etal / cnvkit

Copy number variant detection from targeted DNA sequencing
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Different behaviour scatter shell shorthand #923

Open lvree opened 5 days ago

lvree commented 5 days ago

I'm very new to CNV analysis and run across something I don't understand. As stated in the manual for the scatter command there are two options: image

I assumed they would produce the same output, as it was only a shorthand.

But the first command produces this plot: image

And the second produces this: image

What does explain this difference in behaviour, or am I misunderstanding something? And can someone explain what the difference in the plots means? Like, why does one have sort of lines and the other has a lot of points? Also, why does the first have it lowest point around -2.5 and the second below -3? I didn't do any manual scaling of the y-axis here yet, so this is just standard output

Then also another thing when I zoomed in on one chromosome the lowest point visible is at -4: image

But for the standard plot of the whole genome that isn't even in there, but when I lower the min size of the Y axis it is indeed in there: image

Why does it cut the graph off when there are still points there? Is it because there are no orange points there?

Thank you very much!

lvree commented 5 days ago

Aah I'm sorry I see accidentally ran the call.cns file instead of the .cns file. But the output I got when using call.cns was the same as when I ran this part on my dataset: batch Tumor.bam --normal Normal.bam \ --targets my_baits.bed --annotate refFlat.txt \ --fasta hg19.fasta --access data/access-5kb-mappable.hg19.bed \ --output-reference my_reference.cnn --output-dir results/ \ --diagram --scatter

Further it says this: image So why is the batch command then using call.cns instead of .cns as is stated?