etc5521-2020 / assignment-1-grevillea

assignment-1-grevillea created by GitHub Classroom
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Assignment 2 - Peer feedback #7

Open Thanh-8213 opened 4 years ago

Thanh-8213 commented 4 years ago

Hello team grevillea (new), My name is Thanh (Thomas Nguyen), here is my feedback for your team:

Well done, your report created a smooth flow of information. It is a pretty enjoyable read.

In your report, The first 2 parts are well done. Although there are some spelling mistakes here and there, overall it was a smooth read. I can understand your choice of data and the data cleaning process.

Part 3 is impressive. all of your graphs is created beautifully. It broke my heart that I have to criticize them. However, as heart-broken as it is, the job must be done. So here is my comments on this part: Figure 3.1 and 3.2 need titles (and potentially axes). Just as a man needs a name, a plot need a title. Figure 3.3 is very good, I learned a lot from your graph. Thank you Figure 3.4 is good, too. I love the way you use the same color with other graphs. However, its description needed more work. You claim "Compared to other competitions, the winners of the Tour de France are relatively older", however, your claim has no support, I would prefer a source or two to support your claim.

Figure 3.5 and 3.6 are good. Although their color are not to my liking, they are well-crafted. However, as Xue Wang said, they looks a bit single, maybe combine them together will be a better choice? Figure 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 are well done with consistent color pattern, which makes it look professional. Good work on this part.

Your conclusion is on point and answer the research questions.

Good job, thank you for the pleasant experience and knowledge.

On another note, I have trouble knit your Rmd. Package tdf is not available (See picture). So I have to self-debug it.
