eternaldensity / Sandcastle-Builder

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jquery-ui discussion. #1409

Open EPSIL0N opened 8 years ago

EPSIL0N commented 8 years ago

The Reddit thread has brought to light that apparently with certain internet security settings an exception will be thrown when trying to load castle.html because the external resource for jquery-ui does not support the https standard for retrieval of it.

It is not a very common issue as far as I know but I am quite attached to the custom layouts I use so if it is solvable within reason I want to make every effort to help those people get that same experience.

I attempted to simply change the reference to https:// but it throws a handful of exceptions that would appear to indicate the page simply doesn't provide the expected credentials and while the https:// for a of SCB then works for me compared to the live one that fails if you try to use https I believe it pretty much only worked for me simply because the http version also worked for me anyways with my settings so my browser just falls back, gives a warning to the console but then keeps going despite the failure to secure.

With that having failed the suggestions I keep coming across are to 'get the client to fix their security being too high' or to just install a copy into the SCB repository and avoid the cross site communication that is upsetting the security but I figured it would be overstepping for me to go directly to the insert files into the repository solution.

My understanding of the licensing is that we can pretty much do anything including have a local copy so long as we don't remove the comment paragraph at the start of the code file that includes the url back to the jquery site, the copyright and the license statement.

I am not certain what it would do to the overall filesize of the repository.

We are using a version from early 2013 but I'm inclined to say just stick with the same version as no point fixing parts that aren't broken.

eternaldensity commented 8 years ago

So doesn't work? Odd.

I assume moment.js is working okay, so how about using the cdn it uses:

Actually we should be using really. It's 60KB which is less than half the size of the non-minified version.

EPSIL0N commented 8 years ago

I will look into those.