eternaldensity / Sandcastle-Builder

xkcd: 1190: Time: The Game
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Auto Logicat solver or alternative for in game. #782

Open LucidCrux opened 10 years ago

LucidCrux commented 10 years ago

So, I know this is one of few manual things you really have to do, but a number of things are an issue. First, this seems to be one of the first thing auto-clickers try to do, which supports: Second, some people really hate them or get tired of them quickly. (for example: And third, my niece just got to logicats this last weekend and has a hell of a time with them, basically just guessing (she is not yet in first grade).

All that combined has got me thinking that there should be an alternative to logicats or in game ways to auto-solve them.

To address the difficulty some people have with them, I suggest a boost or boosts unlocked by X amount of incorrect guesses. Some ideas for this are in the linked reddit, another not mentioned is to limit the number of variables to 4 or 3 or something.

The other part, people getting tired of them, goes back to my thinking that everything in this game should be idleable / or at the very least in game automatable. There really isn't any way to idle and get logicat levels and QQs.

subanark commented 10 years ago

I've gotten logicat solving down to a T. I think a solver that visually shows the thought process would be helpful. A button on the bottom of the logicat that says "solve this for me" (which goes quite a bit slower than a human can). As for ideling, I would suggest a boost that simply grants logicat level(s) on DORD (but not rewards). The only logicat rewards that are useful while ideling are one time only, or are crate keys and those you get with keygrinder anyways. Using the "solve this for me" button would let people claim those 1 time rewards.

The stragety I use for solving logicats (which might help in creating a visual solver) is:

  1. Find any case where a statement has 2 components and refers to itself If the statement has "and" it's false. If the statement has "or" it's true. If the statement has "or", and it refers to itself in the negative, then the other part of the statement is true, and I change the truth value of that.
  2. Find a case where a compound statement is referred to by 2 single statements. *If the statement has "and" it's false. If the statement has "or" it's true.
  3. At this point, I find a statement that refers to only statements that have known truth values, and from that determines what the truth value is.

Another thing that can be done is to reduce the penalty for being wrong. -1/2 point for every wrong answer, such that 2 correct and 2 incorrect grants +1 point. Possibly also complement this with not taking away points if you have too many wrong.

Dorus commented 10 years ago

The strategy isn't that important, if you can't figure it out then logic is probably above your level anyway.

I was thinking of a upgrade to Second Chance (althou im not sure if Second Chance is unlockable if you solve logicats with sheer luck), but basicly this upgrade could tell you what answers where correct/incorrect, and lock these into position. It doesn't have to lock all previouse correct answers, but if it locks 1-2 (based on the number of questions correct? Or incorrect?) the logicats would become massively more easily.

subanark commented 10 years ago

I was mainly giving a strategy that could be used by the auto solver to show how the problem can be solved. My hope is that for some people they just don't understand what to do, and showing by example might help.

Dorus commented 10 years ago

A potential reasonable alternative would be a passive way to gain logicat levels. It should be so slow that solving them manual is still going to get you ahead a lot faster, but at the same time make them less important for people who aren't very good at them. (As well as late game grinding need a solution).

subanark commented 10 years ago

How about a boost (when enabled) converts unused logicats on ONG into 1 logicat point? I think making ideling 5 times slower than actively solving them is fair. I would probably make it unaffected by panther rush until you get a boost in the Tool Factory part of the game to avoid it getting too out of control too early (unless you actively play a lot, then its more of a fun addition for those who labor such).

eternaldensity commented 10 years ago

That seems to be in the vicinity of reasonable.

UltimateChaos commented 10 years ago

Just wanted to revisit this as someone who has just reached late game grinding. I like logic puzzles, I like these puzzles, but damn, for anyone not using an autosolver you'll start solving thousands of these things and it will still be a limiting reagent in upgrades. (Less so with Panther Rush at a high enough level, moreso with Dragon Forge, I have many order of blackprints more than logicat levels.)

Some idle/slow way to accrue logicat points would be spectacular.

waveney commented 10 years ago

Some idle/slow way to accrue logicat points would be spectacular.

I see what you are saying and I will try and think of something. (I am at a similar state, though with a very high PR level)

Dorus commented 10 years ago

Please add more things that make abnormal high logicat levels a pain. I like how QQ are hard to unlock with high logicat levels, you could add more like that. For example this sucks cost is based on current vacuums, a gimmick like that could be used on logicats too.

waveney commented 10 years ago

Adding a boost that increases the logicat levels gained by a factor of 3, but give no rewards (QQs)

subanark commented 10 years ago
  1. When is this going to be affordable/attainable?
  2. Is this going to affect number of prizes given?
  3. Will this affect how many caged logicats are used?
  4. Will this affect multi-solve?

My opinion: I don't think that levels gained though multi-solve need a boost. This shouldn't be available before Tool factory.

waveney commented 10 years ago
  1. When you have 1P QQs
  2. No affect on Prizes, but you get no rewards when it is enabled
  3. I don't know
  4. This is only for large Multi-solve puzzles.

It does need a boost to reduce the grind.

BTW the boost is called Tangled Tessaracts

subanark commented 10 years ago

Oh, ok... this is late game helper, not a before multi-solve helper

Dorus commented 10 years ago

This solves the late game grind, not the early game problems people have.

I was thinking along the lines of a boost that's unlocked when a certain number of negative logicats is reached, or a certain amount of logicats is solved incorrect in a row. Actually, when you understand the logic you are more likely to have everything correct, if you fill in random you get half correct, so offten you end up with 0 points. Perhaps a boost that unlock when you get 0 points a few times.

Notice this boost should be unlockable even at PR level 0, as we're assuming people to be unable to solve the cats.

I was thinking of something that solves 1 logicat / NP, possibly only when no logicat has been touched during that time. People that are unable to solve the logic puzzle can still progress, abit slower at least.

Might need some tweaking at later points to make it run faster without making manual logicat solving unrewarding.

waveney commented 10 years ago

Thinking... I understand what you are asking for.

UltimateChaos commented 10 years ago

Fantastic boost added to solve the late game grind, thank you :) Done in such a way that it does't interfere with the rest of the logicat progression.

As for the early game/idle issue, seems like a good idea if enough people are having trouble with them (and it seems like they probably are). Seems like it would be pretty tricky to balance, though.

Dorus commented 10 years ago

I had another idea for the lategame grind: Logicats where better when i could solve one every 5-10 minutes instead of every 30 seconds. Perhaps a boost that either let you supper charge CDSP or something with a similar function as CDSP but more disadvantages.

I was thinking about a upgrade that let you collect multiple packs of logicats and then you solve them all at once. Similar to multisolve but still different. I'm not sure if it should gather them automatic. Basicly you open the logicats instead of feeding them to shadowdragon, but then instead of solving them you wait and buy another caged logicat to unlock, and then you solve both at the same time.

For example, you have a run of 800m logicats, you open these, you then have a run of 400m that you also open, and then you multisolve 1200m logicats.

There should be a additional cost to this, perhaps it's a prize, or it cost mustard to use or something like that.