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Install and Configure RabbitMQ with Docker #13

Closed estatedocflow closed 1 month ago

estatedocflow commented 1 month ago


Set up RabbitMQ using Docker containers to facilitate message queuing and communication within the real estate service booking platform. Docker containers will simplify the deployment and management of RabbitMQ, ensuring consistency across development and production environments.


  1. Docker Installation:

Ensure Docker is installed on the development machine and deployment environment.

  1. Docker Compose Configuration:

Create a docker-compose.yml file to define the RabbitMQ service configuration and dependencies.

version: '3.8'
    image: rabbitmq:management
      - "5672:5672"  # RabbitMQ default port for AMQP
      - "15672:15672"  # RabbitMQ management console port
      RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS: "password"
  1. RabbitMQ Management Console Access: Expose ports for RabbitMQ (5672 for AMQP and 15672 for management console) in the docker-compose.yml file.

  2. Environment Variables: Set environment variables for RabbitMQ default username (admin) and password (password) in the docker-compose.yml file.

Riya2993 commented 1 month ago

Completion hour - 0.5.