper: It is not always running as a process. I have Activity Monitor open and filtered to watch for it specifically and when it is a running process, it is only for a short amount of time, a few seconds, and then it is gone. I'm not sure what triggers it to run or what terminates it, but that's what I see in activity monitor.

essandess commented 8 years ago

Thank you. That's very helpful. These are additional issues above what I posted before. I have a fix for the Macports references, but I have to investigate why pyinstaller doesn't include the aem module in the MarkCommercials binary. This is going to take longer than I was hoping for.

As a test of a pyinstaller-created binary, would you please run ComSkipper by hand and tell me what happens? You can kill it with control-C.

/Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/bin/ComSkipper

Also, would you please show me the status of the comskipper user launch daemon with the command

launchctl list | grep comskipper

mlcrow commented 8 years ago

After running ComSkipper by hand

/Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/bin/ComSkipper

I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 19, in <module>
ImportError: No module named AppKit
ComSkipper returned -1
essandess commented 8 years ago

Okay. I obviously have to investigate how to get modules loaded with pyinstaller binaries to fix this. You weren't even able to get to the bug I mentioned. I'll go investigate and get back.

essandess commented 8 years ago

Please download and install v3.3.2 and report back.

I used this Stackoverflow solution with a pyinstaller --hidden-import and hope that we don't have to chase any more dependencies.

Before trying a test recording, please run the two binaries

/Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/bin/MarkCommercials /Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/bin/ComSkipper

and tell me what happens. If this fixes the pyinstaller issues, try a test recording.

mlcrow commented 8 years ago

I uninstalled the previous version first and then ran the two binaries as suggested. /Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/bin/MarkCommercials gives a list of all my recordings and their associated ID

MarkCommercials 1.1

  469387680 = [Bewitched], [4-2], [WDAF-SD]
  469414681 = [Gotham - Rise of the Villains_ A Bitter Pill to Swallow], [4-1], [WDAF-DT]
  469081980 = [The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon[1]], [41-1], [KSHB-TV]
  469168380 = [The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon[2]], [41-1], [KSHB-TV]
  469414680 = [The Voice - Live Top 12 Performances], [41-1], [KSHB-TV 
4720 Oak Street 
Kansas City, MO 64112]

/Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/bin/ComSkipper does not return anything in the terminal but the ComSkipper process is running in the activity monitor.

I'll do a test recording tonight and let you know the results tomorrow.

essandess commented 8 years ago

It isn't necessary to uninstall—the installer overwrites previous installs.

And that's exactly what should happen with MarkCommercials and ComSkipper! If I did a thorough job removing all Macports dependencies you should have a working install now. Please let us know.

essandess commented 8 years ago

I received independent confirmation from another user that this release fixes these issues, so I hope you had success too.

mlcrow commented 8 years ago

It is working properly! Thanks for the help!

essandess commented 8 years ago

Great! Thanks for all your help too.

mlcrow commented 8 years ago

I may have prematurely confirmed it's completely working. Let me clarify.

It seems to be working flawlessly in nearly every recording except for 1 show in particular, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. When I navigate to the .eyetv file and ls -l I can see the .edl file does not exist.

total 11168368
-rw-r--r--  1 mitchellcrow  staff        1371 Nov 16 23:39 000000001bfaac32.eyetvp
-rw-r--r--  1 mitchellcrow  staff      284240 Nov 16 23:39 000000001bfae57c.eyetvi
-rw-r--r--  1 mitchellcrow  staff        2414 Nov 17 17:46 000000001bfae57c.eyetvr
-rw-r--r--  1 mitchellcrow  staff      107967 Nov 18 21:24 000000001bfae57c.log
-rw-r--r--  1 mitchellcrow  staff        8910 Nov 16 23:41 000000001bfae57c.logo.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 mitchellcrow  staff  5711602996 Nov 16 23:39 000000001bfae57c.mpg
-rw-r--r--  1 mitchellcrow  staff      159802 Nov 17 17:46 000000001bfae57c.thumbnail.tiff
-rw-r--r--  1 mitchellcrow  staff     6015714 Nov 17 17:46 000000001bfae57c.tiff
-rw-r--r--  1 mitchellcrow  staff           0 Nov 16 23:41 000000001bfae57c.txt

Running comskip from the command line

/Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/bin/comskip --ini=/Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini 000000001bfae57c.mpg


Comskip 0.81.089, made using ffmpeg
Donator build
The commandline used was:
"/Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/bin/comskip" "--ini=/Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini" 000000001bfae57c.mpg

Setting ini file to /Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini as per commandline
Using /Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini for initiation values.
Mpeg:   000000001bfae57c.mpg
Exe comskip.exe
Logo:   000000001bfae57c.logo.txt
Ini:    /Library/Application Support/ETVComskip/comskip.ini

Detection Methods to be used:
    1) Black Frame
    2) Logo - Give up after 2000 seconds
    3) Scene Change
    4) Resolution Change
    5) Closed Captions
    6) Aspect Ratio
    7) Silence

ComSkip throttles back from -0001 to -0001.
The time is now 2131 so it's full speed ahead!

[Main Settings]
;the sum of the values for which kind of frames comskip will consider as possible cutpoints: 1=uniform (black or any other color) frame, 2=logo, 4=scene change, 8=resolution change, 16=closed captions, 32=aspect ration, 64=silence, 255=all.
;Set to 10 to show a lot of extra info, level 5 is also OK, set to 0 to disable
;Frame not black if any of the pixels of the frame has a brightness greater than this (scale 0 to 255)
;Frame not pure black if a small number of the pixels of the frame has a brightness greater than this. To decide if the frame is truly black, comskip will also check average brightness (scale 0 to 255)
[Detailed Settings]
[CPU Load Reduction]
[Input Correction]
[Aspect Ratio]
[Global Removes]
[USA Specific]
[Main Scoring]
[Detailed Scoring]
[Logo Finding]
[Logo Interpretation]
[Closed Captioning]
[Live TV]
[Output Control]
windowtitle="Comskip - %s"
cuttermaran_options="cut=\"true\" unattended=\"true\" muxResult=\"false\" snapToCutPoints=\"true\" closeApp=\"true\""
mpeg2schnitt_options="mpeg2schnitt.exe /S /E /R25  /Z %2 %1"
avisynth_options="LoadPlugin(\"MPEG2Dec3.dll\") \nMPEG2Source(\"%s\")\n"
dvrcut_options="dvrcut \"\" \"\" "
[Sage Workarounds]

The logo mask file exists.
Using 000000001bfae57c.logo.txt for logo data.
947:                                                                            -                                          
948:                                                ------                  -------                                        
949:                                             -----------             -------- |--                                      
950:                                           ---------++++-           -----    -- -                                      
951:                                           +--   - --+++++         ++-     -----++|                                    
952:                                      || |+           +|++|       +           |++|||                                   
953:                                     |||--            |+++||     |+            |+++||                                  
954:                                     + |+-            ||++||    ||             ||++                                    
955:                                    |+||++             |++||    ||              |++||                                  
956:                                    |-||-|             ||+|||| || |              ||||                                  
957:                                   ||+||+|              |||||| ||||              ||||                                  
958:                                   ||+| |               |||||| |-|               |||||                                 
959:                                   |||| |               |||||| | |--             ||||                                  
960:                                   ||+| |                ||||||| ---||           |||||                                 
961:                       ---------   ||+| |               ||||||   --+||           || |                                  
962:                     ---- -------- ||+||||              |||||   ----||           |+||          -                       
963:                    -++-----++++++ ||+||||              |||||    --++           ||+|||     ------ ---                  
964:                   ++++------+++++++|++| |             |||||   ---+-            |++|| |---------  --+|                 
965:                  |++++-----  ++++++|+++||             ||||| | +++-            ||+++|||+++---     -++||                
966:                 +++++         +++++++|+| |            ||||| ||+|||            ||+|+++|++-         +++|                
967:                |++++ |         +++++++++ |            ||||| ||++ |            |++|++||+           |+++                
968:                ++++              -++++++|+|           ||||| ||+| |           |++++++++ -           |++||              
969:               |++++               ++++++|-|           ||+|| |||| |           |+++++++|             |++|+              
970:              ||++| |              +++++++++|          |||||  |+| |          ||+++++||               |||||             
971:               |++|-               ||++++++-|         |||||| ||||||          |+++++++                ||+||             
972:              ||++| |              ||++++++-|         |||||  |||||||         |++++++|                 ||||             
973:              ||+|||                |+++++++||        |||||  ||||| |        |+++++|+||                ||||             
974:              ||||||                |+++++++-|        |||+|  ||||| |        |+++++||                  ||||             
975:              | || |                 |++++|+|         ||+||   | +| |        |+++++|++|                ||||             
976:               ||+|||                |+++++++ |       |||||     ||         ||++++++-|                 |++|             
977:               |++|||                 |+++||+-|       ||+||     +| |       |+++++++-|                |++|||            
978:               | +|-                  ||++|+|+ |       |||     ||||        +++++|+-|                  ++||             
979:                -+++                   |++|+++ |     |||||     |||| |     |+++++++-|                |++||              
980:                 -++                   ||+|+++|-|    |||||     | || |    ||++|++++|                 ++||               
981:                 ++++                   |+|+++|-|    |||||     | || |    ||++++++-                 ++++|               
982:                ||+++-                  |++|+|+| |   |||||     | +| |    |++|++++|               --++|||               
983:                 |-+-+-                 ||+|+++|-|   |||||     ||+| |    |++++|+ |              -+++++-                
984:                   +++++-               ||++++++ ||  ||+||     ||||||   |++++++|-               +++++                  
985:              ---  --++++-               |-++++++-|  |||||     |||||||  +++++|+|||           --++++---- ---            
986:                 - ---++++++             ||+++++++| ||+|||     ||||||| |+++++|| |            -||++---  ------          
987:              -+|-- | ++++++-             |+++++++-||||||      ||+|| |||++|++++ |         -++++------------+-          
988:             ++---- |+|++++++|            ||++++|+-||||||       | || ||+++++|+ |             - |+++++------++||        
989:            |++- --   +++++++++ -          |++++||| |||||       |||| ||++++++| |          ----+++++----------||        
990:         - ++-         -+++++++++          |+++++|+ ||||        |||||||++|+||-|       ++++|+-+++++-|       ||++-       
991:         - + |          -++++++++++         |++++++ |||||       |||||||++++|+       -++++|+++++--           |++-       
992:       ||++-|             -+++++++++        |+++++||+|+|        ||||||++++|+-|     --++++++++++              +++||     
993:      |||++ |              -+++--+-++-      ||++++|++|||         |||||++++|+-|   --++++-+++++                |++||     
994:      |-+|+|                 ++--++++++-     |++++++||||         | +|++++||+    -+++++++++++-                 ||||     
995:      |-+|-|                  ++++---++--     |++++++|||         | ||++++++-|  -+++++++++++                   ||||     
996:     |||+||                    -||++++++++-   |++++++|||         ||+++++++++  ++++-+++++++ +                  |||||    
997:     ||+|||                     -++++++++++- | |+++++|||         ||+++++++-|-++++++++-+-  -                   |||||    
998:      |||||                       -+++++++++-- ++++++|||         ||+++++++-++++|+++++++                        ||||    
999:      |||||                          +++++++++-|++++-+||          |++|+++++|--+++++++  -                       ||||    
1000:     |||+|||                         -++++++++-+|+++--            |+++++++++++++++++ -                        |||||    
1001:      | +| |                           -+++++++++++++-              ++++++++++++++- -                         |||||    
1002:      | +| |                            +- +++++++++|              ||++++++++++++                             ||+||    
1003:      | +|+|                             - +++++++++|              | +++++++-++-                             |+|+|     
1004:      ||+++ |                               -++++--||                ++++++-++-                              ++|+      
1005:        -+|+                                -|++++--|              | +-+++-++ -                             |++++      
1006:        -- ++                                 -+++--                 -+-+++---                            -+++++       
1007:         - ++         ----------  -          -- + ++-                ++++---- -  ------------    ----   ---+++||       
1008:            |+     ----------  --- ---   -      - -|||             | ++-----                          - ------         
1009:            ||     -------------- -----  ------------|              |-----------------------------------------         
1010:                     ------------- --    -----------                |--------------------------------                  
1011:                     ----------------    ------------                --------------------------------                  
1012:                       --- - -------     ---------                     ----          ----------------                  
The last frame found in 000000001bfae57c.txt was 0
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpegts @ 0x7fa6d1001600] PES packet size mismatch
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fa6d1027e00] Invalid frame dimensions 0x0.
[mpegts @ 0x7fa6d1001600] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fa6d1001600] PES packet size mismatch
Input #0, mpegts, from '000000001bfae57c.mpg':
  Duration: 01:05:59.79, start: 50480.489267, bitrate: 11539 kb/s
  Program 3 
    Stream #0:0[0x31]: Video: mpeg2video (Main) ([2][0][0][0] / 0x0002), yuv420p(tv), 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], Closed Captions, max. 80000 kb/s, 29.97 fps, 29.97 tbr, 90k tbn, 59.94 tbc
    Stream #0:1[0x34](eng): Audio: ac3 (AC-3 / 0x332D4341), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), fltp, 384 kb/s
    Stream #0:2[0x35](spa): Audio: ac3 (AC-3 / 0x332D4341), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 192 kb/s (visual impaired)
  Program 4 
  Program 5 

Initial pts =      1.602
Frame Rate set to 29.970 f/s
Frame: 1    Ratio: 1.80 MinY: 1 MaxY: 1080 MinX: 1 MaxX: 1920
Resizing cc text array to accomodate 101 cc text groups.
Frame    634 (21.088s) - Black frame with brightness of 19,uniform of 1950 and volume of 0
Frame    635 (21.121s) - Black frame because large scene change of 8, uniform 5031
Frame   1482 (49.383s) - Black frame because large scene change of 2, uniform 2980
Frame   1534 (51.118s) - Black frame because large scene change of 1, uniform 7868
Frame   1856 (61.862s) - Black frame because large scene change of 8, uniform 1344
Frame   1925 (64.164s) - Black frame because large scene change of 4, uniform 9980
Frame   2425 (80.847s) - Black frame because large scene change of 9, uniform 13432
Frame   2426 (80.881s) - Black frame because large scene change of 8, uniform 12406
Frame   2427 (80.914s) - Black frame because large scene change of 8, uniform 11678
Frame   2428 (80.948s) - Black frame because large scene change of 6, uniform 10782
Frame   2429 (80.981s) - Black frame because large scene change of 5, uniform 9500
Frame   2430 (81.014s) - Black frame because large scene change of 4, uniform 8248
Frame   2431 (81.048s) - Black frame because large scene change of 3, uniform 5176
Frame   2432 (81.081s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2433 (81.114s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2434 (81.148s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2435 (81.181s) - Black frame because large scene change of 0, uniform 26066
Frame   2879 (95.996s) - Black frame because large scene change of 12, uniform 25510
Frame   2880 (96.029s) - Black frame because large scene change of 10, uniform 8614
Frame   2881 (96.063s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2882 (96.096s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2883 (96.129s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2884 (96.163s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2885 (96.196s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2886 (96.229s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2887 (96.263s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
XDS[2887]:  1 85 c8 cd 8f d6  0  0  0  0  0 XDS[2887]: V-Chip:  8 48 4d  0
Frame   2888 (96.296s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2889 (96.330s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2890 (96.363s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2891 (96.396s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2892 (96.430s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2893 (96.463s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2894 (96.496s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2895 (96.530s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2896 (96.563s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2897 (96.596s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2898 (96.630s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2899 (96.663s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2900 (96.697s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2901 (96.730s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2902 (96.763s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2903 (96.797s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2904 (96.830s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2905 (96.863s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2906 (96.897s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2907 (96.930s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2908 (96.964s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2909 (96.997s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2910 (97.030s) - Black frame with brightness of 16,uniform of 0 and volume of -1
Frame   2911 (97.064s) - Black frame with brightness of 17,uniform of 1262 and volume of -1
XDS[2947]:  1  4 a1 80 8f cb  0  0  0  0  0 XDS[2947]: Program Type: 3ba7082
XDS[3051]:  1 83 54 ef 6e e9 67 68 f4 20 d3 XDS[3051]: Program Name: Tonight Show Jimmy Fallon
                Start logo cblock 0 frame 3190
Resizing cc text array to accomodate 201 cc text groups.(478.00 fps), 3%
Resizing cc text array to accomodate 301 cc text groups.c(519.00 fps), 7%
Resizing cc text array to accomodate 401 cc text fps), 10%
XDS[14194]:  1  4 15 26 15 ad 94 70 d3 45 ce XDS[14194]: Program Type: 3ba7082
XDS[14242]:  1  4 a1 80 8f cb  0  0  0  0  0 XDS[14242]: Program Type: 3ba7082
XDS[16872]:  1 83 54 ef 6e e9 67 68 15 26 15 Abort trap: 6(525.00 fps), 13%

And then returns to the command line for next instruction. Because comskip never fully completes the .edl file is never created and MarkCommercials can't operate correctly. If I do run MarkCommercials by hand

/Library/Application\ Support/ETVComskip/bin/MarkCommercials --force --log 469427580

The result is

        MarkCommercials 1.1

 1. Processing "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" on [KSHB-TV 
4720 Oak Street 
Kansas City, MO 64112] channel [41-1]...
  Channel: 41-1 , not skipped
  Title: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon , not skipped
  Station name: KSHB-TV 
4720 Oak Street 
Kansas City, MO 64112 , not skipped
Error: accessing 000000001bfae57c.edl
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'000000001bfae57c.edl'
essandess commented 8 years ago

This is a comskip issue that this particular recording tickles. Erik actively maintains and improves comskip, so please request that he take a look.

Also take note that this is Comskip donator code we're running, so please consider donating to Comskip, especially while requesting support. Here's an example ticket I opened for a problem with some recordings I had.