eternaldensity / Sandcastle-Builder

xkcd: 1190: Time: The Game
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Redundakitty Logicat QoL Improvements #1458

Open eternaldensity opened 8 years ago

eternaldensity commented 8 years ago

I've received some suggestions on how to make the Logicat puzzles in Redundakitties more usable and thus more fun.

  1. Make them last a bit longer.
  2. Prevent them from jumping around on the screen. (I think Redundakitties in general need some improvments to keep them still. The jumping around is pretty frustrating to many players.)
  3. This one would make a good boost: put the Logicat statements in alpabetical order, to make following the logic easier. The boost could be called Alpha Kitty or something like that.
Pikrass commented 8 years ago

As far as I remember, I quite liked the delay. It makes for a nice challenge. I think we should be cautious not to make them too easy, because what's a game without some frustration? :) I also feel Logicats have a really nice progression curve. At first, you can't wrap your head around them. Then you think about it. And eventually, when trained enough, you can solve any logicat in less than 10 seconds.

Agree about the jumping though. As for the alphabetical order, yeah, but I'd make it a pretty cheap boost since I don't think it would help that much.

friscoMad commented 8 years ago

Moon tower also needs some place to display the puzzles, so maybe a boost to move the logicact to a new panel will be great and make it a req for the tower initial boost. I have found time always ok, maybe make it a function on the number of statements but I haven't missed too many if not by missclicking. Alpha Kitty seems ok also.