Open azazdeaz opened 6 years ago
Hi azazdeaz,
Do you managed to using colcon on rasberry ? I have your same problem.
Regards, Paolo
I ran into the same issue, and I was able to get a little further by apply these fixes (at least until trying to compile fastrtps
due to missing dependencies):
into ~/ros2_rpi/ros2_ws/src/ament
by adding from Start to End below:
python3-pkg-resources \
python3-setuptools \
python3-pyparsing \
qemu-user-static \
# <-- Start
RUN easy_install3 pip
RUN python3 -m pip install catkin_pkg
RUN python3 -m pip install rosdep rosinstall_generator wstool rosinstall six vctsools
RUN rosdep init
RUN rosdep update
# --> End
However, when building fastrtps
I still get this error:
+++ Building 'fastrtps'
==> '. /ros2_ws/build/fastrtps/ && /usr/bin/cmake -DBUILD_TESTING=0 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/ros2_ws/install /ros2_ws/src/eProsima/Fast-RTPS' in '/ros2_ws/build/fastrtps'
-- Configuring Fast RTPS
-- Version: 1.7.0
-- To change de version modify the file
-- fastcdr library found...
-- Could NOT find asio (missing: ASIO_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find tinyxml2 (missing: TINYXML2_LIBRARY)
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
I was under the impression that rosdep
should install all of the libraries required, but perhaps the path is missing in the bootstrap file? I don't really know enough about docker, rosdep
or this tool to know where to look for the missing packages in the docker container.
I've managed to build ROS2 after changing the build tool to colcon and also switched to ros2 version crystal. The changes currently reside in my own fork /avrabe/ros2_raspbian_tools.
With these changes I was able to build (not test yet) ROS2 without rviz, ros-visualization and the demos. For the details on how to build, the circleci config .circleci/config.yml is the most accurate description.
is usingament_tools
which was removed from ros2.reposI tried both adding
manually and migrating tocolcon
but i kept running into errors (i'm very new to these things :) ).