etc5521-2020 / assignment-1-possum

assignment-1-possum created by GitHub Classroom
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Possible improvement in assignment 2 #6

Open ycui0008 opened 3 years ago

ycui0008 commented 3 years ago

New question Two articles talking about the relationship between tree rings and volcanic eruptions.

So, the new question can be looking into tree_ring.csv dataset, draw a scatter plot to visualise the relationship between variables.

samuellyu-2021 commented 3 years ago

In addition to post above.

Further improvement outline:

Additional question 2: "How historical sulfate levels and eruption cycles can be used to predict future volcanic eruptions?"

dicook commented 3 years ago

Sam, Nice breakdown of what needs to be done to complete this report. It provides a concrete and achievable to do list. Question is also interesting.

Yuheng, the questions are interesting, but more detail is needed in order to plan on developing the report. Hopefully you are working from Sam's list now.

samuellyu-2021 commented 3 years ago

Hi Di,

Thank you for your feedback, it's very much appreciated.

I just wanted to state that Yuheng and I have been working collaboratively and both came up with the outline for developments of this report and I was just the one who added the commentary.

Thank you again for your feedback!