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[Enhancement] Configure additional markdown-it plugins #132

Open synneh opened 1 year ago

synneh commented 1 year ago

Due to differences in supported markdown syntax/extensions between markdown-it and other libraries (e.g. python-markdown), I'm unable to migrate certain content from an existing MkDocs repository. In particular, LaTeX math for mathjax processing is something we use a fair amount.

Ideally you'd be able to enable additional markdown-it plugins by configuring this in the doctor.json file, such as markdown-it-mathjax for LaTeX math. I don't know how challenging this is, due to the different stages of markdown processing that occurs. Configuring (optional) parameters of the corresponding plugin (if applicable) might be more straightforward however, as I've found existing references for markdown-it-anchor and markdown-it-table-of-contents. Some best practice guidelines may be required on how/where to install these plugins.

Using the (excellent) shortcodes allows for additional html snippets could be an option in some cases, but this is not feasible for something as complex as LaTeX math syntax.