esskar / vscode-flutter-i18n-json

VS Code extension to create a binding between your translations from .json files and your Flutter app.
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Null Safe generated code #71

Open EducatedDeer opened 3 years ago

EducatedDeer commented 3 years ago

I was trying to migrate to null-safety but I got the errors all over from generated i18n file

can you please make another command for null safe code generation so ppl still not migrate to it can have time too

EducatedDeer commented 3 years ago

Note to self: always check the last commit date before deciding to use anything in your project

gnudles commented 3 years ago

I made my own code generator that should be used in conjunction with this plugin. It does support Null Safety! and it auto detects Null safety by parsing the pubspec.yaml ... check it

apripy commented 2 years ago

I've submitted a pull-request that adds null-safety support. I don't know if this project is still maintained, but if it isn't you can package it easily with vsce ( ) into a .vsix file that you can use to install the updated extension.