esteinberg / plantuml4idea

Intellij IDEA plugin for PlantUML
Apache License 2.0
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skinparam ConditionEndStyle hline work unexpectedly #397

Closed ednow closed 11 months ago

ednow commented 11 months ago

from the official documentskinparam ConditionEndStyle hlinewill hide Diamond of else branch. link

however, when there is a break keyword, it will be still the Diamond style

my code:

skinparam ConditionEndStyle hline

repeat  :repeat]
    'not diamond style, what I want
    if (check sth.) then (no)
    :do stuff]
    else (yes)

    'still diamond style, not my expectation
    if (hello) then (yes)
repeat while (check sth.) is (no) not (yes)




krasa commented 11 months ago

Not a plugin issue, use this: