eternagame / EternaJS

Eterna game/RNA design interface
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'Your puzzle must satisfy script’ should use script title. #235

Open rhiju opened 4 years ago

rhiju commented 4 years ago

Since we're making such great use of scripts, even in 'flagship' puzzles, some quick tuneups might help all players understand.

In the mission screen, the script is cryptic:

Screen Shot 2020-01-19 at 5 38 23 PM

I'd suggest instead of giving the number, give the title of the script.

And let's add some kind of icon (perhaps some verion that is used in the eternascript page?)

Example puzzle is the ribosome PTC POTW:

luxaritas commented 4 years ago

Both of these can actually be provided by the constraint script itself - in fact it should be the same one as the constraint box within the puzzle proper, ie in this case: image

The reason it's not showing up here is actually a bug in the constraint script itself which has been resolved in the versions we use on prod. For example, image

That said, I think the defaults could indeed be better and updating them as you suggest would be a great idea