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Research Articles in Simplified HTML (RASH) Framework includes a markup language defined as a subset of HTML+RDF for writing scientific articles, and related tools to convert it into different formats, to extract data from it, etc.
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Adding a figurebox in a empty p, generated after pressing enter in a caption #102

Closed gspinaci closed 7 years ago

gspinaci commented 7 years ago

This happens when I press enter in a figcaption, in roder to call a new line outside from the figure, and while the new paragraph is empty, I try to add a new figurebox.

Because the p is empty, the current selected element is now the section, and the new figurebox is added after.

gspinaci commented 7 years ago

The problem shown off with the previous function to move caret. This is it now:


Instead of select an element and then collapse the selection, now it is moved to match the parameters