estum / growlyflash

Growl-styled flash messages for Ruby on Rails and Bootstrap
MIT License
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$.growlyflash is not a function #26

Closed amalagaura closed 8 years ago

amalagaura commented 8 years ago

I followed the instructions and am using Rails 4.2.5 but getting the error

$.growlyflash is not a function


Following is my

#= require jquery2
#= require jquery_ujs
#= require bootstrap-sprockets
#= require cocoon
#= require knockoutjs/build/output/knockout-latest.js
#= require growlyflash
#= require_tree
#= require_self
amalagaura commented 8 years ago

I am baffled by this, I see it in alert.js

$.growlyflash = function(flash, options)

The function is being assigned to jQuery correctly at that point, but it seems to be losing scope because of Coffeescript? I don't understand how this works at all for anyone. I tried with older versions and different browsers too, but all have the same error.