Loving the library so far, but an issue that I've encountered while developing some stores is widget and iframe plugins on certain providers like Shopify. Would it be possible to update the ignore feature to match a regex expression?
An example of this would be to ignore all pages of a route like "/blogs/" or "/pages/" where there might be heavy legacy iframe support needed.
Currently for this I'm listing each route individually, but it's starting to get messy. If I could ignore a routes children, I think this could be a nice feature.
Loving the library so far, but an issue that I've encountered while developing some stores is widget and iframe plugins on certain providers like Shopify. Would it be possible to update the ignore feature to match a regex expression?
An example of this would be to ignore all pages of a route like "/blogs/" or "/pages/" where there might be heavy legacy iframe support needed.
Currently for this I'm listing each route individually, but it's starting to get messy. If I could ignore a routes children, I think this could be a nice feature.