estatedocflow / estatedocflow.api

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Energy Certification Service #10

Open estatedocflow opened 1 month ago

estatedocflow commented 1 month ago

Functionality Details

1. Customer Booking

Customers (real estate agents) use a shared calendar to view runner availability. Customers select a free slot for the desired service and submit a booking request. Upon submission, an email confirmation is sent to the customer and the assigned runner.

2. Runner Assignment and Confirmation

Runners receive booking requests. Runners can either accept the request or propose an alternative slot or another available runner. If accepted, confirmation emails are sent to the customer and runner.

3. Service Fulfillment and Data Transmission

Upon acceptance by the runner, the runner fulfills the service request (e.g., property inspection, maintenance). The runner sends relevant data (e.g., inspection report, completion details) to the backend system.

4. Technician Workflow

Backend receives and processes the data, setting the task status to "IN PROGRESS." Technicians use external software to process the received data or prepare documents. Once documents are ready, they are sent to the customer, and the task status is updated to "DONE."

5. Customer Interaction and Notification

Customers receive notifications about task progress. Completed documentation is made available to customers through a secure portal.

Antoniobasso91 commented 1 month ago

@lucalamalfa91 when the runner is engaged. he has to go on the place the r.e. customer booked. he will open app, and compete a form witj questions ( like google form). when it is done, he preddo DONE and data goes to technician ( I think techician can receive a notifty on app whit complete data) for example he can receive the form of house whit all docs r.e.costumer uploaded + a voice COMPLETE APE + form of runner.

Antoniobasso91 commented 1 month ago

technician: will have a page IN PROGRESS (where he can find all works he has to cpmlete). in this page he can find all information about house, documents uploaded by the r.e. costumer and the runner's form. That's cleare that he cant work on app. he will use other softweìare to produce the result.

Antoniobasso91 commented 1 month ago

Real estate customer: you are right. he will receive a notify. that's important technician has to talk by chat with r.e. costumer, inside his pratice. In this way, if he needs something, he can ask there.

estatedocflow commented 1 month ago

@Antoniobasso91 he will open app, and compete a form witj questions ( like google form) --> we need to detailed this form, link here the existing one if you already have, but i need more detail about it.

if you don't have the form, try to write here all the question and the action of the form.

estatedocflow commented 1 month ago

@Antoniobasso91 we need to detail also the data that the runner produce and the technician receive. Write below what document needed mandatory and not (name of the document, if it is required, format file (pdf, jpeg, xml, other)).

While the Technician, only need to get the document elaborate by runner and the other stuff is outside the app. he only has a send documentation button to send to the customer? But other question, when he elaborate stuff with external software, he need to upload something in our portal, before send all to the customer?

Antoniobasso91 commented 1 month ago

@Antoniobasso91 he will open app, and compete a form witj questions ( like google form) --> we need to detailed this form, link here the existing one if you already have, but i need more detail about it.

if you don't have the form, try to write here all the question and the action of the form.

done check above,

Antoniobasso91 commented 1 month ago

@Antoniobasso91 we need to detail also the data that the runner produce and the technician receive. Write below what document needed mandatory and not (name of the document, if it is required, format file (pdf, jpeg, xml, other)).

While the Technician, only need to get the document elaborate by runner and the other stuff is outside the app. he only has a send documentation button to send to the customer? But other question, when he elaborate stuff with external software, he need to upload something in our portal, before send all to the customer?

The runner will complete a form and the data goes ong it (the format if it is not important, normally informations,) when the technician receive it , he will work on another platform and upload pdf files.

Antoniobasso91 commented 1 month ago

i think when customer buy the service, we can create a "page" IN PROGESS " also for him and he can find there the process.

Otherwise we can colorate the houses form until we are working on it.