etal / cnvkit

Copy number variant detection from targeted DNA sequencing
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Discussion of RNA-seq Tumour Purity #475

Open DarioS opened 4 years ago

DarioS commented 4 years ago

The user guide describes how purity estimation is done for DNA sequencing. But, could a couple of sentences be added that comment on how feasible it is to do with RNA sequencing? It would be interesting to know the purity of the cancer RNA-seq sample to estimate how much the fold changes are being shrunk between tumour and normal because of normal contamination.

etal commented 4 years ago

If the tumor tissue has enough large-scale copy number alterations then it should be possible to infer tumor purity from the import-rna results the same as you would from the DNA-seq pipeline. It depends on your cancer type and stage; might work all right with melanoma, for example. Let me know how it goes...