$ ./build/bin/echainspec help
echainspec [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
- Reading and writing chain configurations:
The default behavior is to act as a configuration reader and writer (and implicit converter).
To establish a target configuration to read, you can either
1. Pass in a chain configuration externally, or
2. Use one of the builtin defaults.
(1.) When reading an external configuration, specify --inputf to define how the provided
configuration should be interpreted.
The tool expects to read from standard input (fd 0). Use --file to specify a filepath instead.
With an optional --outputf flag, the tool will write the established configuration in the desired format.
If no --outputf is given, the configuration will be printed in its original format.
Run the following to list available client formats (both for reading and writing):
echainspec ls-formats
(2.) Use --default [<chain>] to set the chain configuration value to one of the built in defaults.
Run the following to list available default configuration values.
echainspec ls-defaults
- Inspecting chain configurations:
Additional commands are provided (see COMMANNDS section) to help grok chain configurations.
Convert an external chain configuration between client formats (from STDIN)
> cat my-parity-spec.json | echainspec --inputf parity --outputf [geth|multigeth]
Convert an external chain configuration between client formats (from file).
> echainspec --inputf parity --file my-parity-spec.json --outputf [geth|multigeth]
Print a default Ethereum Classic network chain configuration in multigeth format:
> echainspec --default classic --outputf multigeth
Validate a default Kotti network chain configuration for block #3000000:
> echainspec --default kotti validate 3000000
ls-defaults List default configurations
ls-formats List client configuration formats
validate Tests whether a configuration is valid
forks List unique and non-zero fork numbers
ips List IP transition names and values
help Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--inputf value Input format type [multigeth|geth|parity]
--file value Path to JSON chain configuration file
--default value Use default chainspec values [social|classic|kotti|mordor|foundation|rinkeby|ropsten|goerli|ethersocial|mix]
--outputf value Output client format type for converted configuration file [multigeth|geth|parity]
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Based on change set from #70