estruyf / homebridge-presence-switch-msgraph

Homebridge Presence Switch for Microsoft Graph
MIT License
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Documentation for install options to not use a rPi with HAT #23

Open turtle2472 opened 3 years ago

turtle2472 commented 3 years ago

So what I'm looking to do is use something like you have built to give an "on air" status that follows my presence for Teams. I work from home like so many but I also have multi-color bulbs that I can control via HomeKit. Currently I'm using an NFC tag and my phone to change my status but it would be amazing to be able to just have the light follow my status instead.

Your guide on the web page walks through using it with the rPi, but can we use this to control other items via HomeKit? Documentation would be amazing. I'm fairly good with figuring things out but I don't think I'm at the level of general knowledge for the APIs and such at this point to just figure this one out.

nikoxlt commented 3 years ago

I adhere to the previous comment, it would be good if it were allowed to make use of led strips or smart lamps that are already in the house to mark the status of teams.

benfysh commented 2 years ago

Hi, you should just be able to setup an automation in the home app. For example I have the one below which runs when the 'Office Switch Busy' which is created by Presence Indicator turns on then my 'Busy' scene runs. I have setup the 'Busy' scene so that is turns the light in the hallways outside of my office on and to red.


However if you have a family like mine they may just ignore the bright red light and walk in anyway 🤷🏼‍♂️

I have an 'end of working day' automation set the same light to a normal colour so that if its switched on for other reasons it what be red / green etc.