eternaldensity / Sandcastle-Builder

xkcd: 1190: Time: The Game
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Notifsilence rework #1427

Closed pickten closed 8 years ago

pickten commented 8 years ago

As explained in #1426. It turns out clas and description were never used, so no issues there. I wound up removing log as well (everything appears in the log, now, which I think is better -- I may add an "extraflags" object if needed/strongly desired for such things).

Testing suggests it works, but I may have missed some notifs to change (if that's the case, it would just be confusing, but not harmful, like typos.

I also fixed a couple typos: In the dragon update notif, there was a +'s' after the notify. Also, another notif had the ,1 within the text, instead of as a second parameter.

eternaldensity commented 8 years ago

Thanks! Yeah I think the notifications were one of those things that I never quite developed all the way and then forgot about, so it had leftover unused bits that needed trimming out.