etal / cnvkit

Copy number variant detection from targeted DNA sequencing
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The interpretation of results #762

Open JD12138 opened 1 year ago

JD12138 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I get the file. And there are 10 columns. I don't understand the "gene" column. If there are 10 genes listed in a row with a log2Ratio of -0.6, are the 10 genes all in loss? example listed below: chromosome start end gene log2 cn depth p_ttest probes weight chr11 1523042 1740541 DUSP8,KRTAP5-AS1,KRTAP5-6,IFITM10 -0.591014 1 30.5437 3.49114e-27 54 23.0426 But I check the diagram of this sample. The "DUPS8" is labeled as loss, but others are labeled as gain. I'm a little confused.

Thank you for helping me!