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200-scripts-new-site #200

Closed AlexHalb closed 1 year ago

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

Scripting interface moved to the new site. Almost completely functional except I'm still working on allowing scripts to be evaluated.


luxaritas commented 4 years ago

Haven't looked at this yet, but a few notes:

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

I've got the interface all but done now, just need to tweak a few things. Before I start working on the actual script evaluation, I've got a few questions. Here's my understanding of the types of scripts, what they are for, what code they have access to, etc.

luxaritas commented 4 years ago

As far as RNA Scoring and Puzzle Solving: This functionality was done serverside (er, you could test it on the page itself by providing a puzzle ID or whatnot, but the intent was for our servers would run/benchmark them against all player puzzles, at least for the puzzle solving type), but this functionality has been defunct for years. Should we keep those scripts around at all? Archived? Hidden? Something else? Maybe one (or more) of @Omei @ElNando888 @rhiju has thoughts.

As far as the other types of scripts - yes, boosters are those used in the game, and etc those evaluated from within the interface (TBH, it might be nice to have additional categories to make it easier to find stuff, but we'd need to figure out what those categories would be). Now, as for the libraries/APIs they have access to, there's actually a few different components:

TBH, the libraries could really bear getting redesigned, but that's a whole project in itself that will require some significant thought and coordination - and I don't really want to go down that route until we can do all the breaking changes to scripts at once, which will include:

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

Is there a reason we can't embed a random puzzle in an <iframe> and use that? I've tried it, but I can't tell if it works because Chrome and Safari are mad at me for accessing the contents of the <iframe> when it's cross-origin (locahost to eternadev). I could then set Lib equal to the maingame element of the <iframe> and allow more functionality for etc scripts. This would also potentially allow boosters to be tested on the script page itself, without having to go to another puzzle page. It would also mean the script library is in one place, in EternaJS. Are there any drawbacks to this approach?

EDIT: I was able to access the maingame element by using <object> instead of <iframe> - we'd probably want to change back to <iframe> for release, but <object> must not have restrictions on cross-origin like <iframe> does, so I can use it to test.

luxaritas commented 4 years ago

In general, I think the option to show the full game with a puzzle of your choice on the script page for testing boosters is great, but I don't think that's the optimal method to provide the libraries. Also - at some point we'll likely move to having EternaJS as a dependency of the new frontend, and building it alongside, but there's a number of things I need to look into about that (both from a technical side and licensing side)

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

So I'll probably want to leave it up for boosters, but figure out an actual solution for etc scripts. I imagine I'll want to download the various folding engines and use them for the folding and structural energy computations. I had been thinking of something similar for functions such as Lib.fold(), with an optional second parameter for the folding engine (the default would be the default folding engine - Vienna at the moment, I believe).

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

I've somehow gotten Vienna to work (I can fold a sequence programmatically), using the instructions from EternaJS. I should be able to do this for the other engines, too. From there, it shouldn't be too hard to write the API.

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

Other folding engines left to implement:

EternaFold and LinearFoldE aren't working because a file is missing - not sure why, as I got it (Eternafold) directly from the software downloads page on

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

Library functions to add:

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

I've got this set up now as a Script object. To run a script, you would use (new Script).evaluate(code, inputs). It returns an object containing the time it took to run, the result of the script, and a string representing the console. I currently have timeout set up as an input on the scripting interface on the new site. The only issue is finding an eval alternative. I believe I've found a way to accomplish this through ~this npm package~ this one. I can use the postMessage to inject the Library, RNA, RNAElement, and RNAException classes as well as the pervasives and other local variables. Once I've finished that, I'll need to clean up the code (add typings, etc) and then I'll publish it as a Github repository that you can fork. From there, I still need to

EDIT: I've used vm2 to allow safe execution and scripts. The script runs in a different context and only has access to the start time, library, and classes. The actual code isn't directly run - it is wrapped in a function (and run), and run through eval to return the result in another function, which contains the pervasives and console. This function is run in the new context and returns the result (of the user code), the console, and the time taken to run the script. This is wrapped in a Promise, which is then resolved with the result of the function from the new context. The outer function, Script.evaluate(code, input), returns this Promise. This should be quite secure.

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

I've uploaded the script evaluation code to a Github repository here. I think I got everything set up correctly (with the emscriptem/cmake and all), but I might have kept or removed a few extra files.

luxaritas commented 4 years ago

Couple big issues here: 1) Code duplication. If we don’t build this as a separate entry point from EternaJS, the folding-related code should be in its own separate repo entirely. I want to do this at some point anyways, but will require some careful thought on it’s APIs and how it should interface with EternaJS as well as any external tools that might use it 2) As much as I applaud the sandboxing, this won’t work as-is without breaking scripts (and without providing alternatives). Namely, it can’t interact with our web API while being authenticated as the user, and it can’t interact with the DOM (in addition to boosters accessing the EternaJS API, some actually add content to the page, such as the mutation/submission booster and the codon constraint - some “etc” scripts also do this, though I’m less concerned about that)

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

I agree with you on code duplication - I already ran into issues with EternaFold and LinearFoldE that would have been resolved with a single source of truth.

With regard to the sandboxing, it might not be necessary at all. Users can only run scripts they write or they willingly copy from another user. And although it's certainly not good if someone accidentally runs a malicious script, it's also their fault. We definitely need to provide some sort of verification before you can copy a script to make this clear. Also, there isn't anything someone could do with the scripting interface that they couldn't already do with the JavaScript console. With this in mind, do you think we need to keep the sandboxing at all? It would be easier to work with eval (especially when passing in variables), and it solves the DOM access problem.

luxaritas commented 4 years ago

That's actually essentially what Guy had previously built out, which I really need to get merged in. I do think it would ultimately be best to properly sandbox, both because it's not always easy to determine if something is malicious or not (and many users aren't familiar with scripting at all), and it's just not something users should have to worry about. The issue is that there's just too many moving parts to get it resolved relatively quickly.

guyguy2001 commented 4 years ago

I've got this set up now as a Script object. To run a script, you would use (new Script).evaluate(code, inputs). It returns an object containing the time it took to run, the result of the script, and a string representing the console...

Would that output string automatically update in asynchronous scripts (e.g setInterval)? Is an event raised to let the page know that it has updated (so it can update the visual console)?

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

@guyguy2001 I hadn't thought about that - I'll need to take a look.

@luxaritas Perhaps sandboxing should be handled by the server, so it would just remove any 'bad' code when a script is updated? It's going to be difficult to allow scripts access to the DOM while sandboxing them (although perhaps there are a few workarounds I haven't thought of yet). If this was handled by the server, it would theoretically be safe to use eval as any potentially harmful code would have been removed. Obviously the biggest issue is finding and removing bad code, which will take some work. What do you think?

luxaritas commented 4 years ago

There's no way to reliably do that - and at any rate, the things that we're trying to block by sandboxing have some legitimate and illegitimate use cases. EG, API access while authenticated, and modifying the DOM. So even if it was viable to detect usage of these features, there's no programatic way to determine if it's malicious or not. It needs to be fully sandboxed - my original plan was actually to put the user code in an iframe. We would then provide APIs to create UI extensions, authenticated API requests, EternaJS API requests, etc. (in the case of using an iframe, it would be communicated via postmessage)

As I mentioned before, this will still create issues of backwards compatibility and requires a fair amount of design consideration, so we probably just need to punt on that for now

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

So just do an eval for now, give a warning message, and get everything working. Then we can focus on getting it working properly.

It would be really nice if we could make some sort of import syntax, so users could use other scripts without having to copy them (and risk them being outdated eventually) or make an API request to get the source code every time they run that piece of code. Probably would be something to bundle with the APIs you mentioned above.

luxaritas commented 4 years ago

There already is something like that - Lib.EternaScriptSource

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

Yes, but it retrieves the source code every time the script is run, rather than getting it once and storing it for future reference. The solution is probably just to modify Lib.EternaScriptSource to cache scripts and check if it already has them stored before getting the code again.

luxaritas commented 4 years ago

I mean, if you use EternaScriptSource once at the beginning of your code, and just use the result of that, it won't cause it to get reevaluated. Regardless though, it uses the legacy frontend code for retrieving scripts, which does cache them :)

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

I've reworked how the console is handled. Now, instead of returning a console string, the evaluate function accepts a callback that is called whenever something is printed to the console. On the website, this would be added to a variable and reactivity would handle the rest. In-game, this would probably go to console.log

Also, technically, all scripts are now asynchronous - they don't run until the library has loaded, which is async. Not sure if this was the same on the legacy site too.

Lastly, I've redone how folding engines are accessed. Instead of having to run the emscriptem/cmake commands to build everything, I just have it set up so the resulting JS files are dragged in. I am aware of the licensing restrictions on the folding engines - the files aren't pushed to Git. The idea is you either have a copy of the EternaJS repository and have already built the engines or you can go over there, follow the instructions, and build the engines - exactly what you would have to do anyway, just in another repository.

luxaritas commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what you're referring to WRT console. In general though, I imagine the functionality should be identical to the current scripting interface?

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

By console, I mean the results of calling pervasives (out, outln, clear, etc).

For the most part, it is exactly the same when tied in with the interface - currently, the results are prepended to a div (for etc scripts; nothing happens for out with boosters). This approach is slightly more flexible - it would be effectively the same except displaying/using the results of the console is handled by whatever would actually display the console. It would allow for out to map to console.log for boosters, which would be nice (especially when converting etc/puzzle solving scripts to boosters). It wouldn't cause any issues with backward compatibility.

AlexHalb commented 4 years ago

With some slight modifications, I've successfully set up script evaluation on the website. Once I get the interface cleaned up, I'll move on to sandboxing the scripts.

luxaritas commented 1 year ago

I'm going to be taking this over in a fresh branch