essential-contributions / essential-integration

Integration of Pint and the Essential protocol.
Apache License 2.0
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Generate a JSON or YAML file with all pinned essential tool and dependency versions (for docs) #124

Open mitchmindtree opened 1 week ago

mitchmindtree commented 1 week ago

This could be used to output a markdown table of all binaries exposed from the flake.nix. E.g.

Tool Version Description
essential-builder 0.5.0 The essential block builder implementation.
essential-node 0.5.0 The essential node binary.
essential-rest-client 0.5.0 A CLI http client for interacting with a node and/or builder.
pint 0.5.0 The CLI for the pint programming language.

Also could be used to generate a markdown of all essential-repo dependency versions.

crate version
essential-types 0.8.0
essential-hash 0.5.0
etc etc
