eswick / appcenter

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Seemingly unpredictable crash when loading the appcenter model #44

Closed conath closed 7 years ago

conath commented 7 years ago

Twitter user @IOSHunter2 reported this to me via DM. Crash log here, excerpt below:

Last Exception Backtrace:
0       CoreFoundation                  0x18f6791b8 0x18f549000 + 0x1301b8  // __exceptionPreprocess + 0x7c
1       libobjc.A.dylib                 0x18e0b055c 0x18e0a8000 + 0x855c    // objc_exception_throw + 0x38
2       CoreFoundation                  0x18f67908c 0x18f549000 + 0x13008c  // +[NSException raise:format:] + 0x0
3       Foundation                      0x19013102c 0x190083000 + 0xae02c   // -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 0x70
4       SpringBoard (*)                 0x1001cbe8c 0x1000b8000 + 0x113e8c  // -[SBDisplayItem initWithType:displayIdentifier:] + 0x174
5       SpringBoard (*)                 0x1001cbb94 0x1000b8000 + 0x113b94  // +[SBDisplayItem displayItemWithType:displayIdentifier:] + 0x58
6       SpringBoard (*)                 0x10031723c 0x1000b8000 + 0x25f23c  // -[SBAppSwitcherModel _displayItemForApplication:] + 0x108
7     + AppCenter.dylib                 0x103bb7c9c 0x103bac000 + 0xbc9c    // Logos hook for -[SBAppSwitcherModel(_ungrouped) appcenter_model](SBAppSwitcherModel*, objc_selector*) + 0x354
8     + AppCenter.dylib                 0x103bbc670 0x103bac000 + 0x10670   // -[ACAppSelectionGridViewController collectionView:numberOfItemsInSection:] + 0x100
9       UIKit                           0x1955e0dc0 0x19551f000 + 0xc1dc0   // -[UICollectionViewData _updateItemCounts] + 0x1a0
10      UIKit                           0x1956a27e0 0x19551f000 + 0x1837e0  // -[UICollectionViewData numberOfSections] + 0x1c

He claims it happens since the 1.0.5 update when he opens control center.

Tweak list

conath commented 7 years ago

It's the AppSync beta that's causing the crash, not app center.