etal / cnvkit

Copy number variant detection from targeted DNA sequencing
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Scatter plot seems to have noise #617

Open jeongmeani opened 3 years ago

jeongmeani commented 3 years ago


Using cnvkit, i made cnv scatter plot. but the plot is weird like below. test

i expected the plot to be more clear in y-axis plot like below MSD-21C-04-B

why does this image have this noise?

Best regards


tetedange13 commented 3 years ago

Hi @jeongmeani ,

Not an author of CNVkit, but as far as I know the CNVkit's scatter plot is a mere representation of the data contained in ".cnr" and/or ".cns" files (so are most CNVkit's nice plots)

To diagnose a possible issue, could you please give also details about:

Thanks. Have a nice day. Felix

jeongmeani commented 3 years ago

Hi, Felix.

sorry for late reply.

i let you know about information you request.

  1. Caracteristics of the dataset i used is WES data.
  2. yes, i ran using command batch and my sub-command is like below

    1) batch {Tumor-BQSR.bam} --normal {Normal-BQSR.bam} \ --targets $bed \ --fasta hg19.fa --access /data/tools/CNVkit_install/data/access-5k-mappable.hg19.bed \ --output-reference ref.cnn --output-dir $CNV_kit_dir 2) scatter -s $CNV_kit_dir/$Sample_N''{s,r} --y-max 10 --y-min -10 -o $CNV_kit_dir/$Sample_N'.png'

also, i made scatter plot of normal cnr and cns file reflecting normal.ref.cnn. but this plot too weird. i guess that this plot should be shown more clear like this? MSD-21C-04-C

but the plot is shown like below image

can you recommend anything?

Best regards


tetedange13 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @jeongmeani ,

jeongmeani commented 3 years ago

Hi, Felix.

Sorry for late reply.

so, would you recommend anything of this?

Best Regards


tetedange13 commented 3 years ago

Hi @jeongmeani ,

Sorry I run out of ideas... => Try to update to a newer version of CNVkit (v0.9.9) ? (+ try with/without --drop-low-coverage ?) => This could be linked to an issue fixed since your version => Or simply a known issue on WES datasets? Unfortunately I am not expert enough to tell..

Have a nice day. Kind regards. Felix.

tetedange13 commented 3 years ago

Hello @jeongmeani ,

Any news since last time ? => I do not know if @tskir saw this and can maybe have any idea?

Have a nice day. Kind regards. Felix.