etclabscore / open-etc-pool

Open Ethereum Mining Pool
GNU General Public License v3.0
53 stars 47 forks source link

Custom Wallet Address Reward Distribution Issue #30

Open AnkitMalhotra22 opened 5 months ago

AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago



We have encountered an issue where the mining rewards are not being distributed to the wallet addresses specified by individual miners using T-Rex Miner. Instead, the rewards are defaulting to the miner.etherbase address set on the Geth node. This behavior is not ideal for our mining pool, which aims to connect thousands of miners worldwide and allow them to receive rewards directly in their third-party wallets.

Expected Behavior

When a miner successfully mines a block and it is validated, the reward should be sent to the wallet address they have specified when connecting to the Stratum proxy, not the default miner.etherbase address.

Current Behavior

The mining rewards are being sent to the miner.etherbase address regardless of the individual miner's specified wallet address.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Set up the Geth node with miner.setEtherbase(wallet_address).
  2. Miners connect to the Stratum proxy using T-Rex Miner and specify their individual wallet addresses.
  3. A miner mines and validates a block.
  4. The reward is sent to the miner.etherbase address instead of the miner's specified wallet address.

The T-Rex Miner command used (modified for public sharing):

./t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://: -u -p x -w

We need to ensure that the pool's backend system recognizes and credits the correct wallet addresses for each miner's contributions when distributing rewards.

Environment • Geth version: (1.12)

• ETC mining pool software version: (latest)

• T-Rex Miner version: (v0.26.8)

• Operating System: (Ubuntu 20.04LTS)

Any assistance or guidance on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

MiningCryptoLive commented 5 months ago

What do your config files look like? Do you have the payout module enabled? The rewards always go to the pool wallet and then are distributed by the payout module .

"unlocker": { "enabled": true, "poolFee": 1.0, "poolFeeAddress": "your pool wallet address", "depth": 120, "immatureDepth": 20, "keepTxFees": false, "interval": "10m", "daemon": "", "timeout": "10s" },

"payouts": {
    "enabled": true,
    "requirePeers": 25,
    "interval": "120m", (change to whatever time you want payments to process.)
    "daemon": "",
    "timeout": "10s",
    "address": "0x0",
    "gas": "21000",
    "gasPrice": "50000000000",
    "autoGas": true,
    "threshold": 500000000,
    "bgsave": false
AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago

Thank you for your question regarding the payout module configuration. We have verified that the payout module is enabled in our mining pool's backend system. However, we are experiencing an issue where the mining rewards are not being distributed to the individual miners' wallet addresses as specified. Instead, the rewards are defaulting to the miner.etherbase address set on the Geth node.

We have taken the following steps to troubleshoot the issue: • Checked the "payouts" section of our config file to ensure it is correctly configured.

• Updated our mining pool software to the latest version.

We are continuing to investigate the issue and would appreciate any further assistance or guidance you can provide. If you have any suggestions or have encountered a similar issue, please let us know.

MiningCryptoLive commented 5 months ago

Without more information we can not help you. What is the pool address? Post your configuration so we can see if something is wrong. Is the unlocker enabled. Are the blocks confirming? Also post your geth command line. You may not have it set correctly.

AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago

Thank you for your guidance. Here's the geth command I'm using, with sensitive details omitted for security:

geth --datadir . --networkid "xxxxxxx" --allow-insecure-unlock --http --http.addr --http.corsdomain "" --http.port 10293 --http.api eth,txpool,debug,web3,net,personal,admin,miner --ws --ws.addr --ws.port 43254 --ws.api eth,txpool,debug,web3,net,personal,admin,miner --syncmode full --gcmode archive --http.vhosts "" --authrpc.addr --authrpc.port 37655 --remotedb [redacted]"*" --rpc.enabledeprecatedpersonal --authrpc.jwtsecret=[redacted] --nat extip:[redacted] --identity "Pool1Node" --metrics --log.debug --verbosity 4 --mine --miner.etherbase "0x[redacted]" --miner.notify.full --miner.noverify --miner.threads 2 --nodiscover --vmdebug

And here's the full JSON configuration for the open-etc-pool, with sensitive details omitted:

{ "threads": 2, "coin": "TRSEE", "name": "TestingCOINS", "network": "classic", "proxy": { "enabled": true, "listen": "", "limitHeadersSize": 1024, "limitBodySize": 256, "behindReverseProxy": false, "blockRefreshInterval": "1200ms", "stateUpdateInterval": "20s", "difficulty": 8998388608, "hashrateExpiration": "3h", "healthCheck": true, "maxFails": 100, "stratum": { "enabled": true, "listen": "", "timeout": "120s", "maxConn": 8192 }, "policy": { "workers": 1, "resetInterval": "60m", "refreshInterval": "1m", "banning": { "enabled": false, "ipset": "blacklist", "timeout": 1800, "invalidPercent": 30, "checkThreshold": 30, "malformedLimit": 5 }, "limits": { "enabled": false, "limit": 30, "grace": "5m", "limitJump": 10 } } }, "api": { "enabled": true, "purgeOnly": false, "purgeInterval": "10m", "listen": "", "statsCollectInterval": "5s", "hashrateWindow": "30m", "hashrateLargeWindow": "3h", "luckWindow": [64, 128, 256], "payments": 30, "blocks": 50 }, "upstreamCheckInterval": "5s", "upstream": [ { "name": "main", "url": "http://(Daemon IP):10293", "timeout": "10s" }, { "name": "backup", "url": "", "timeout": "10s" } ], "redis": { "endpoint": "", "poolSize": 10, "database": 0, "password": "[redacted]" }, "unlocker": { "enabled": true, "poolFee": 1.0, "poolFeeAddress": "0x[redacted]", "depth": 120, "immatureDepth": 20, "keepTxFees": false, "interval": "10m", "daemon": "http://(Daemon IP):10293", "timeout": "10s" }, "payouts": { "enabled": true, "requirePeers": 25, "interval": "120m", "daemon": "http://(Daemon IP):10293", "timeout": "10s", "address": "0x0", "password": "[redacted]", "gas": "21000", "gasPrice": "50000000000", "autoGas": true, "threshold": 0, "bgsave": false } }

MiningCryptoLive commented 5 months ago

you don't have the unlock wallet password set in the geth command line so the wallet is unable to make the payments. --allow-insecure-unlock --mine --miner.etherbase "0x**" --password="path/to/password.txt"

also you need to make sure at least 25 peers are connected or change the required peers amount to a lower number for the payment module to work.

AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago


Here's the payout module but still zero balance in wallet address for miner

"payouts": { "enabled": true, "requirePeers": 1, "interval": "10m", "daemon": "(Daemon-IP):10293", "timeout": "10s", "address": "0x0", "password": "123", "gas": "21000", "gasPrice": "50000000000", "autoGas": true, "threshold": 0, "bgsave": false }


Additional And also i got this in logs earlier only one time I dont have any smart contract deployed

MATURED 727:0x569526ff14673b16dbb181d43b223de7b8802ebb70f9ef38ac: revenue 5.00000000, miners profit 4.95000000, pool profit: 0.05000000 REWARD 727:0x5695211e4e3b16db1d43b223de7b8802ebb70f9ef38ac: 0xd2d14561194565dbe64adc28b086c: 4950000000 Shannon REWARD 727:0x569526ff15c2803c320c511e4e3b16dbb181d43b223de7b8802ebb70f9ef38ac: 0x0e26b1eeab4845f90d1f7526ac172384: 50000000 Shannon

MiningCryptoLive commented 5 months ago

What coin are you working with? Also if a new coin payment will not process until you reach 120 blocks which is set in unlocker.

"unlocker": { "enabled": true, "poolFee": 1.0, "poolFeeAddress": "0x[redacted]", "depth": 120, (change to lower amount for faster payout) "immatureDepth": 20, "keepTxFees": false, "interval": "10m", "daemon": "http://(Daemon IP):10293", "timeout": "10s" },

AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago

MATURED 113:0x8b3f327b968dcaca5ee5bf2adf70f22d3e9e776f787a7: revenue 5.00000000, miners profit 4.95000000, pool profit: 0.05000000 REWARD 113:0x8b3f327dcaca5e499b8e5bf2adf70f22d3e9e776f787a7: 0xd200365dbe64adc28b086c: 4950000000 Shannon REWARD 113:0x8b3f327b96a23848dcaca5e499b8e5bf2adf70f22d3e9e776f787a7: 0x076ceab4845f90d1f7526ac172384: 50000000 Shannon 2024/04/26 11:49:24 MATURED 118:0x351a34bbd672228c7a6fe1340574f4542bb75b6889a18ed23f: revenue 5.00000000, miners profit 4.95000000, pool profit: 0.05000000 REWARD 118:0x351a34bbd672228c8184cc1a4e5b327a6fe1340574f4542bb75b6889a18ed23f: 0xd200391d9320a565dbe64adc28b086c: 4950000000 Shannon REWARD 118:0x35184cc1a4e5340574f4542bb75b6889a18ed23f: 0x076ceee90d1f7526ac172384: 50000000 Shannon 2024/04/26 11:49:24 MATURE SESSION: revenue 10.00000000, miners profit 9.90000000, pool profit: 0.10000000



"unlocker": { "enabled": true, "poolFee": 1.0, "poolFeeAddress": "(wallet address as eth.coinbase in geth node)", "depth": 33, "immatureDepth": 20, "keepTxFees": false, "interval": "10m", "daemon": "http://(Daemon-IP):10293", "timeout": "10s" },

"payouts": { "enabled": true, "requirePeers": 1, "interval": "10m", "daemon": "http://(Daemon-IP):10293", "timeout": "10s", "address": "0x0", "password": "123", "gas": "21000", "gasPrice": "50000000000", "autoGas": true, "threshold": 0, "bgsave": false }


AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago

Still no payout in the wallet mentioned in the miner

Using this command to mine

./t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://(Stratum Server host):8008 -u --coin TESTT -p x -w ankii

AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago

Still no payout in the wallet mentioned in the miner Using this command to mine ./t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://(Stratum Server host):8008 -u --coin TESTT -p x -w ankii

Where's your wallet in this??

Your startup should look like: t-rex -a etchash -o stratum+tcp:// -u 0x0924EF9ecBcC1287047cAFd2EAD3A133313eE6A2 -p x -w rig0

Still no payout in the wallet mentioned in the miner

Using this command to mine

./t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://(Stratum Server host):8008 -u --coin TESTT -p x -w ankii

Here's the correct command i am using right now

./t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+tcp:// -u (wallet address) --coin TESTT -p x -w ankii

AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago

{ "threads": 4, "coin": "etc", "name": "main", "pplns": 9000, "network": "classic", "coin-name":"etc",

"payouts": {
  "enabled": true,
  "requirePeers": 1,
  "interval": "20m",
  "daemon": "",
  "timeout": "10s",
  "address": "0xd92fa5a9732a0aec36dc8d5a6a1305dc2d3e09e6",
  "gas": "21000",
  "gasPrice": "50000000000",
  "autoGas": true,
  "threshold": 500000000,
  "bgsave": false,
  "concurrentTx": 10

"upstreamCheckInterval": "5s",

"upstream": [ { "name": "main", "url": "", "timeout": "10s" } ],

"redis": {
  "endpoint": "",
  "poolSize": 10,
  "database": 0,
  "password": "",
            "sentinelEnabled": false,
            "masterName": "mymaster",
            "sentinelAddrs": [


Payouts.json should look like this

I am currently working with the configuration files and noticed that I only have the config.json file. I'm unable to locate the Payouts.json file within the project directory. Could you please confirm if this file is located elsewhere, or if it needs to be created manually?

If the Payouts.json file needs to be created, I would appreciate it if you could provide a reference or template for the entire file structure of **Payouts.json**. This would help ensure that I set up the file correctly and in accordance with the project's data schema.

Also do i need to integrate sentinel or setup sentinel here in redis module ?

Please let me know am i missing something?

AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago


"unlocker": {
  "enabled": true,
  "poolFee": 1.0,
  "poolFeeAddress": "",
  "depth": 120,
  "immatureDepth": 20,
  "keepTxFees": false,
  "interval": "10m",
  "daemon": "",
  "timeout": "10s"

Do i need to mention this unlocker in Payout.json or its a reference for config.json

And also there's no address mentioned here in poolfeeaddress so am i supposed to keep it empty?

MiningCryptoLive commented 5 months ago

Go to And he has all the config files. You should always run each module separately. api, payout,unlocker and port. He has pretty good documentation on how to run the pool

MiningCryptoLive commented 5 months ago

Exactly. He is constantly updating his repo and adding features

Randy Hasson 199 East Markison Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43207

On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 3:19 PM cristianvsl @.***> wrote:

Go to And he has all the config files. You should always run each module separately. api, payout,unlocker and port. He has pretty good documentation on how to run the pool

I'm sorry I haven't seen this before posting tons of data.

He won't go wrong if he follows this

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AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago

Here's the payment.json { "threads": 4, "coin": "TEST", "name": "testing", "pplns": 0, "network": "classic", "coin-name": "TEST", "payouts": { "enabled": true, "requirePeers": 1, "interval": "20m", "daemon": "http://REDACTED", "timeout": "10s", "address": "0x0", "gas": "21000", "gasPrice": "50000000000", "autoGas": true, "threshold": 500000000, "bgsave": true, "concurrentTx": 10 }, "upstreamCheckInterval": "5s", "upstream": [ { "name": "main", "url": "http://REDACTED", "timeout": "10s" } ], "redis": { "endpoint": "", "poolSize": 10, "database": 1, "password": "", "sentinelEnabled": false, "masterName": "mymaster", "sentinelAddrs": [ "", "", "" ] } }

Here's the api.json

{ "threads": 4, "coin": "TEST", "name": "testing", "pplns": 9000, "network": "classic", "coin-name": "TEST", "algo": "ethash", "proxy": { "enabled": true, "listen": "", "limitHeadersSize": 1024, "limitBodySize": 256, "behindReverseProxy": false, "blockRefreshInterval": "50ms", "stateUpdateInterval": "3s", "difficulty": 17179869184, "hashrateExpiration": "3h", "stratumHostname": "", "healthCheck": true, "debug": true, "maxFails": 100, "stratum": { "enabled": true, "listen": "", "timeout": "120s", "maxConn": 8192, "tls": false, "certFile": "/path/to/cert.pem", "keyFile": "/path/to/key.pem" }, "policy": { "workers": 8, "resetInterval": "60m", "refreshInterval": "1m", "blacklist_file": "/home/pool/open-etc-pool-friends/stratum_blacklist.json", "banning": { "enabled": true, "ipset": "blacklist", "timeout": 1800, "invalidPercent": 30, "checkThreshold": 30, "malformedLimit": 5, "fail2banCommand": "fail2ban-client" }, "limits": { "enabled": false, "limit": 30, "grace": "5m", "limitJump": 10 } } }, "api": { "enabled": true, "purgeOnly": false, "purgeInterval": "10m", "listen": "", "statsCollectInterval": "5s", "hashrateWindow": "30m", "hashrateLargeWindow": "3h", "luckWindow": [ 64, 128, 256 ], "payments": 30, "blocks": 50, "poolCharts": "0 /20 ", "poolChartsNum": 74, "minerCharts": "0 /20 ", "minerChartsNum": 74, "netCharts": "0 /20 ", "netChartsNum": 74, "shareCharts": "0 /20 ", "shareChartsNum": 74 }, "upstreamCheckInterval": "5s", "upstream": [ { "name": "main", "url": "http://REDACTED", "timeout": "10s" }, { "name": "backup", "url": "http://REDACTED", "timeout": "10s" } ], "redis": { "endpoint": "", "poolSize": 10, "database": 0, "password": "", "sentinelEnabled": false, "masterName": "mymaster", "sentinelAddrs": [ "", "", "" ] }, "exchange": { "enabled": true, "url": "", "timeout": "50s", "refreshInterval": "900s" }, "unlocker": { "enabled": true, "poolFee": 1.0, "poolFeeAddress": "", "depth": 32, "immatureDepth": 16, "keepTxFees": false, "interval": "10m", "daemon": "http://REDACTED", "timeout": "10s", "isLondonHardForkEnabled": false }, "payouts": { "enabled": false, "requirePeers": 1, "interval": "20m", "daemon": "http://REDACTED", "timeout": "10s", "address": "0x0", "gas": "21000", "gasPrice": "50000000000", "autoGas": true, "threshold": 500000000, "bgsave": true, "concurrentTx": 10 }, "newrelicEnabled": false, "newrelicName": "MyEtherProxy", "newrelicKey": "SECRET_KEY", "newrelicVerbose": false }

Configuration Files:



############## Logs ################

This is the a section from API logs

Here's mentioned about rewards

2024/04/30 11:11:29 Mature block 5072 with 0 tx, hash: 0x002978c4 2024/04/30 11:11:29 Unlocked 3 blocks, 0 uncles, 0 orphans 2024/04/30 11:11:29 Inserted 0 orphaned blocks to backend 02024/04/30 11:11:29 MATURED 5063:0x474d6d8ae37984c1a7b1eed56bd5c1b79533c2e1305b3040a1201ef6b33533e8: revenue 5.00000000, miners profit 4.95000000, pool profit: 0.05000000 REWARD 5063:0x474d6d8ae37984c1a7b1eed56bd5c1b79533c2e1305b3040a1201ef6b33533e8: 0xd2a4561194565dbe64adc28b086c: 4950000000 Shannon 02024/04/30 11:11:29 MATURED 5066:0x808832bb5a6450f14581d12d29c02849a1e67b4bdaf2699ac3128fdc367a01dc: revenue 5.00000000, miners profit 4.95000000, pool profit: 0.05000000 REWARD 5066:0x808832bb5a6450f14581d12d29c02849a1e67b4bdaf2699ac3128fdc367a01dc: 0xd20039561194565dbe64adc28b086c: 4950000000 Shannon 02024/04/30 11:11:29 MATURED 5072:0x002978c49243cb2f38f7df51f7a72db7563600017dbcaaf1ad56ac11c233c76d: revenue 5.00000000, miners profit 4.95000000, pool profit: 0.05000000 REWARD 5072:0x002978c49243cb2f38f7df51f7a72db7563600017dbcaaf1ad56ac11c233c76d: 0xd200561194565dbe64adc28b086c: 4950000000 Shannon

Here's the section for unlock errror

2024/04/30 11:21:51 Mature block 5124 with 0 tx, hash: 0x6a741b99 2024/04/30 11:21:54 Stats collection finished 10.556465ms 2024/04/30 11:21:56 baseFeePerGas: 0 2024/04/30 11:21:56 block.BaseFeePerGas: 2024/04/30 11:21:56 gasUsed: 0 2024/04/30 11:21:56 BurntFees: 0 2024/04/30 11:21:56 Mature block 5129 with 0 tx, hash: 0x96140f04 2024/04/30 11:21:56 Immature 5 blocks, 0 uncles, 0 orphans 2024/04/30 11:21:56 Inserted 0 orphaned blocks to backend 02024/04/30 11:21:56 Failed to credit rewards for round 5091:0x87d76ecd2aeca45e8a878af246330ca53db82acc8cc26fd8b387a5dbed8a67de: ERR no such key 2024/04/30 11:21:56 Unlocking suspended due to last critical error: ERR no such key

I have used this repo Ubuntu OS : 20.04 node : v14.21.3 go : 1.21.0

According to the setup i just ran a api.json and payouts.json and frontend none other than that

Still didn't get any payout in wallet address

Here's the command for T-rex miner ./t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://:8008 -u 0xD2061194565Dbe64ADC28b086C --coin TEST -p x -w ankii

AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago


Here's the payouts service logs Do i need to adjust something? in config

AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago

I have also tried Setting the threshold to 0 in both api.json and payout.json but still getting this error and no payouts there


Here's the payouts service logs Do i need to adjust something? in config

MiningCryptoLive commented 5 months ago

You do not have the node setup properly. Do you have the password set in the node to unlock the pool wallet? Also, what is this coin you are trying to mine? Is it etchash or ethash?

Randy Hasson 199 East Markison Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43207

On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 2:38 AM AnkitMalhotra22 @.***> wrote:

I have also tried Setting the threshold to 0 in both api.json and payout.json but still getting this error and no payouts there

[image: image]

Here's the payouts service logs Do i need to adjust something? in config

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago

geth --datadir . --networkid "956" --allow-insecure-unlock --http --http.addr --http.corsdomain "" --http.port --http.api eth,txpool,debug,web3,net,personal,admin,miner --ws --ws.addr --ws.port --ws.api eth,txpool,debug,web3,net,personal,admin,miner --syncmode full --gcmode archive --http.vhosts "" --authrpc.addr --authrpc.port --remotedb postgresql://postgres:password@:5432/"*" --rpc.enabledeprecatedpersonal --authrpc.jwtsecret=jwt.hex --nat extip:http://REDACTED --identity "Pool1Node" --metrics --log.debug --verbosity 4 --mine --miner.etherbase "0xb5c5184" --password secret.txt --miner.notify.full --miner.noverify --miner.threads 2 --nodiscover --vmdebug

Here's the api.json

{ "threads": 4, "coin": "TEST", "name": "testing", "pplns": 9000, "network": "classic", "coin-name": "TEST", "algo": "ethash", "proxy": { "enabled": true, "listen": "", "limitHeadersSize": 1024, "limitBodySize": 256, "behindReverseProxy": false, "blockRefreshInterval": "50ms", "stateUpdateInterval": "3s", "difficulty": 17179869184, "hashrateExpiration": "3h", "stratumHostname": "", "healthCheck": true, "debug": true, "maxFails": 100, "stratum": { "enabled": true, "listen": "", "timeout": "120s", "maxConn": 8192, "tls": false, "certFile": "/path/to/cert.pem", "keyFile": "/path/to/key.pem" }, "policy": { "workers": 8, "resetInterval": "60m", "refreshInterval": "1m", "blacklist_file": "/home/pool/open-etc-pool-friends/stratum_blacklist.json", "banning": { "enabled": true, "ipset": "blacklist", "timeout": 1800, "invalidPercent": 30, "checkThreshold": 30, "malformedLimit": 5, "fail2banCommand": "fail2ban-client" }, "limits": { "enabled": false, "limit": 30, "grace": "5m", "limitJump": 10 } } }, "api": { "enabled": true, "purgeOnly": false, "purgeInterval": "10m", "listen": "", "statsCollectInterval": "5s", "hashrateWindow": "30m", "hashrateLargeWindow": "3h", "luckWindow": [ 64, 128, 256 ], "payments": 30, "blocks": 50, "poolCharts": "0 /20 ", "poolChartsNum": 74, "minerCharts": "0 /20 ", "minerChartsNum": 74, "netCharts": "0 /20 ", "netChartsNum": 74, "shareCharts": "0 /20 ", "shareChartsNum": 74 }, "upstreamCheckInterval": "5s", "upstream": [ { "name": "main", "url": "http://REDACTED", "timeout": "10s" }, { "name": "backup", "url": "", "timeout": "10s" } ], "redis": { "endpoint": "", "poolSize": 10, "database": 0, "password": "", "sentinelEnabled": false, "masterName": "mymaster", "sentinelAddrs": [ "", "", "" ] }, "exchange": { "enabled": true, "url": "", "timeout": "50s", "refreshInterval": "900s" }, "unlocker": { "enabled": true, "poolFee": 0, "poolFeeAddress": "0xb5c5684", "depth": 32, "immatureDepth": 16, "keepTxFees": false, "interval": "10m", "daemon": "http://REDACTED", "timeout": "10s", "isLondonHardForkEnabled": false }, "payouts": { "enabled": true, "requirePeers": 1, "interval": "20m", "daemon": "http://REDACTED", "timeout": "10s", "address": "0x0", "gas": "21000", "gasPrice": "5000", "autoGas": true, "threshold": 0, "bgsave": true, "concurrentTx": 10 }, "newrelicEnabled": false, "newrelicName": "MyEtherProxy", "newrelicKey": "SECRET_KEY", "newrelicVerbose": false }

Assume the coin symbol as TEST. Nothing more about the coin I am just testing if i can get rewards in TEST token.

Here's the t-rex miner command i am using

./t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://(stratum -host):8008 -u "Coinbase wallet" --coin TEST -p "Coinbase wallet password" -w ankii

for reference geth node , mining pool and miner logs attached

############# GETH NODE logs ###############

DEBUG[05-02|07:18:18.798|consensus/ethash/sealer.go:489] Work submitted is acceptable number=22 sealhash=698d85..ef09b4 hash=342868..e4346e DEBUG[05-02|07:18:18.799|rpc/handler.go:480] Served eth_submitWork conn=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:53916 reqid=0 duration="453.848µs" DEBUG[05-02|07:18:18.879|trie/triedb/hashdb/database.go:453] Persisted trie from memory database nodes=2 size=295.00B time=19.450445ms gcnodes=0 gcsize=0.00B gctime=0s livenodes=0 livesize=0.00B INFO [05-02|07:18:18.881|miner/worker.go:788] Successfully sealed new block number=22 sealhash=698d85..ef09b4 hash=342868..e4346e elapsed=3m2.065s INFO [05-02|07:18:18.881|miner/unconfirmed.go:107] " block reached canonical chain" number=15 hash=2095a2..e8ba33 INFO [05-02|07:18:18.881|miner/unconfirmed.go:85] " mined potential block" number=22 hash=342868..e4346e DEBUG[05-02|07:18:18.899|rpc/handler.go:480] Served eth_getBlockByNumber conn=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:53924 reqid=0 duration="218.29µs" INFO [05-02|07:18:18.931|miner/worker.go:1243] Commit new sealing work number=23 sealhash=9f2886..f02cf9 uncles=0 txs=0 gas=0 fees=0 elapsed="333.926µs" DEBUG[05-02|07:18:18.931|core/txpool/legacypool/legacypool.go:1414] Reinjecting stale transactions count=0 INFO [05-02|07:18:18.933|miner/worker.go:1243] Commit new sealing work number=23 sealhash=9f2886..f02cf9 uncles=0 txs=0 gas=0 fees=0 elapsed=2.217ms

###########Miner logs #################


#########Mining Pool Logs #############

07:56:18 vagrant open-etc-pool-friends[109792]: 2024/05/02 07:56:18 Submitted by: 0x*[@10.1.2.XX May 2 07:56:19 vagrant open-etc-pool-friends[109792]: 2024/05/02 07:56:19 New block to mine on main at height 45 / 0xfbfa3b84 May 2 07:56:19 vagrant open-etc-pool-friends[109792]: 2024/05/02 07:56:19 Broadcasting new job to 1 stratum miners May 2 07:56:19 vagrant open-etc-pool-friends[109792]: 2024/05/02 07:56:19 Jobs broadcast finished 27.402µs May 2 07:56:19 vagrant open-etc-pool-friends[109792]: 2024/05/02 07:56:19 Inserted block 44 to backend May 2 07:56:19 vagrant open-etc-pool-friends[109792]: 2024/05/02 07:56:19 Block found by miner 0x*]( at height 44 May 2 07:56:19 vagrant open-etc-pool-friends[109792]: 2024/05/02 07:56:19 Valid share from 0x*@10.1.2.XX May 2 07:56:19 vagrant open-etc-pool-friends[109792]: 2024/05/02 07:56:19 Hashrate reported by ankii@10.1.2.XX (0x***): 41.60 MH/s May 2 07:56:19 vagrant open-etc-pool-friends[109792]: 2024/05/02 07:56:19 New block to mine on main at height 45 / 0xfbfa3b84

Failed to credit rewards


AnkitMalhotra22 commented 5 months ago

09:34:03 vagrant open-etc-pool-friends[110410]: 02024/05/02 09:34:03 IMMATURE 64:0x3c3a247a39e63ad09eaef38d73a3733e3c3ff4c3dfa28c0f87087187289d2f36: revenue 5.00000000, miners profit 5.00000000, pool profit: 0.00000000 May 2 09:34:03 vagrant open-etc-pool-friends[110410]: #011REWARD 64:0x3c3a247a39e63ad09eaef38d73a3733e3c3ff4c3dfa28c0f87087187289d2f36: 0xd2dc28b0 86c: 5000000000 Shannon May 2 09:34:03 vagrant open-etc-pool-friends[110410]: #011REWARD 64:0x3c3a247a39e63ad09eaef38d73a3733e3c3ff4c3dfa28c0f87087187289d2f36: 0xb5c51b70f5 684: 0 Shannon

AnkitMalhotra22 commented 4 months ago

You do not have the node setup properly. Do you have the password set in the node to unlock the pool wallet? Also, what is this coin you are trying to mine? Is it etchash or ethash? Randy Hasson 199 East Markison Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43207 On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 2:38 AM AnkitMalhotra22 @.> wrote: I have also tried Setting the threshold to 0 in both api.json and payout.json but still getting this error and no payouts there [image: image] Here's the payouts service logs Do i need to adjust something? in config — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#30 (comment)>, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.>

I have already mentioned above the necessary details !

MiningCryptoLive commented 4 months ago

Assume the coin symbol as TEST. Nothing more about the coin I am just testing if i can get rewards in TEST token.

You will not receive rewards because the code for the pool does not know what TEST coin is!!! You would have to edit the pool code and add the information needed. This code is for certain coins !!