etc5521-2020 / assignment-1-possum

assignment-1-possum created by GitHub Classroom
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Peer Review by Chengzhi Ye #8

Open Year-97 opened 3 years ago

Year-97 commented 3 years ago


Hi I am Chengzhi Ye. First, I am very glad that I can review the possum group's work. When browsing that exploratory data analysis which was completed and improved by several people, I have learned a lot of practical analysis skills and some methods to make ingenious figures, which have provided great help to my study of 5521. Among them, I was surprised by the information conveyed by two figures in that analysis and the creating skills.

First Figure

The first figure is Figure 4.7. Although I said the first figure, in fact, it contains four figures which includes the recorded sulfur levels in the Antarctic ice sheet, the recorded sulfur levels in the Greenland ice sheets, the change in tree ring score size from year to year and the year on end percentage change in European weather index. From the plot we can know after the volcanic eruption, the sulfur deposits will increase, and there are some negative changes in the tree growth z scores and climate index after the volatile increases



Nice work, they has carefully summarized the relationship between volcanic eruption and three parameters, such as sulfur levels, tree ring score size and weather change index, logical and sufficient evidences.

Consider improving:

Second Figure

The second one is Figure 4.8, which shows the frequency of volcanic eruption under different VEI rating through ggridges package. The data are for each eruption since 1812 and the VEI rates at each eruption.



Considering improving:

Supplement and Conclusion

In addition to these two figures, the overall structure of that analysis is very complete, and it is also very logical. However, what surprised me is that there are some typos and grammatical errors . Although these small errors are not noticeable, they are still a bit abrupt in this analysis.

Then I would like to add that I still cannot knit the RMD file out. The error reported is that there is a problem with my network connection, but this is my own problem. Maybe because I am in China, the network connection is unstable.

But the report is still excellent! Good Job, Guys!