eternaldensity / Sandcastle-Builder

xkcd: 1190: Time: The Game
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Other timelines #921

Open waveney opened 10 years ago

waveney commented 10 years ago

This is some ideas as to how to do other timelines:

1) If you get to the last to the last NP and have ALL the dscoveries unlock signpost

2) Signpost gives you a set of questions on the OTC - you have to correctly give the frame number for the questions. Pass and you Rift to NP0, fail and you get new questions. Need a good supply hidden in Beanish.

3) NP0 allows you to select a new timeline. Once on a timeline you are stuck within that timeline (for now) until you reach the end of that timeline and answer a new set of questions...

Comment/discuss/enhance/say yuck/alternatives/whatever...

MichealRein commented 10 years ago

I don't think I'd be able to answer questions on story properly. On my skimming through of the comic upon first finding the game I thought Rosetta (pretty sure that's Rosetta) was possessed by some kind of demon and that's why there was zalgo and clouds around her speech.

I'm not familiar with what "other timelines" constitutes but I think you've said other people have 'continued' the story with their own things, so that's fine I guess.

LucidCrux commented 10 years ago

I don't think getting stuck in a time line is a good idea. Mostly it is about choice; at that point in the game such a limit would not add, but detract IMO. Also, what about something like maps that require visiting certain frames? Would that not lock them out of getting maps until they can go back?

I think simply reaching the last frame should be enough to unlock NP0, possibly even a way to unlock it earlier if there is a way to determine that a player is basically stuck doing little but waiting for the last frame since some players seem to progress much faster than others. Getting there early would only matter, though, if there were things to do that can only be done in the other time lines.

The majority of people seem to quite like the puzzle aspect of things like the glass ceilings, so more active stuff like the questions would probably be welcome; however, I don't think sticking it at the end of the timeline is a good place for it. The reason is that it could basically act as a wall, stopping a player from feeling like they are progressing. Sticking a blunt "You have to do this one thing to continue" in a game so wildly variable just doesn't fit the design.

eternaldensity commented 10 years ago

I think once you get the ability to jump to NP 0, you should be able to use it whenever. Though it may cost some Mustard...

Dorus commented 10 years ago

I agree with the others that it would be harsh to put people stuck on the new timeline. However i do think it could and should be expensive to go back, and even more to switch to a different timeline. It wouldn't be bad to sit stuck on a new timeline for like 240 NP, but to sit on it forever when you pick a long one is problematic. (I'm not sure how long alternate timelines are, so i'm making some wild guesses here).

And yes, a puzzle element to get back, perhaps in combination with some waiting element would be really great.

I disagree that alternate timelines should be available before the last NP, as long as they do not unlock crucial aspects of new content, it wouldn't be too hard to add new content that doesn't require alternates, or give boosts on alternates that help but are not crucial to harvesting certain resources.

Ps. i'm not too sure if mustard is the right resource. I dislike things that are easier to get with a autoclicker, and i love how many aspects of the game invalidate autoclicker aspects. It's also nice to see people's life gets made difficult if they have a unnatural high number of logicat levels and that kind of things (for using auto solvers). As long as there is enough content to reach the last NP by the time you run out of new stuf -give you did not cheat- it would be fine.

MichealRein commented 10 years ago

For about a period of two weeks I was planning out how long I could go without the ninja streak breaking.

Also I think they should be unlocked after the end, not for narrative reason, but because it just makes sense that way.

aengus commented 10 years ago

Having to reach the final NP would a harsh requirement for anyone who runs out of other content before then (if alternate time lines is the progression following the vacuum/map stage). I'm around NP 1500 and am basically just levelling up This Sucks, it would suck to have to idle for ~1500 more hours before I have more to do.

eternaldensity commented 10 years ago

Having to reach the final NP would a harsh requirement for anyone who runs out of other content before then

Nah, they'd just be "in case you've run out of images and don't feel like just seeing random cats". They'd also be a source of more discoveries but so are the normal NPs so there's not a qualitative difference. (Well other than having not been drawn by GLR)