eszesbalint / bdstudio

Minecraft Block Display Studio - 3D editor and command generator for block display entities
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Feature Request: Sub-block gridlines no longer an option #12

Open blockerlocker opened 1 year ago

blockerlocker commented 1 year ago

Before the 1.2 update, the gridlines were per-pixel, which made it easier to create more precise and intricate models. Now they are only per-block, meaning I have to count my steps more precisely. Minor issue, but something I figured I'd request regardless, perhaps as a toggleable option. Great update overall! Still would like the ability to define step size when transforming.

eszesbalint commented 1 year ago

I wasn't sure about this change. Thank you for your feedback! I'll revert this, and also make snap size and grid size togglable.

eszesbalint commented 1 year ago

Sub-block grid is back in 1.2.1