etcd-io / etcd

Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
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Grpc-proxy cannot handle requests from grpc-gateway correctly #18011

Open ximenzaoshi opened 3 months ago

ximenzaoshi commented 3 months ago

Bug report criteria

What happened?

We use grpc-gateway and grpc-proxy to reduce watch requests from apisix to etcd, as apisix only provides http client for etcd for production use. Here is a simple architecture diagram: image The grpc-gateway is a simple program compiled by the code below:

package main

import (

    etcdservergw ""

type wsProxyZapLogger struct {

func (w wsProxyZapLogger) Warnln(i ...any) {

func (w wsProxyZapLogger) Debugln(i ...any) {

func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()
    ep := os.Getenv("ETCD")
    grpclog.SetLoggerV2(grpclog.NewLoggerV2(os.Stdout, os.Stderr, os.Stderr))

    opts := []grpc.DialOption{grpc.WithDefaultCallOptions(grpc.MaxCallRecvMsgSize(math.MaxInt32))}
    opts = append(opts, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()))

    conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, ep, opts...)
    if err != nil {
    defer conn.Close()
    gwmux := runtime.NewServeMux()

    type registerHandlerFunc func(context.Context, *runtime.ServeMux, *grpc.ClientConn) error

    handlers := []registerHandlerFunc{
    for i := range handlers {
        if err = handlers[i](ctx, gwmux, conn); err != nil {
    httpmux := http.NewServeMux()
                // Default to the POST method for streams
                func(_ *http.Request, outgoing *http.Request) *http.Request {
                    outgoing.Method = "POST"
                    return outgoing
    srv := http.Server{
        Handler: httpmux,
        Addr:    "",
    http2.ConfigureServer(&srv, &http2.Server{
        MaxConcurrentStreams: 16,

Start etcd(v3.5.13) and grpc-proxy locally by commands below:

nohup etcd& nohup etcd grpc-proxy start --endpoints=localhost:2379 &

Then start grpc-gateway locally(compiled by the code above). Send watch command to grpc-gateway with curl:

curl -X POST -d '{"create_request": {"key":"dGVzdGtleQo=","range_end":"dGVzdGtleTEK"}}' 'localhost:8887/v3/watch'

The curl command returns directly instead of waiting for watch response,with the error repsose below:

{"result":{"header":{"cluster_id":"14841639068965178418","member_id":"10276657743932975437","revision":"1","raft_term":"2"},"created":true}} {"error":{"grpc_code":1,"http_code":408,"message":"context canceled","http_status":"Request Timeout"}}

We set auth to etcd by command below:

etcdctl user add root etcdctl auth enable

Then make a kv range call with curl:

curl -X POST -d '{"key": "dGVzdGtleQo=", "range_end": "dGVzdGtleTEK"}' http://localhost:8887/v3/kv/range

The response is as expected:

{"error":"etcdserver: user name is empty","code":2,"message":"etcdserver: user name is empty"}

However, after we get a token with the command below:

curl 'localhost:8887/v3/auth/authenticate' -X POST -d '{"name":"root","password":"123456"} {"header"{"cluster_id":"14841639068965178418","member_id":"10276657743932975437","revision":"1","raft_term":"2"},"token":"ImhAoKYyjbUPSKoN.11"}

We make the same kv range call with auth header:

curl -H 'Authorization: ImhAoKYyjbUPSKoN.11' -X POST -d '{"key": "dGVzdGtleQo=", "range_end": "dGVzdGtleTEK"}' http://localhost:8887/v3/kv/range

We still get the user name is empty error.

{"error":"etcdserver: user name is empty","code":2,"message":"etcdserver: user name is empty"}

The expected response is invalid auth token error:

{"error":"etcdserver: invalid auth token","code":2,"message":"etcdserver: invalid auth token"}

After some digging in the source code, we found the grpc server of grpc proxy in etcd did not propagate grpc metadata properly. And the watch cancled error may caused by the client early disconnection by grpc-gateway. We propose a PR trying to fix the problem, expecting for reviewing.

What did you expect to happen?

Grpc proxy can handle grpc gateway requests correctly.

How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?

As describe above.

Anything else we need to know?

No response

Etcd version (please run commands below)

```console $ etcd --version etcd Version: 3.5.13 Git SHA: 6bbccf4da Go Version: go1.22.2 Go OS/Arch: darwin/amd64 $ etcdctl version etcdctl version: 3.5.13 API version: 3.5 ```

Etcd configuration (command line flags or environment variables)

# paste your configuration here

Etcd debug information (please run commands below, feel free to obfuscate the IP address or FQDN in the output)

```console $ etcdctl member list -w table # paste output here $ etcdctl --endpoints= endpoint status -w table # paste output here ```

Relevant log output

No response

ximenzaoshi commented 3 months ago

Here is the related PR

ahrtr commented 3 months ago

It seems like a valid issue. We don't see much use case on grpcProxy, so I don't think this is a major issue.

Can anyone double check this? @ivanvc @siyuanfoundation @chaochn47 @tjungblu

ximenzaoshi commented 3 months ago

I also checked the build-in gateway, it seems OK. I think the implementation is different in etcdserver and grpcproxy server, which leads to the different behavior. We mainly use grpcproxy to reduce the watch pressure from apisix to etcdserver. I will add an simple e2e test soon. Thanks for your reply.

ivanvc commented 3 months ago

Can anyone double check this? @ivanvc @siyuanfoundation @chaochn47 @tjungblu

I think the built-in gateway (if I'm correct, it should be in server/etcdserver/api/v3rpc/grpc.go), is forwarding the metadata. Refer to:

And newUnaryInterceptor(...):

The source code for release 3.5 is very similar, it doesn't appear to happen there either: /

Caveats: I'm still not too familiar with etcdserver, so I apologize if my answer is misleading.

ahrtr commented 3 months ago

@ivanvc The source code you mentioned above is where etcdserver receives gRPC requests, this issue is about receiving REST(HTTP) requests.

Note that etcdserver receives REST(HTTP) request via the grpc-gateway.

I think the reason why the build-in gateway doesn't have such issue is that the gateway carries the http request header over to the following gRPC request,

Please read

The existing e2e test cases should have already verified it.

ahrtr commented 3 months ago

The existing e2e test cases should have already verified it.

ximenzaoshi commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your reply, Do we have any comments for the watch cancled error? This is another problem which I think is more important than auth. I try to fix the watch canceled error in . Looking forward for reviewing. The discussions above seem focusing on the auth problem. @ahrtr @ivanvc

ahrtr commented 3 months ago

Do we have any comments for the watch cancled error?

I am not sure what issue you are talking about here. Please feel free to raise another issue to track it if not present.

Please let's only fix one thing/issue in one PR. Please add an e2e test to reproduce the issue firstly, please read the second point in

ximenzaoshi commented 3 months ago

Do we have any comments for the watch cancled error?

I am not sure what issue you are talking about here. Please feel free to raise another issue to track it if not present.

Please let's only fix one thing/issue in one PR. Please add an e2e test to reproduce the issue firstly, please read the second point in #18011 (comment)

Thanks for your reply, I'll add e2e tests in a fews days and recommit the PR.

The watch context cancled error is described as the first part of this issue, maybe not clearly. I copied the part below.

Start etcd(v3.5.13) and grpc-proxy locally by commands below:

nohup etcd& nohup etcd grpc-proxy start --endpoints=localhost:2379 &

Then start grpc-gateway locally(compiled by the code above). Send watch command to grpc-gateway with curl:

curl -X POST -d '{"create_request": {"key":"dGVzdGtleQo=","range_end":"dGVzdGtleTEK"}}' 'localhost:8887/v3/watch'

The curl command returns directly instead of waiting for watch response,with the error repsose below:

{"result":{"header":{"cluster_id":"14841639068965178418","member_id":"10276657743932975437","revision":"1","raft_term":"2"},"created":true}} {"error":{"grpc_code":1,"http_code":408,"message":"context canceled","http_status":"Request Timeout"}}

ahrtr commented 3 months ago

Then start grpc-gateway locally(compiled by the code above). Send watch command to grpc-gateway with curl:

curl -X POST -d '{"create_request": {"key":"dGVzdGtleQo=","range_end":"dGVzdGtleTEK"}}' 'localhost:8887/v3/watch'

The curl command returns directly instead of waiting for watch response,with the error repsose below:

{"result":{"header":{"cluster_id":"14841639068965178418","member_id":"10276657743932975437","revision":"1","raft_term":"2"},"created":true}} {"error":{"grpc_code":1,"http_code":408,"message":"context canceled","http_status":"Request Timeout"}}

The error is returned by your grpc-gateway, so you need to debug it firstly. Please let me know if you see any issue when you watch a key via etcd or grpc-proxy directly.

ximenzaoshi commented 3 months ago

Then start grpc-gateway locally(compiled by the code above). Send watch command to grpc-gateway with curl: curl -X POST -d '{"create_request": {"key":"dGVzdGtleQo=","range_end":"dGVzdGtleTEK"}}' 'localhost:8887/v3/watch' The curl command returns directly instead of waiting for watch response,with the error repsose below: {"result":{"header":{"cluster_id":"14841639068965178418","member_id":"10276657743932975437","revision":"1","raft_term":"2"},"created":true}} {"error":{"grpc_code":1,"http_code":408,"message":"context canceled","http_status":"Request Timeout"}}

The error is returned by your grpc-gateway, so you need to debug it firstly. Please let me know if you see any issue when you watch a key via etcd or grpc-proxy directly.

The watch error happens in this scenario: image Take grpc proxy away, all worked OK: image So I guess this indicates that the problem is with the grpc proxy.

ahrtr commented 3 months ago

The watch error happens in this scenario:

Do you still see the issue after applying the

ximenzaoshi commented 3 months ago

The watch error happens in this scenario:

Do you still see the issue after applying the #18012?

After applying the, all worked OK.