The member list shows 12 members, 4 of which are valid and also online.
It was 5 before and I removed a valid member, which I previously stopped to replace it. This succeeded.
When I try to add it back I get an error that the cluster is unhealthy.
If I try to remove the invalid members, etcdctl says the member wasn't found.
I understand we cannot force the removal of a member nor does there seem to be a key in etcd that we could remove to remove the member "manually".
I actually don't know where the "-restore" members come from, the other ones seem like the machine's IPs have changed.
Other than this the cluster seems healthy, also at 4/5 members online.
We don't know how to reproduce the issue, but we can see it in a handful of our etcd clusters.
Is there a way to remove the members without restoring a new cluster from a snapshot?
Additional information
ubuntu@etcd1-k8s:~$ etcd --version
etcd Version: 3.5.0
Git SHA: 946a5a6f2
Go Version: go1.16.3
Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64
The member list shows 12 members, 4 of which are valid and also online. It was 5 before and I removed a valid member, which I previously stopped to replace it. This succeeded. When I try to add it back I get an error that the cluster is unhealthy. If I try to remove the invalid members, etcdctl says the member wasn't found.
I understand we cannot force the removal of a member nor does there seem to be a key in etcd that we could remove to remove the member "manually". I actually don't know where the "-restore" members come from, the other ones seem like the machine's IPs have changed.
Other than this the cluster seems healthy, also at 4/5 members online.
We don't know how to reproduce the issue, but we can see it in a handful of our etcd clusters. Is there a way to remove the members without restoring a new cluster from a snapshot?
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