etal / cnvkit

Copy number variant detection from targeted DNA sequencing
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what are the steps for Germline and Somatic CNV detection using CNVkit? #857

Open ahmadsam66 opened 7 months ago

ahmadsam66 commented 7 months ago


I have some basic questions regarding the CNV calling using CNVkit. I have tried to find the CNV caused between normal and tumor samples, but it was not clear which steps should be done respectively.

1- For WGS (Somatic) tumor and normal samples, Should I first run the CNVkit batch then CNVkit call ? or "batch" is enough?

2- What would be the WGS Germline CNV calling steps?

3- How can I find filter the founded CNV, I mean the criteria for cnr or cnn ? ( I mean the significant CNV for the genes).

Thanks a lot.